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The hypersonic transport jet carried Dirk Devon and Jake Joplin back to California along with Professor Sutton, the scientist they had rescued from an evil college girl named Vanessa Krueger in Berlin, Germany. The transport jet could reach anywhere in the world within an hour, but Dirk and Jake still had time to carry on a conversation with the professor.

“Professor,” Jake asked, “what theories did you recover in Germany?”

“Yeah,” Dirk added, “did you come up on anything useful?”

“I was able to hack into a computer grid used by European scientists,” said Professor Sutton, “and I was able to get a partial download of the theory behind the dimensional braning technology that makes miniaturization possible.”

“A partial download?” Jake asked. “Is that going to do us any good?”

“It will if my counterpart in London was able to use the hacking program I e-mailed to him. He is a mathematician, and without the equations he was supposed to download, the theories I acquired would be rendered useless!”

“I think our next mission is in London,” said Dirk. “Maybe that's the next guy we're supposed to rescue!”

“It looks like we need to succeed on our next mission,” Jake told Dirk. “The stakes are even higher this time!”

“Yeah, I agree!” said Dirk. “I would hate to think you risked your life to rescue Professor Sutton for it all to be in vain!”

“I would hate to think I had failed my mission!” said Professor Sutton. “You boys risked your lives to rescue me, so I hope Professor Dunham succeeded on his mission in London!”

“You're not a failure, professor!” said Dirk. “Even if Professor Dunham succeeded, the equations he recovered would be useless without the theories you recovered on your mission!”

Not too much later, the hypersonic jet landed at the Marine Corps. base in California. The men were met by General Barger.

“You boys did an excellent job! I'm taking the professor for his debriefing, why don't the two of you enjoy a cup of coffee or a meal until it's time for your next mission. You'll fly to London in about an hour!”

“Yes sir!” said Dirk and Jake in unison.

“I've got to take a leak,” said Jake. I'll see you in the NCO club in a few minutes.”

Dirk walked into the NCO club to order a burger. When Jake came out of the bathroom, he saw a strange sight. A normal-sized woman, obviously from somewhere in Europe. It wasn't clear how she had gotten to the United States, possibly she parachuted, or maybe she arrived by boat or plane. She was dressed in combat boots, fishnet stockings, a leather miniskirt, and a flak jacket. She had blonde hair, and she was still far enough away that the sirens hadn't started to go off yet. Jake ran to the NCO club to get Dirk.

“Dirk! There's a giantess from Europe stalking the base!”

Dirk jumped up and the two of them ran to the front door just as the sirens started going off.

“She's huge!” said Dirk.

Men on the base were running to get into battle positions to fight the giantess. The giantess was silent as she got closer with each step, but as she stepped over the fence of the base, she spoke.

“You tiny worms can't do anything to stop me! If you just surrender to me right now, I'll take some of you back to Europe with me to be my tiny pets!”

She stomped on a shed with her combat boots, and started laughing maniacally. She held a burlap bag with a strap across her shoulder, obviously to collect captives with.

“We've got to get to the laser array!” said Jake. “Maybe we can stun her and scare her off before she collects anyone!”

Dirk and Jake ran across the base to the area where the weapons were located. A huge laser cannon on wheels was located in a huge hangar. Dirk and Jake climbed on board. Jake piloted the laser array, and it wheeled itself out of the hangar until it was in position to take aim at the giantess.

“I put it on stun!” said Dirk. “Fire at will!”

Jake grabbed the microphone located on the control console and said, “Attention! If you don't cease and desist and leave the area immediately, I will be forced to stun you! It is well within the parameters of the Geneva Convention for us to use this kind of force on you if you attack us! Now I'm sure you don't want to create an international incident, so I'm asking you to leave right now!”

The giantess tilted her head back with her hands on her hips, and started laughing. Her flak jacket parted to reveal a belt that Dirk immediately recognized.

“She's wearing a force-field belt!” said Dirk

“Your weapons are useless against me, you tiny worms!” shouted the giantess.

“This is like a nightmare!” said Dirk. “There's only one way to stop her! One of us has to climb up her leg and reach her force-field belt and de-activate it manually!”

“I'll do it!” said Jake as he climbed down from the laser array. When you see her belt fall to the ground, hit her with the maximum level set to stun that this laser array has got!”

Jake leaped down to the ground and made his way toward the giantess. She was still stepping on structures, while armed Marines shot at her in vain with energy weapons that were easily deflected by her force-field belt.

Just as her foot came down on another structure, Jake climbed onto her black leather combat boot and made his way up her ankle toward her fishnet stocking. Once he cleared her boot, he used her fishnets as ropes to climb astride her calf. She seemed unaware of him as he passed over her kneecap. He quickly ascended her thigh, and once he reached her miniskirt, he climbed inside and climbed up her waist. The force-field belt was at this elevation; Jake climbed out of her skirt and tried to unfasten the latch of the belt, but to no avail. He pulled out his sidearm and tried to fry the control panel of the belt instead. After aiming and firing for several seconds, he apparently reached some sensitive microcircuitry, because the belt failed to work, and the Marines at her feet firing at her succeeded in bringing her down. Jake braced himself for impact as the giantess fell to the ground.

In less than a minute, Jake was back at the laser array with Dirk. The giantess woke up, and Jake grabbed the microphone.

“Your force-field belt has been rendered useless! If you don't leave the area immediately and return to your country of origin, I will be forced to stun you!”

The giantess stood up slowly, then ran from the base. Dirk and Jake saw a one-man jet take off into the sky.

General Barger approached Dirk and Jake. "You did a good job, let me prep you for your next mission."

"We're going on our next mission already?" said Jake. "We just got back!"

"We're on a tight schedule," said General Barger. "There is a mathematician in London being held by a pub owner named Karleigh Blake. If we don't move right now, he might get killed! The hypersonic jet is being refueled as we speak!"

Jake, Dirk, and the general approached the jet. General Barger handed the men some paperwork. "Here is a file with photos of Irving Dunham, the mathematician. He discovered some mathematical formulas that are crucial in our understanding of the re-enlargement process. Without these formulas, everything we know so far would be useless!"

Jake took the paperwork. "Can we grab a bite to eat first?"

"You can eat on the jet!" said the general. "It's equipped with a robot chef that can provide you with just about anything you would want!"

"Can you tell us more about Karleigh Blake?" Dirk asked.

"She recently turned 22 years old, and she inherited a pub from her parents when they died in a hovercar accident two months ago. She lives in a flat above the pub. Dunham is being held in that flat, but we think she's going to bring him down into the pub tonight to torture him and consume him. That's been the pattern!"

Dirk and Jake boarded the jet and took off into the night. They ate dinner onboard thanks to the robotic chef, and within an hour, they were over London, too low for radar to pick them up.

"According to this map, the pub is right below us!" said Jake. "We could land in that alley adjacent to the pub!"

The transport jet touched down behind a dumpster, out of sight of the giant Europeans who might be walking nearby. Jake unstrapped his safety harness and began to exit the craft.

"I'm going in through a ventilation duct! Stay here in case I need your help!" Before Dirk could protest, Jake was on his way out the door.

Jake had his rocketpack, and activated it. He flew up to the ventilation duct, and landed inside of it. He shut off his rocketpack and walked through the ventilation duct until he had a view of inside the pub.

Jake broke out his binoculars and scanned the interior of the pub, until he spotted Professor Dunham. The professor was standing with a group of other shrunken people, about five of them.

Karleigh Blake was standing nearby, with a group of her girlfriends. She had dark hair and blue eyes, and she was dressed in an ultra-short miniskirt, a tee-shirt, and boots that ended at the ankles. Her girlfriends were also dressed provocatively. She grabbed some shrunken captives at random, and taped them to a dartboard. Each captive was about one centimeter tall from Karleigh's perspective. Karleigh picked up a dart and took aim at the helpless captives. Her dart missed, but then one of the other women took a dart and took aim, and the dart ripped through the chest of one of the captives.

Jake grabbed his walkie-talkie and communicated with Dirk. "Dirk, come in! This is Jake! She's got the professor, and she has some captives taped to a dartboard! I'm going to have to make a move!"

Another of Karleigh's girlfriends took aim and hit another captive. Just then, Karleigh grabbed the injured captives and put them in a blender.

"Who wants a smoothie?" Karleigh asked. Her finger activated the blender, and the captive was ground to a pulp in mere seconds. Karleigh's friends laughed at this.

Karleigh grabbed an ice cube tray and said, "We can't have a drink without some ice cubes!"

She grabbed the professor along with the remaining captives and stuck each of them in the ice cube tray. Each prisoner was in his own section of the tray. Karleigh dumped water into the tray from a pitcher, then slid a transparent lid over the ice cube tray and stuck it in a flash freezer. She pushed a button on the control console of the freezer, and within moments, the water within the ice cube tray was frozen solid, with the captives trapped inside the ice cubes. There was one captive contained within each cube.

Jake picked up his two-way radio and said, "She froze the professor in a flash freezer, I'm going in!"

Just as Jake activated his rocket pack, Karleigh removed the ice cubes and dropped them into glasses for her friends. Jake kept his eye on the professor as his ice cube was dropped into Karleigh's glass. Jake whipped out his laser gun and began working on melting the ice cube that contained Professor Dunham. The water turns luke-warm as the ice cube melts, and soon, the professor is free.

Jake jumped into the glass and cradled Professor Dunham, giving him mouth to mouth resuscitate him. The professor, who had only been partially frozen for less than a minute, regained consciousness, but was groggy and his words were unintelligable. Jake was unaware of the giantess looking him over.

"Well, well, well!" said Karleigh Blake. "What do we have here? I never authorized a rescue attempt, and since this is my pub, my word is law!" With this, Karleigh slammed her fist down on the bar. An evil smile spread across her beautiful face, and she said, "How would you two like to go on a one-way tour of my digestive system?"

Before Jake can activate his rocket-pack, Karleigh lifts the glass containing Jake and Professor Dunham, and slammed it back, swallowing the contents. Jake and the professor tumbled down Karleigh's gullet and slammed down in the depths of her belly, and even if the rocket-pack was operating under full-power, they couldn't have escaped from their tomb.

By this time, Dirk had made his move and he was already inside the same ventilation duct that Jake had crawled into. Dirk had an unusual weapon with him, it was a neurostimulator rifle that he aimed at Karleigh's head. He pulled the trigger and an invisible beam targeted an area of her brain that stimulated the vomiting mechanism. Karleigh's whole life revolved around running a pub and being able to drink anyone and everyone under the table, so there was no chance that she would ever vomit of her own accord.

"I-I need to step outside!" said Karleigh, and she opened the side door to the alley where Jake and Dirk's transport jet was parked, and she puked her guts out. Jake and Professor Dunham were deposited on the concrete and forgotten by Karleigh, who went back inside.

Jake flew out of the ventilation duct and met Jake and the professor.

"Let's get Professor Dunham back to California!" said Dirk to Jake.

Once the three men were strapped inside, the transport jet took off into the sky. Once the jet landed back at the Marine base in California, a medical team arrived and took the professor to a cryogenics lab. Dirk and Jake waited for the results.

General Barger arrived and congratulated Dirk and Jake.

"You boys did a great job, but unfortunately, Professor Dunham has extensive brain damage from being flash-frozen in Karleigh's pub. Jake, if you hadn't acted quickly and risked your own safety, the professor might not have made it at all."

"Will we get any useful information out of him?" Jake asked.

"That remains to be seen," said General Barger.

"How many more missions will we need to go on before we have the technology to re-enlarge ourselves?" Dirk asked.

"That's classified," said the general. "If you boys got captured and someone used a mind control device to sift through your brain, we can't let them find out how close or how far we are from recovering the data that will allow us all to be restored to normal size! In about a week, the two of you will be going on a mission to India!"

"We'll be ready!" said Jake.


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