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The sleigh lands onto the ground and stops at a halt. Santa swings his legs around and climbs out of the sleigh. He walks a few steps forward before turning back and unlocking the reindeers from the sleigh. Santa continues towards the door and walks down the hallway of his home and heads to the kitchen.Santa looks inside the food cupboards until he feels a can of soup slip into his hands. Santa clasps the can and swiftly moves it on to the counter. He reaches for a can opener,opens the can and releases the soup into the bowl and heats it up. After the soup has finished heating up, he walks over to the living room,slips his shoes off and puts his feet up onto the chair in front of him.

Santa grabs his feet and bring them closer to his face. He spots a tiny figure climbing down the white sock. Santa crunches his feet and the boy is pushed off the sock and hits the chair underneath. Santa picks Robert up between two of his fingers and leans back into his chair and picks up his soup. Santa holds Robert over the soup,smiles and smirks, and drops him in the soup.

Santa glances to his right and picks up the silver spoon and turns back to the soup. Santa teases Robert a few times by slowly dipping the spoon in a tiny bit and pullling it back out straight away. After the 7th dip,Santa starts to eat normally and fills the spoon to the brim with soup. Robert starts to scream as the spoon comes down with an even greater force than before.Santa searches for the little body in the red pool of tomato sauce for a few seconds until he notices a little white boy swimming to the side. Robert quickly glances over his shoulder to see the giant spoon speeding towards him.

The spoon catches up with Robert and suddenly Robert is lifted into the air. He starts to swim around the pool before he comes face-to-face with Santas bushy and white beard. Santa opens his mouth and starts to slowly bring the spoon into his mouth. He screams in horror as the light from behind him disappears and he is stuck in darkness.

Santa uses his tongue to push Robert off the spoon and away from the swallowing. Santa quickly removes the spoon and soup from the prison that is Santas mouth. Santa pushes Robert against his teeth like a toothbrush to remove any cookie crumbs or bits of soup stuck inbetween his teeth. Robert tries to keep screaming but loses all his energy after a few minutes of no responses. Santa starts to get bored of brushing Robert against his teeth so he spits him back out into the soup and pats his stomach. Santa burps so loudly the pool of soup around Robert starts to ripple and form waves. Robert is pushed down by one of the waves and doesn't have the energy to pull himself up.

Santa looks into the soup to see no sight of Robert so he spins the spoon throughout the bowl trying to push him up to the surface. Robert feels the spoon push him forward but he has no energy to move and is pushed further down the bowl. He slips under the spoon and passes out. Santa pulls the spoon out and drops it on to the table.

"Fuck. Another one got out" Santa mutters.

Santa sits in silence for a few minutes and decides to finish the soup and to go to sleep.

Santa picks up the bowl,opens his mouth and pours the sauce into his belly.Roberts unconscious body spreads away from the flow of the soup and is caught by some of Santas beard hairs. Santa doesn't notice the 8 year old boy stuck in his beard and continhes to his bedroom to shower,change and go to sleep.


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