He groaned. His eyes fluttered open before widening in horror as he saw his flattened and broken arm re-inflating before him. He screamed his protests as his body followed suit, knitting and mending in a series of painful pops and clicks. The agony of his regeneration kept him pinned to the floor, twitching and frothing from the lips as his reluctant eyes drank in the scene before him.
The black clad foot, once so easily dismissed, now dominated the landscape. The Goddess flexed Her toes, exposing Her slender arch as they rose into the air before settling back to earth with a low and ominous boom that sent ripples of vibration pulsing through his churning stomach.
The Goddesses spoke above him, Their jubilant voices bright with excitement. Reluctantly his eyes began to track upwards, following the slim ankle up to where it joined the smooth curve of Her calf. His collarbone creaked as he pushed himself onto his side, to better view the Goddess that stood over him. He groaned as his wrist clicked painfully. He slid his elbow out from under him and rested on it, trying his best to ignore the flourishes of pain that crawled like spiders across his skin. He lifted weary eyes to the heavens and screamed.
Her other foot scythed towards him, Her pointed toes skimming just a fraction of an inch above the ground. Far above Her tartan skirt hissed against the top of Her black stocking as Her knee gently lifted. Red tipped fingers clutched her waist, matching the ruby hues of Her smirking lips.
Her emerald eyes flashed with delight as the tip of Her big toe ploughed into his tiny body, feeling only the slightest resistance, little more weight than that of a feather, as She shattered his ribs and sent him flying across the wooden floor of the den.
Pain burned his chest as he sailed through the air before landing painfully in a twisted tangle of broken limbs. The sound of laughter fell upon him like rain. His mind was filled with white hot flashes of agony yet already his ribs had begun clicking into place. He fought to stop his body convulsing as he rose to his hands and knees, desperate to relieve the pressure on his crooked chest while sucking in torn lungfuls of cool air. It took him less than a second to realise he was kneeling in shadow.
His mind reacted automatically, loosing a scream of terror and throwing him onto his back, arms raised. It was a pointless gesture.
Above him the second Goddess’ foot dominated the sky like bank of sunlit clouds. Her knee high socks were a deep pink and pulled tight to reveal each curve and contour of Her unstoppable sole. The fabric between Her toes had been stained a deep fuchsia by the sweat from a long day trapped in the confines of Her boot and now moved and stretched as She tantalisingly scrunched the massive digits.
Far above Her beautiful face beamed down at him from amid the shafts of sunlight that trickled through some distant blinds. Chocolate brown eyes framed by curls of chestnut coloured hair stared at his helpless form with a twisted desire. ‘No!’ he choked his voice hoarse, ‘no, please, Goddess, no!’ Her mouth reclined into a sultry smile, revealing rows of pristine white teeth, as She watched the tiny man cower in the shadow of Her foot.
‘Buh bye little guy,’ She smirked before slamming Her full weight down upon him.