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I awoke peacefully on a Saturday morning, appreciating the soft sheets that surrounded my body. Jesse still lay in bed, motionless. His heavy breathing was almost amusing to hear. I decided to relax, something I hadn’t done in God knows how long. I’ve never had the opportunity to feel wholly safe until now. Last night was the best sleep I have had in my entire life.

I rolled over to my side, clutching the blankets tight. Thinking about nothing but Jesse, I wondered how long he would let me stay. I’m technically a guest in his house, right? When was too long?

I couldn’t help but giggle as a loud snore came from the large boy. He stirred as his weary eyes rolled open. It took him a moment to even remember my existence.

“Hey - uh, how’d you sleep?” he moaned, slowly rising.

“I can see you’re a morning person. I slept great, actually.” I smiled, knowing he’d appreciate my comfortable remark.

Jesse drearily rose into a sitting position. He reached over, then shied back. “Do you mind if I bring you over here? It might be easier for us to talk…” I got the feeling that everything was quite fine in our current positions. For reasons unknown to me, I nodded and allowed his soft hands to gently cup me onto his lap.

“What do you want for breakfast? My mom doesn’t usually cook anything, so that leaves me to be the master chef,” he winked, smiling down at my mini body.

I relaxed against his chest and thigh, “A Cheerio or something would work. You don’t have to do anything fancy.” I was relieved when he nodded.

“Jesse, do you have a lot of friends?” I wondered randomly.

“Just a few close ones. Why?”

“I was curious…” I wondered if I could meet more people like Jesse. “Do you think I could meet them? Or...one of them?”

“Koty…” he began, I cut him off.

“Please! Jesse, I want to be like you; normal. I have always longed for friends…”

“Okay, okay. I’ll invite two over…”

“Today?” I bursted, giddy.

“If you want.” He reached over to grab his cell phone and presumed to make calls.

“Hey, Andy, how are you doing? ...Yeah. Wanna come over this afternoon? Jake might be here too. Okay, perfect. See you then man.”

“Andy has been a friend of mine for a few years, so I trust him. Jake on the other hand… Are you sure you want two friends over?”

“I guess one will do. I’m really excited!”

“Good,” Jesse stated nervously.


After breakfast, Jesse took me for a walk. By the time we got back, Andy was already there. He was sitting on the gray porch, talking to Sammy.

“Yeah? What’s it like in fourth grade?” He egged her on.

“You already know! Duh!” She giggled.

At the sight of Jesse, Andy grinned and went over to high five him. “What’s up, brother?’

“Nothing much. Hey, let’s get inside.” We practically flew up the steps. I didn’t know if having friends over made Jesse athletic, but it sure as hell whipped my hair backwards, even in his coat pocket.

I heard the door of his room shut, and prepared myself for what was next. What if I could be normal again like I once was?

“Alright, so, I invited you over for a certain reason,” Jesse stated seriously.

“There is always a reason, you jerk. What is it this time?” he joked.

“Don’t freak out. Please.”

“It can’t be that bad, dude,” Andy replied, nonchalant.

“Well…” he reached into his pocket, Andy’s eyes traveling with interest. I felt huge fingers pull me up by my clothes a bit rough, and gently landed on Jesse’s palm. I eagerly pushed the black strands from my face and took in the amplified one gasping in front of me.

Andy had a round nose with almond shaped eyes. His lips were not too lush, but not very thin either. His skin was tanned and his muscles were obviously toned. Just like Jesse, his eyes were bright with youth.

“What the hell? Jesse? What the fuck are you pulling now?” he stepped back, clearly dumbfounded.

“Shh, and don’t yell. Her name is Dakota. Dakota, this is Andy.” I held out my hand, queasy with curiosity at the giant.

I smiled and met his eyes. “Nice to meet you.”

He shakily put forth his hand, then retracted. “Uh...how does this work?”

“There’s a lot to explain,” Jesse acknowledged. “Let’s sit.” Andy sat, believe it or not, closer to me. He looked intrigued, almost as much as I was of him.

“Are you guys a thing?” This was his first question. We both blushed and I shook my head.

“He’s my first friend. And I’m hoping you can be my second. Jesse said there were a lot of people he couldn’t trust in this situation, but you are one of the few he can. I really would like to be your friend.”

“Uhh…” he stammered, “okay…”

“Please be cool about this,” Jesse repeated. He grabbed Andy’s arm, and pulled it over towards him. He flattened out Andy’s palm and slowly transferred me onto it.

I was scared, being left into a strangers fate yet again. The feeling of paranoia and helplessness surrounded me. I felt the shakiness of Andy’s palm and lay my hands on his lower thumb, “It’s all right.”

I watched Jesse’s eyes narrow in concern and protection. I knew I was safe with Jesse around, however, flinched when I heard Sam crying. The powerful sound waves knocked me over and I covered my ears. Jesse, instantly standing, bolted out to his sister. Before he left the room, he called back, “This is serious! Don’t pull anything, Andy!”

“Wow,” he stated, “you are that sensitive?”

I turned around and wedged myself into a sturdy position before responding. “Yeah, it can really knock me out sometimes.”

“Are you, uh...afraid?” He looked cute and innocent holding me. I appreciated his sensibility and smiled cutely.


“Oh,” he coughed, “sorry...I’ve never really been in this situation before.” Sammy’s cries were still ringing, however, they began to simmer. I could hear Jesse's soothing voice lower the temper of the child.

“I wouldn’t have expected you to, Andy. Relax.”

Andy gave me a strange look, “How did Jesse find you? He’s not keeping you hostage or anything like that, is he? I’ll kick his ass if you want me to.”

“No! No, no, absolutely not! He’s done nothing but feed and protect me, but thank you for being cautious and worried. I appreciate it,” I squeezed his thumb, He gingerly laughed and as Sammy’s voice began to finally screech to a halt.

Jesse stormed back in the room. “She’s okay?” he immediately asked, obviously untrusting.

“Of course, Jesse-”

“He’s really nice, Jesse,” I winked to Andy, who winked back.

“That’s relieving. At least someone’s having a good day; Sam just got the biggest paper cut I’ve ever seen.”

“Is she okay?!” I gasped.

“Pfft, she’s fine.” Jesse nearly jogged over to his friend and ushered him into handing me over.

I felt nothing for a split second as I dropped onto the warm skin of Jesse’s palm. Andy looked to be relieved.

Though, I felt trapped. It was as if I had no room to move, no ground to hold. I was stiff.

However, I wanted to spend more time with Andy. He seemed respectable and kind. I tapped Jesse and motioned for him to move me onto solid ground.

“Why? Won’t that be dangerous?”

“I want to move a little. You guys carry on,” I smiled as Jesse lowered me onto the ground, his friend watching in curiousity.

Immediately, when my small feet brushed against the wood floor, I began racing. I didn’t care where: it just felt good to run.

“She’s...kind of a strange one, huh?” Andy grinned, shrugging off my behavior. “She’s cute,” he whispered to Jesse, “you going on the prowl, man?”

Forgetting that I had super sensitive hearing, they continued on with their conversation.

“We’ll see what happens. And she’s not cute,” he snapped, making me twitch in annoyance, “she is beautiful.”

“Look at yourself. You totally have feelings. How the hell could you work a relationship?”

“I said we’ll see what happens! And...be creative? I don’t know! This is humiliating, you know.” Jesse’s face was completely red. What they didn’t know was that mine was too. I hadn’t really considered a relationship...but now that I’m thinking about it…

“We’ll see,” I mumbled.


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