He screamed as he fell through air filled with Their laughter. Abby’s red lips parted to receive him, Her vast pink tongue sliding out between Her rows of perfect white teeth. He landed heavily, his hands sinking into the spongy surface. Her saliva enveloped him, coating his body and filling his mouth and nose.
His feet slipped out from under him as he tried to scramble upright. Already Her mouth was closing, the great white slabs shutting out the light. She moved Her tongue, throwing him forwards. He clung to the bucking surface desperately, fighting for breath as saliva washed over his head.
He dragged himself forwards, desperately clawing across Her tongue to chase the dying strip of light. One thought pulsed through his mind, ‘I don’t want to be eaten!’
Abby’s teeth crashed together, Her lips smothering the light. ‘No!’ he cried, ‘please!’ A moan of pleasure shook the world, slamming him flat and bursting his eardrums. For the second time in an hour his ears screeched as the smallest of Their sounds decimated his hearing. The surface of Her tongue boiled beneath him as Her breath filled his prison.
He swallowed more saliva as he pulled himself across Her tongue. Another rumble shivered through Her mouth as Her teeth opened, flooding the pink cavern with blinding light. Beyond Her lips something vast moved.
She moved forwards, Her lips parted. He barely had time to brace himself as the two Goddesses came together, Their titanic tongues and lips dancing across each other.
Sarah grabbed Abby’s hips and drew Her close. Their lips locked together, Her tongue swept over Her lover’s as She searched for the morsel with in Her mouth. Her eyes opened, She had him.
His bones shattered as the massive wall of muscle slammed into him. Hot saliva dragged him from his feet, pulling him through the darkness. Their tongues became his universe, throwing him backwards and forwards. G force tugged at him as he was drawn backwards, flashing briefly into the light as he was liberated from Abby’s mouth before Sarah’s teeth slammed together, trapping him in a new hell.
Sarah laughed, tilting Her head backwards and coiling Her tongue around Her prey. She flicked upwards, grinding him against the roof of Her mouth before crushing him viciously between Her molars. Abby watched as She chewed slowly, pulping Their slave into a tiny tortured lump of flesh and blood. Sarah smiled back at Her; Her eyes filled with desire for the girl who now reclined against the stacked white cushions, Her pert breasts uncovered, Her pink nipples erect and vivid against Her porcelain skin.
Sarah leaned forwards, shredding Her slave across Her teeth with Her powerful tongue before smothering him against Her pouting lips. She smiled as She straddled Abby’s hips, the lace of Her lover’s black panties caressing the inside of Her bare thighs.
Abby bit Her lip as Sarah gyrated softly upon Her, Her back arched as She crept towards Her like a cat, Her fingers hissing as they pushed against the bed sheets. Sarah snatched Their slave from the lake of saliva that pooled between Her lower teeth and bottom lip, rescuing him from drowning and returning him to the tip of Her tongue.
Her lips parted, Her tongue snaking out into the blinding light. The wind tore at him as he desperately clung to Her taste buds. He was being driven downwards, plummeting towards Abby’s exposed stomach that spread out before him like an endless white landscape. The howling wind tore his screams from him as he was slammed into Her soft flesh. Sarah’s tongue impacted around him with the force of a meteor. The crunch of his bones breaking was lost beneath Abby’s moan of pleasure. His world was once again darkness as he was compressed between Sarah’s writhing tongue and Abby’s quivering flesh.
Sarah pressed on, crushing Their slave with Her tongue before dragging him upwards. Abby gripped the sheets as Sarah pulled the tiny man across Her body. He passed beneath Her left breast before being pushed through Her cleavage. Sarah smiled at Her as she drew him across Her right breast, forcing him against Her shivering skin before swirling him round to be crushed into the side of Her nipple.
He gasped for breath as Her tongue released him, leaving him plastered against the mountainous nipple by a smear of saliva. The tan sky above moved, the universe rumbling as Sarah leant in to kiss Her gigantic girlfriend. His body contorted with pain as his bones knitted together. His movement against Her nipple stirred Abby, causing Her to release another gentle moan that split the heavens.
As They filled the universe with Their passion he felt smaller than ever. He cowered against the rock hard monolith of flesh, praying for his ordeal to be over. The ground quaked as Abby bucked, throwing one hand up to grip the back of Sarah’s head while Her other snaked across Her left breast. He watched as two vast fingers, tipped with red, closed about Her nipple and began to turn in a lazy rotation.
Far above him Sarah’s breasts dominated the sky. Already a larger size than those upon which he clung to, they were two vast moons of soft tan flesh barely contained by Her black and grey bra. Even now, despite their monstrous size and the evil of the Goddess they belonged to, he couldn’t help but be aroused.
As he dared to rest a hand against his growing erection the world beneath him flipped. Abby shot out Her hands to clasp Sarah and rolled on top of Her. He fell through the closing space between Them, crashing into the slope of Sarah’s breast before rolling uncontrollably into Her deep cleavage.
He fell in semi darkness, the ambient light of the room smothered beneath Abby’s shadow. Sarah’s skin was hot to the touch, sticky with passionate sweat. She chuckled, shaking his world, as Abby pressed Herself into Her, Their lips slamming together with the force of an atom bomb.
His descent had barely ended before he was smothered by a mountain of rolling flesh. His screams were silenced immediately as the valley he cowered in compressed together, turning him into red paste that became slick with sweat. Abby’s weight compressed him as She bore down on Her lover, Their writhing bodies turning what little air hid between them into an inferno. He reformed in burning darkness, his world spinning as They rolled back and forth. His lungs gasped desperately, sucking in a desperate breath before being ground into a tiny bloodstain smeared across one or both of Their bodies. Their skin colours raced across the sky, pale dawn chasing tan dusk.
He clenched his teeth and clung to a bank of warm flesh. It moved beneath him, the wind howling around him as he squeezed his eyes tighter. The Armageddon of their lust ceased and he found himself gently rising and falling, as though clinging to a bellows, a million miles above the world.
His eyes creaked open. Beneath him a montrous heartbeat thrummed, forcing thousands of litres of blood through arteries he could swim through. The flesh beneath him was the colour of honey. Trembling he looked up to the sky and into the face of his Goddess.
Sarah’s smile flashed brilliant against Her pink lips. Sweat speckled Her skin, sticking Her chocolate coloured curls to Her shoulders and neck. Her dark eyes brimmed with hunger and lust. She looked through the terrified slave that clung to Her breast, instead feasting on the porcelain vision that lay on the bed beneath Her.
He clutched Her skin tighter as he turned to follow Her gaze.
Abby reclined against the sheets. Her arms stretched above Her head, Her fingers entwined. Her blue eyes shone as She bit Her bottom lip in excitement. A sea of blonde hair surrounded Her head, flowing across Her shoulders to swirl around Her pert breasts and hard, pink nipples.
She twisted slightly, a thin veil of sweat causing Her pale skin to shimmer. He watched in awe as She slid Her hands across the sheets, twisting the fabric between Her fingers. Sarah’s heart raced faster, the muffled beating sounding like war drums. They both quivered with excitement. Abby’s eyes gorged on the body of Her lover above. ‘Fuck me,’ She whispered.
Sarah squealed, dislodging Her toy. He cried out in pain and fear as he fell the short distance between Her breast and the lip of Her bra. She was already moving as he landed. Furiously he scrambled towards the light, clawing at fabric and flesh to avoid being smothered between the two. He swung his leg out of the way just in time and hung, panting, to the grey fabric.
The world swung out below him as Sarah continued to lean forwards. Abby lifted Her legs, spreading Her hips wide. Her feet shot through the air, Her toes scrunching as they sailed over Sarah’s shoulders. He shivered as Her shadow passed over him, the memory of all who had died beneath them fought with his own experiences beneath them for supremacy over his terror.
Sarah’s fingers trailed across Her lovers legs, teasing Her as She approached Her already moist panties. Abby let out a small moan of pleasure as Sarah’s thumb caressed Her lips, pushing against the fabric as Her fingertips found the waist band. Her painted nails closed around it and dragged it downwards.
Abby wiggled Her hips, shuffling backwards as Her panties were removed and Her hot, pink sex was revealed. She spread Her hips wider causing the light to dapple across Her wet folds. She closed Her eyes, Her lips parting.
Above him Sarah purred with delight. He clung on desperately as She dove forwards, Her fingers clawing at the bed sheets. Abby squealed with pleasure as Sarah’s tongue found Her folds. The tan sky shook and quivered, Her vast breasts bobbing in their restraints as he hung beneath them. In the distance Abby’s foot slammed into the bed, grinding against the white expanse as though a doomed soul was beneath it.
Her other foot swam through the air, Her toes caressing Sarah’s shoulders. Her skin trembled at their touch, goose bumps racing across the honey coloured flesh.
He closed his eyes as the world raced and span around him. Thoughts of arousal fled from his mind to be replaced by an insane and futile desire to survive. Part of him still hoped They would free him, restore him, let him live. It was a ridiculous notion but one he held on to. It was all he had left.
His heart dropped out of him as Abby spoke, ‘Use him.’
His hand slipped as Sarah moved, laughing with joy as Her fingers came for him. He fell silently through the air, turning gently as the arctic landscape of crumpled sheets rose to meet him.
‘Ah ah little guy,’ Sarah teased as Her hand swept beneath him. He crashed hard into Her palm, bouncing along the warm surface as Her fingers closed about him. He rose in darkness before Her fingers unfolded him and he was bathed in light. Her face filled his world, Her lips parted and wet. He screamed as Her fingers came for hi, plucking him from Her palm with Her thumb and forefinger, smashing his leg and pelvis in the process.
She held him to Her lips, Her breath filling the air and flooding his gasping lungs. Her tongue slithered out to meet him, the hot muscle crushing him against Her fingertips as it drowned him in a mix of Sarah’s saliva and Abby juices.
She smiled wickedly as he thrashed and chocked in the thick layer of spittle that plastered him to Her skin. ‘Time to play,’ She purred as She lowered him towards Abby’s yearning lips.