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“You're sure the broadcast originated from this location?”

“Positive, Commander.”

“Very good. Bring us inside and set us down. Invasion team on standby, I want you out of the doors the second we land. I want them ready to hit hard and fast, and crush any resistance immediately.”

“Right, Commander.”

Nodding in satisfaction, Commander Qiin looked down at his terminal again. There on the screen danced Rick Astley, muted, on loop. The Fron Empire naturally didn't recognize him, but that didn't stop them from recognizing the universally-understood Dance of the Coward, which called on their Empire to surrender themselves fully to the performer or declare all-out hostilities.

As they neared the source of the broadcast, they were taken aback by how grand the structure was. It was bigger than any building they had ever seen, easily enough to accommodate billions of Fron. Commander Qiin and his crew were competent, but no species alive with those kinds of numbers couldn't overwhelm his ship.

“Defensive measures?”

“None that we're seeing, Sir. It's completely unprotected.”

“Stay the course. Take us inside, let's have a look around.”

“Yes, Commander.” The pilot flew the ship in through an aperture on the side of the building. Immediately they realized something was amiss. Huge structures filled gargantuan rooms, the size of which was impractical for anything even twenty times the size of a Fron. Doubt crept into the back of Commander Qiin's mind, but he uncertainly dismissed it. There was no way creatures of this size could exist. Surely it was some kind of illusion, or maybe just a trick. Something to frighten off would-be attackers. The inhabitants of the planet were probably just pranksters, sending the broadcast into the far reaches of space and then hiding in their holes when inevitability came down on them. Commander Qiin assured himself that he would see to it that they wouldn't be able to play this joke again.

“Set us down there. Invasion team at the ready.”

The ship settled down onto a plain of thick, colorful fibers. As the hatch opened, six battle-hardened Fron emerged from the ship, their weapons at the ready.

“Invasion team, report.”

“Nothing so far, Commander. This place is huge though, Sir. It's impossible to secure it. It would take us a day to search just one of these rooms.”

Commander Qiin nodded. He paused for a moment as he contemplated how to proceed. “I'm coming out. I need a better idea of what exactly we're dealing with.”

“Sir, I'm not sure that's a good idea,” his chief of security warned, but the Commander dismissed his concern with a wave of his hand.

“Noted.” He walked to the back of the ship and stepped outside with the team, who formed a semi-circle around him. They had been right, of course; the area was too big to secure. He would have felt he was walking into a trap if there had been anywhere to hide, but the expanse was as flat as it was immense, with the great structures incredibly spread out against the walls of the space.

“Let's get to a wall and follow it,” he suggested. After about thirty seconds of travel they began to feel great tremors through the ground. His team raised their weapons, searching around for the source, but they weren't prepared for what came next.

A pale, enormous being pounded down what they now recognized as a set of stairs. She was impossibly big, and as she approached she only seemed to become more and more immense. The away team had no time to react before she was directly above them. One of the soldiers shouted something, but Commander Qiin didn't hear it. He was preoccupied with watching her giant bare sole come down on his ship.

“Oh, what the fuck?” the enormous woman said, lifting her foot to survey the damage. The ship was completely destroyed, smashed beneath her before she even noticed it was there. A slight movement caught her attention and she peered down, noticing Qiin and his men huddled together.

“Open fire!” the Commander shouted, and immediately they unloaded on her with everything they had. She recoiled slightly, but seemed interested in testing the strength of their weapons. She held her palm out, absorbing the blasts, and smiled softly.

“You guys, come down here!” the woman shouted even as she rose away, walking to another side of the room to retrieve something. The Fron heard more pounding, followed by four more of the giant creatures, all similar in appearance. The first had returned with a curled sheet of paper, and used it to scoop Qiin and his men onto it, lifting them onto the surface of a table.

“What is it?” another girl asked. They were all in their pajamas, leaning over the counter to get a better look at the invaders.

“I think they're aliens! I accidentally stepped on their ship, and when I leaned down to look at them they shot at me. It doesn't hurt though, it's actually kinda ticklish. Hold your hand out and try it.” Several girls did, but the invaders were too overwhelmed to respond with force. Any one of the women could destroy a fleet of Fron ships. They were but seven men, surrounded by five of the titanesses. They knew they stood no chance.

“They're not doing anything,” one of the shorter girls said, disappointed.

“Hey!” The first tapped her finger roughly on the table, the pillar slamming into the nearby ground, terrifying the aliens further. “Shoot at our hands!”

Unable to understand the human's commands, the men instead panicked, running as fast as they could away from the powerful finger that threatened to crush them.

“Ugh, annoying.” She looked down scornfully as the little beings slowly scurried across the piece of paper. She spun it around as they were nearing the edge, and Qiin and his men suddenly found themselves facing the five girls, closer than they had started. They backpedaled as quickly as they could, and the girls giggled at their reactions.

“So what should we do? Keep them as pets?”

“As far as we know, this is first contact! Don't we have some kind of responsibility to, like... tell somebody?”

“What if I get in trouble for smashing their ship? I don't want to – uh, Karen? What are you doing?”

Karen's long red hair cascaded over the table as she leaned down very closely, her pinky finger extended and slowly tapping along behind one of the fleeing aliens. “I'm chasing this one,” she whispered.

“Oh god, Sir, she's following me!” one of Qiin's men shouted. Looking back, they saw the colossal pinky playfully pounding away, getting closer with every blow. “Don't leave me, Sir! I don't want to die like this!”

There was nothing in Qiin's mind but fear. These creatures shouldn't exist. They just shouldn't! How had they not been picked up by the scanners? How were they just finding out about this now? “Please, Sir!” The pounding was getting closer, faster, but the men were already running as hard as they could.

“They're so scared,” Karen snickered before settling the tip of her pinky down on the straggler. She applied only a small amount of force, but when she lifted the digit up to inspect the damage, they all saw the alien's mangled form stuck to her fingertip, still twitching and writhing under the scrutinizing gaze of five young women.

“Why'd you have to kill that one? Now we only have, like... six more!”

“Well, to be fair, there's only five of us. We have an extra.”


“No fair! You can't just call dibs on the aliens!”

The girls bickered amongst themselves as the commando wheezed his last breaths on Karen's fingertip, expiring shortly thereafter and being wiped against her leg the next time she remembered he was still there.

“Okay fine, here's what we do: we squish one more of them, make it fun, and then we each get to take one of the aliens for ourselves. Fair?”

The girls looked down at the six creatures on the paper, turning it around again to keep them from getting away. “Fair,” they slowly chimed.

“Okay, so... how do we wanna do this?” They stood around the tiny group, contemplating how to end one of their lives as the aliens slowly gave up fleeing. They were already exhausted, and the simple actions of the girls had prevented them from making any progress at all.

“What would be fun to do?”

“Maybe we could... step on them, or something?”

“That's boring. I barely noticed when I squished one with my finger, we won't notice them underfoot.”

“Come on, think! Didn't anyone, like, torture ants or something when they were young?”

The eyes of the shortest girl, Lydia, lit up. “Oh! I actually did! Ants and other small bugs, like spiders and stuff.”

“Okay great, what did you do?”

“Well... sometimes I got some tweezers out and pulled their little limbs off.” The girls looked down at the aliens, gauging how easily this could be accomplished with them.

“I guess that's something!” Karen said, smiling. Another girl rushed off to get tweezers while the remaining four pulled up chairs from around the room, studying their captives.

“Why do you think they even came down here?”

“Yeah, and why this building? Like, 'We are tiny little bug-men. We are here to steal your college girls'.” She affected a mock-alien voice, sending the other girls into fits of laughter.

“Pretty bad plan you got there, little dudes.” The first girl, Heather, tapped her finger menacingly towards them again. They took turns tapping the table, delighted at how the aliens scampered away from the most recent attacker, running this way and that like mindless insects.

Finally the last girl returned with the tweezers, pulling up a seat of her own. “Okay,” Karen said. “Who gets to do the honors?”

“Ooh, ooh, me! Let me do it!” Lydia raised her hand into the air, shaking it back and forth playfully.

“Wait, why does only one of us get to do it?” Heather wondered. “They have five limbs, and there's five of us.”

“Uh, count again, they've only got four.”

Heather reached out and indicated one of their heads. “There's the fifth.”

“Ohh... that's sick!”

“I like it, though! Let's do that.” Lydia took one of the aliens at random, picking up the tweezers and looking down at her prey, excited.

“No, please! I submit! I surrender! The Fron Empire surrenders to you, please!” Commander Qiin struggled in the two fingers between which he was caught. He begged and pleaded for mercy in every manner he could think of, but the giant aliens seemed completely oblivious to it.

“Boop!” Lydia said with a lilt in her voice as she gripped his arm in the tweezers and pulled, tearing it from his body. A thin blue slime trailed down his side, and he wailed hysterically.

“My turn!” another girl said, taking the objects from Lydia and pulling off Qiin's other arm. She brought the tweezers to her mouth and slid them across her lips, smashing the limb inside her mouth to get a sense of its flavor. “Hmm... they're actually pretty sweet! Like little sugar aliens, or something!”

“Gross,” Karen said as she took her turn. Qiin's left leg tore easily away from his body, his howls of agony completely unheard by the giants above. He looked down at his men who were retching and sobbing on the paper below, knowing their own fates were to be similarly horrific.

He was handed to the fourth girl, who ripped his last leg away, leaving him a torso and a head, but still alive. Fron physiology was incredibly resistant, able to suffer the most egregious wounds and still recover. Qiin was placed before the final girl, the one who had smashed his ship beneath her foot and called her comrades to torture him and his men. She regarded him with what seemed to him as an icy glare, the tweezers poised menacingly in her hand. He knew she must be thinking about her conquest of the Fron, of how once Qiin and his men were dead she would lead her own fleet to the stars and crush his Empire as she had crushed his ship. The tweezers clamped around the sides of his head and he was lifted up, dangling like a worm in front of her face.

“Just do it, Heather,” one girl said. She smirked and clamped the tweezers down, Qiin's head crumpling into a sack of crushed bone and leaking brain matter. She dropped him in a nearby wastebin before looking down at the remaining five.

“Okay girls, your little pets are just waiting for new masters to take them home! Take your pick, 'cause they're going fast!” The five remaining commandos gazed up in abject horror as a swarm of hands descended towards them, condemning them to their fates.
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