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Author's Chapter Notes:

I honestly don't know what the fuck I have been writing about during these 6 chapters.

Santa puts his bowl back down on the table and studies the body. He feels the little boys pulse that has calmed a lot more. Santa takes Robert to the bathroom to try to bring him back. He splashes some tap water onto Robert to no effect. He feels Roberts pulse to hear nothing.

Roberts consciousness keeps trying to bring him back,trying to start his heartbeat to no avail. Santa keeps breathing carefully into Roberts mouth but his chest stays deflated. Robert tries to breath but his body has lost all support from the brain. Santa breaths a little bit too hard and Roberts eyes pop out a little bit but fall back into their socket. Santa pushes himself away in fear from the sight and accepts that Robert has passed on.Santa sits on the bathroom floor in silence for a few minutes while he contemplates what to do with the evidence.

While it is unlikely someone would go to a fat man in the North Pole to figure out where a little boy has disappeared to,Santa stills needs to remove any evidence of the crime that happened here. He sits around for a few more minutes and looks around until he notices the dirty toilet next to him.

Santa holds the little boy inbetween his index finger and his middle finger,he gulps loudly and opens his mouth. He holds the deceased body over his big pink lips. Santa licks his lips lips and starts to push Robert on to Santas teeth.

As soon as Santa has let go of Robert,Roberts heart starts to beat again and his eyes open up. He sits up and gets on to his feet as the ground below him starts to crack open. Santas morning breath layered with cereal and orange juice start to make Robert feel nauseous and Robert throws up inside Santas mouth. There is less vomit this time so Santa doesn't feel the puke and continues swallow the now-breathing young boy. Roberts body flips over several times and flys from one side of Santas mouth to the other when Santa slides his tongue across all of his teeth,trying to find his next snack. Robert grabs on to the tooth in the dark but Santas spit hits him in the face and his hands slip off.

Robert slides on to Santas pink,wet tongue and latches on to the tip. Santa feels the body on his tongue and gulps.

"I'm so sorry Robert...but this is the only way. I never wanted my belly or my mouth or my toilet to be a human graveyard...but I have to let you rest somewhere.

Roberts breathing gets heavier and heavier until his hands let go of the wet tongue and Robert starts to slide to the back of Santas mouth. Santa looks at the toilet,gulps and lifts his tongue up. Some spit that Santa has released push Robert closer and Santa moving his tongue push Robert down Santas throat.Robert falls tbrough Santas body and lands in his big belly.

Santa stands up after he swallowed the boy and heads to his room. It's only 11:32 AM but Santa falls asleep instantly.

3 Days Later

Santa wakes up sweating. His stomach is gurgling and his ass is shaking violently. He jumps out if bed with nothing but some black shorts on and runs to the bathroom. His force is so strong that he accidentally pulls the top of the toilet seat off and lets go off it making it hit a wall.

Santa pulls his shorts down and tenses his buttcheeks up. He feels something slipping out and stops when he realizes what is coming out.

Or who is coming out.

Santa thinks about how late is it to save Robert and dismisses the 8-year old boy leaving bis anus from his memory. He squints his eyes as he feels the shit full of bones splash into the bowl of his toilet. After a few more pushes,he feels the last little pile of shit ezits his rectum. He opens his lwgs and looks inside the bowl to see about 5 pieces of poop floaring about. Santa looks a little bit closer ands sees Roberts skull sticking out of one of the pieces. 

Santa grabs some toilet paper and starts to wipe his ass. He looks at the paper and sees some dried blood mixed in with faeces. His face starts to get red with embarrassment and shame with eating a dead little boy. Santa drops the toilet paper in,wipes the rest of his ass clean and looks back into the toilet at the boys current graveyard. Santa smiles to.say his goodbye to Robert and grips his hand around the toilet handle.

Santa looks back down one more time and pushes down on the handle.

Santa watches the toilet swirl,flushing the cut up carcass down the toilet hole to flow through into the sewer.

Never to be seen or heard from again.

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