She walked towards him deliberately, slowly placing one black stocking clad foot in front of the other. Heel to toe.
Her footsteps boomed softly as they connected with the wood panelled floor; each one sending a wave of vibration that shook their tiny slave, increasing his terror and Her lover’s arousal with every step. She swayed Her hips as She walked, feeling their eyes on Her, enraptured by Her beauty.
On the floor Their slave cowered, trembling. His tiny voice barely reached Her ears, ‘Please, Goddess, please,’ he repeated, over and over again, fruitlessly praying to Her. She stood over him now, Her hands returning to Her hips, Her dominating smirk lighting up Her face.
Her feet settled either side of him. He had fallen on to his back and lay there like a pathetic pink bug, waving his arms frantically and begging her for mercy. He was so weak. Each one of Her feet could have crushed an entire crowd of people his size. She lifted her toes, flexing them before settling them back onto the ground with a thud. She smiled at his squeak. She loved how Her slightest movement could fill them with such fear.
He couldn’t run from Her, he couldn’t escape Her, he couldn’t stop Her.
She lifted Her foot.
‘They resist force,’ She began, Her emerald eyes never leaving Her tiny worshipper, ‘If you stamp down on him, chew on him, tear him or squash or crush him in any normal way he’ll spring right back.’
He screamed as Her foot slammed down into him by way of demonstration. She drove Her heel into him, completely obliterating him between the floor and Her flesh. She twisted Her heel, grinding him beneath Her before stepping off of him to reveal the tiny, greasy blood smear he had become. Barely a second had passed before he began to reform. ‘See,’ She gestured to him proudly before breaking a barely rebuilt leg with Her big toe, causing him to wail in agony, ‘Simple stuff.’
‘Maybe for you,’ Sarah quipped, rolling Her eyes. She was stood on tip toes, Her denim shorts riding up as She leaned against the counter, ‘even when you explain it like that I don’t really get it.’
Abby smiled at Her lovingly, ‘Well that’s why you’re lucky to have me. I build them and you break them, now they’ll just last longer when you get rough with them.’ She winked mischievously.
Their slave lay on his side by Abby’s toes, crying out as his ribs snapped back into place while his mind reeled. What did She mean ‘build’? He was a human being! He had a family, a job, a name! Were They so drunk with power that they thought Themselves creators? He choked as his inflating lungs drew in air heated by Her body and laced with Her sweat. What had They done to him?
Sarah gasped and threw Her hands to Her mouth in mock offence, ‘Rough? I’m never rough!’ Hopping from the counter She rushed forwards, the ground shaking as ten miles were covered in two steps, and threw Her arms around Her partner’s slim waist. Her lips found Abby’s neck, then earlobe then lips.
He watched with eyes dulled by pain as the two giantesses kissed above him, Their tiny moans of pleasure rumbling down from the heavens. Sarah shifted Her weight sending vibrations rippling through him. Her heel lifted as She leaned forwards revealing the sole of Her foot to him. He shivered. How many people like him had looked up to see that foot descending upon them, filling the sky before crushing them into nothing? How many others had these Goddesses tortured and tormented for Their amusement before ending their lives with an effortless footstep? He shivered. They were monsters.
‘So,’ Sarah broke away, Her arms still wrapped around Abby’s waist, ‘You gonna show me how to kill these new ones for real?’
Abby nodded and lifted Her foot again. Two pairs of eyes, one pair chocolate and one pair emerald, burned down upon him before the sole of Abby’s foot filled the sky with darkness. He screamed as it was slowly lowered upon him, creeping down inch by inch. Her toes were flared as She pointed the ball of Her foot directly at him.
The boom as She connected with the floor exploded in his ears leaving them ringing in Her shadow. He was helpless as the wall of flesh crawled towards him. Beneath Her he cried out in agony as his feet disappeared into the darkness, the bones reduced to liquid that soaked into the fabric of Her stocking. His hands reached up again, the gesture pointless but instinctive. They clawed at the bottom of Her foot as shards of bone and gouts of blood erupted from his legs.
‘The trick is to avoid the build up of force,’ Abby stated matter-of-factly as the tiny man fluttered against Her, ‘if you squash them slowly the force is dispersed and does not begin the reconstruction meaning they’ll die like normal.’
She settled Her toes on the floor, smothering his faint cries and crushing his ribcage. ‘But if you stop before they are completely destroyed the force won’t have dispersed enough and they’ll snap back to as they were before.’
‘Like a rubber ball!’ Sarah smiled, confirming Her understanding.
Though Their conversation was muffled by Abby’s flesh, Their miniscule slave knew he was going to die. The ball of Abby’s foot continued to plough through his torso while above the fabric Her toes pinned his head and remaining arm against the floor. His fingers fluttered weakly. Heat and pain and the scent of Her foot dominated his world. Any second now his skull would crack and his very being would be reduced to an invisible stain beneath the second toe of an insane young woman. He was ready for the end.
They listened to the pops and cracks of bone together.
‘So when can we get some more like these?’ Sarah asked, Her eyes still on Abby’s foot. She imagined what it must be like to lie there, helpless, looking up as Her beautiful girlfriend filled the heavens. She smiled.
‘Um, yeah. Probably a little while to be honest,’ Abby screwed up her lips, ‘these guys are harder to sort out so we might have to make do with normal Shrinkies for a bit.’ She could just about feel Their slave beneath Her toe, his life force a fragile spark on the edge of death. The slightest twist of Her foot would kill him.
‘Oh,’ Sarah pouted, ‘I was hoping we’d get to play with one of these later. Y’know, upstairs?’ her pout became Her signature sultry smile. She winked at Abby and ran Her fingers up the blonde’s spine.
Abby felt weak at the knees. Sarah always knew how to get to Her. There was nothing She could deny the playful brunette. She lifted Her toes and placed a hand upon Hers lover’s chest, caressing the already hard nipple through the fabric of Sarah’s top.
‘He’s still alive,’ She whispered.
Sarah squealed with joy, ‘Amazing!’