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Author's Chapter Notes:

I know it took a while but here is the next chapter. I would like to thank everybody for their comments and support of this story, this is my first story that has gone more than four chapters and I really like how it came out, but I am glad to say that the next chapter will be the final chapter of this story and I hope to bring it out fast.


The tiny specs cocked their heads back as far as their bodies allowed, in an attempt to get a full view of the gigantic girl standing before their puny frames. As hard as they tried they would only be able to see up to her ankles at best. Those closer to her were not even able to see past her finely painted toe nails. What they were seeing was beyond recognition, they could not make out what Emi completely looked like, but they knew for sure that before them stood the biggest and most dangerous pair of feet that they had ever seen.

Emi looked down at the floor and was intrigued at how the land beneath her began to change and become even softer and mushier with each passing second, she was not aware that she was indescribably large and weighed enough to sink hundreds of feet if not thousands of feet into the earth.

"The patches actually do feel pretty good beneath my feet. First the patches felt all rough and prickly and now it almost feels like I am standing in mud or some type of loose dirt... Can it be that I am crushing the patches?"

"The patches are pretty weak, I remember that the green patch I ate was breaking apart between my finger tips. I guess everything around us is pretty frail."

"Frail, so these patches are weak? I wonder if they are all like that?" Emi said while slowly lifting her right foot from the ground.

The microns below looked up in sheer terror at the sight of Emi's gigantic foot, raising from deep within the earth's crust. Emi could feel layers of dirt all around the base of her soft foot. To loosen the dirt off of her foot, she bobbed her foot back and forth while at the same time wiggling her toes. The microns watched as layers of clay, that was once towns and a city, crack and break apart from her sole and plummet into foot print shaped crater below. Buildings, city streets and mangled bodies sprinkled off of her toes. The debris and bodies were flung thousands of feet, throughout the surrounding patches of land. The contents of her foot crashed onto the patches as if they were meteorites hurled from space and plummet into the earth.

The people ran as the streets were being bombarded by bodies, land and buildings. Yet the flee for survival was for naught, if they weren't killed by the raining bodies and buildings, they would surely be crushed under Emi's right foot which was stretching over a few patches below her.

The microns could see as the night sky was becoming unnaturally darker, due to the immeasurable shadow being cast by Emi's titanic foot.  Emi arched her foot pointing her toes down toward the puny land masses below her. The city lights illuminated Emi's toes enough to reveal her beautiful toe nails, painted a well done and universally recognizable French tip, substituting the tan color for a bright pink that complimented the tone of her light skin. Of course most were not concerned with how good her nails looked, but there were some men who could appreciate how beautiful the foot actually was, yet most of these men were not aware the foot belonged to a young girl who just at the age of 13.

"I wonder if I really saw bugs in the patches? If they were bugs, then they were really small. If they exist I wonder how they feel about seeing my foot, are they scared of maybe they like it."

"Like it?"

"Yeah I was told my mom had model like feet and guys like models right? So I guess that means guys would like the feet of a foot model, which must mean there are people who like feet for some reason. I don't really get it, but grownups are strange."

"You are right about that Emi, adults are weird." Sissy said remembering how she was using her young niece to turn her on and get her off.

Emi wiggled her slender toes above the fragile cities below her. Her wiggling toes were twisting the air around them, which is something that usually happens when a person wiggles their toes, but at Emi's height, it wouldn't be an insignificant displacement of wind, but a full blown storm.

The blustering winds, ripped through the tiny patches. Microns were cast away into a storm of Emi's ripe foot odor and hurled into buildings and other man made constructs, where they splattered and broke into mutilated messes decorating the city in red. Emi could see as the patch below her wiggling toes was changing color, she had no idea that she was generating a storm that was destroying the land below her and leaving nothing more than debris and loose soil.

"That's weird! The patch was grey, now it's starting to look brown."

Emi had no understanding of what she was doing. Emi had no idea that her simple actions was killing thousands and without an understanding of her situation more would die by her unknowing hand - or foot in this case. 

Emi lowered her foot toward the patches in their path. The microns ran as they saw the gigantic gleaming toe nails descending upon them. Emi Gently planted her toes into the land, exterminating the lives of thousands. Her gigantic digits effortlessly dug into the earth, creating toe shaped craters that are hundreds of feet deep and thousands of feet in diameter. The tips of her toes crushed everything below them. People were smashed in an instant as the pressure of her smooth toes exploded them into smears that she would not even notice splotched on her flesh. Structures were compressed into dirt and the land beneath her was began the shatter, due to the weight of her toes digging into the earth's crust. Turmoil spread through the streets when people saw the land surrounding them rising and crumbling around them, like an over exaggerated disaster in a movie.

Her toes continued to bore through the earth until the ball of her foot contacted the ground, flattening even more lives and manmade constructs into the crust of the earth. It wasn't long until the sole of her foot began to lower. To the people below her sole, there was nothing more than darkness spreading, as her foot covered any form of illumination the moon and stars provided. Her sole slowly landed on a number of patches sinking everything below it into a large crater. The people could only hope for the best when they saw the sole falling on to the city. They witnessed buildings buckling and collapsing the moment a part of her sole touched them, they could feel dense air pressure caused by her incoming sole blast through the city, flattening and crushing many. Once Emi's sole came down, her toes rose from beneath the earth they were sunk into. Cities crumbled onto her toes. Emi feeling the tickling sensation of the cities on her, she decided to wiggle her toes to shake the dirt off her toes.

"Ewww! Have to get this dirt of my toes."

The cities began to slide off and between her toes, Emi had no idea that the dirt were cities, full of human life that wanted nothing more than for the nightmare caused by the giantess to end. Emi, wanting to experience more interesting feelings caused by the patches below her, began to grind her foot into the earth, she hoped that this would give her a better experience.

"I was right these patches feel pretty nice under my feet."

"So they do feel good? I guess I will give it a shot, I want to see how these things feel under my feet."

Sissy rose to her feet standing taller than Emi, which made the microns gasp to see how much larger she was than Emi. Sissy took a step toward a city, the citizens were in a frenzy when they saw the giant red head coming towards them. Sissy did not want to waste time, instead of slowly lowering her foot and savoring the feeling, she decided to go with a quick stomp. The foot was coming down so fast that the tinies had no time to think, some even died instantly from the shock of seeing the giant sole falling to the earth. In an instant everybody and everything under her was pulverized beneath the woman's foot.

"I didn't feel much, maybe I have to go slowly, or take another approach?"

Sissy slid her foot slowly across the patches, the populace where helpless as the arch of her foot and her big toe bulldozed through the cities unfortunate enough to be in her path.

"That feels pretty good, I want more."

Sissy arched her foot digging her toes onto the lit patches below her. She moaned in pleasure as she felt buildings crumble beneath he sensitive toes. She slowly curled her toes as she felt the buildings below her turning to sand and adhering to her sweaty toes. There were people who survived in the space between her toes and the ball of her foot, where they were spared from being crushed by her sexy toes, but were now trapped in a boiling sauna caused by her ripe, sweaty toes.

The heat was intense and beads of sweat were like concentrated city sized orbs of liquid, flooding the streets. The salty perspiration that rolled off the foot of the larger than like woman, was like a tsunami eating up everything in the torrent. The microns were suffocating and boiling to death, while trapped by the large sweaty, smelly foot. Sissy curled her toes, the untouched part of the cities that rested between her toes and the ball of her foot, were being up heaved and compacted, by her curling digits.

The combination of soil and torrents of sweat turned the land between her toes into mud. The sensation of gritty and muddy land gushing from between her toes was euphoric to Sissy, who had extremely sensitive feet, that would sometimes lead her to experiencing sexual pleasure through them.

The tiny world beneath the gigantic girls is in complete terror and ignorance of everything that was happening to them, but there were two men who were not ignorant of the situation, one of which was Johan, who was just waking up from being grown back to his normal size.

Johan was in a daze, but even he could see that things were wrong. He could also feel the ground beneath him rumbling as if he were in an earthquake and he could hear the earth shattering booms caused by every action of his gigantic family members.  He was gaining his composure and was surprised to not only see that he was outside of Greg's home which was destroyed behind him, but that the world around him looked like a war zone.

"This can't be, did the girls do this?"

"That's right baby brother, also you should be thanking me for getting you out my house before it collapsed."

Johan was asking his question to himself not expecting Greg to be around, but what surprised him more was Greg's demeanor. He looked as if he was engrossed in what was happening, but was not scared a bit, he almost looked at the ruined cities and ended lives as if he was proud to see what his experiment had produced. Johan then looked in the distance and was stunned, he could only stare in awe of the gigantic Emi and Sissy in the distance, he could hardly see past their toes, but could tell them apart by their pedicures.

"Greg, this needs to stop. the Root Society is gone and you've seen the growth part of your size changing experiment work... Greg you can stop now."

"Look at them, they can survive at their current size, that in itself is a great accomplishment. They can move as nimble as they were in normal height and can sustain the ability to survive with little to no oxygen to carry out the functions to survive."

 Greg was tooting his own horn, but he was correct. What he had done was truly genius and even Johan knew it.

"Please, stop this. I bet they are scared and -."

"They don't even know what they are doing, they are huge and unaware that they are goddesses of destruction."

"Then let's stop this before they realize what is happening, no even before the government finds out. I know communication is dead and satellites cant show what's taking place, but that will not last forever. Please stop this before they get hurt."

"Johan, I had created what I wanted to and became bored, so bored that I feel that I can die and feel accomplished moments before death, but how many other people can say that? This country is full of losers like yourself, who deserve to die instead of trying. I am a successful genius and you are all crap, who deserves to be wiped out. You will all never succeed in life, be glad you get to die at the same time as someone as great as me."

Johan could hear the screams of terror all around him, but the words from Greg's mouth was far worse than what he had been hearing. Johan's blood was boiling, he was angry for Emi, for Sissy, for the people dying around him and for the insults Greg had thrown at him.

"Greg... How about I kill you then? How about you die to looser like me. You see Greg YOUARE A PIECE OF CRAP! I am going to beat you down and stop all of this."

Greg snickered and was struck with an interesting proposition. Greg had recalled a game he used to play with Johan when they were teenagers and thought that playing it would be interesting.

"If you want to stop me I will give you the chance if you can beat me in the clean hit game, you remember that game right? All you have to do is lay a clean hit on me and I have to stop you by all means, how about it?"

"Fine! If I win you will stop all of this madness, but don't think you will win. You may be a genius, but you are a hermit who hardly leaves his home. i may not be fit or by any means a fighter, but even i can lay a clean hit on you."

"Fine come at me, but you have a time limit. I bet it would only be a few moments before Emi or Sissy crush us like insignificant bugs. So come at me whenever you are ready."

Mean while Emi was losing interest in the patches and wanted to know where she and Sissy were at. Emi took another step, crushing structures and exploding bodies beneath her.

"Aunt Sissy I am scared, please let's find a way back home. I miss Johan and daddy." Emi pleaded to her aunt while tearing up in fear of her situation.

Sissy was drunk, but even in her state she knew she had to be a pillar of support for Emi.

"Okay, let's take a look around and find out where we are."

Sissy and Emi were now going to walk around in an attempt to discover where they had been taken to, but this also mean that far more people will be crushed by the unaware giantess. 


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