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“Malva, dear, come sit with me.” Chloe again seemed to be my savior, trying to pull the vicious starlet away from me with her polite suggestions. I’d long since licked the underside of Malva’s boot to a lustrous shine, but she seemed to be deriving an odd sort of satisfaction from seeing me curled at her feet and tonguing her shoes. She shrugged and took a minute to hook the toe of her boot under my shoulder and kick me away from her. “Good enough,” she muttered for my benefit before she clomped over to the couch where Chloe awaited her.

She flung herself back onto the plush cream colored cushions, letting out a long sigh and turning to her hostess, giving her a bright smile as she plucked her wine glass up from the table. “I’m impressed, Chloe,” she spoke with a contented smile. “You guys in research and development really are worth every dollar. You really have thousands of these Flare Balls ready to go?”

“Mmm,” my owner replied, sitting up and crossing her legs while taking a small taste of her wine. I watched her intently, drinking in the beauty of her every movement, the curve of her hand and the movement of her lips as she spoke. This was all for her, and it was okay that I was laying on the ground, a dirty, trampled mess, because I knew that it made her happy to see her friend smiling.

“Thousands, and thousands more are being produced each day. I’m surprised you haven’t insisted on seeing them in action yet, actually. We’re very close to rolling them out.”

Malva shrugged, taking a long swallow of wine and leaning back a bit more, settling into the couch and noisily kicking her feet up onto the glass coffee table before them. Her boots landed with a crash and a clatter, but she couldn’t begin to concern herself for the damage she might have caused. “You know how busy I am with my videos and battling ambitious runts. I couldn’t resist this particular invitation, though.”

“Oh, and you’ve only seen a small part of what it can do!” Chloe leaned forward to refill Malva’s glass, and as she did so, her sparkling green eyes shifted to me. “Lucy, go fetch your ball.”

I was up instantly, before she’d even finished saying my name. My heart was restored to see her looking at me and acknowledging my presence, even if it was just to give me a simple command. My name on her lips restored so much of the damage her cruel friend had done to my spirit, and I hurried to my feet to go get the ball I’d spent the night in from the bedroom.

“Crawl,” Malva added before I could fully right myself. I froze for a moment, then slowly lowered myself back down to my hands and knees, looking back at her for a moment. All she did was smirk at me while taking another sip of wine, then jerk her head towards the bedroom to encourage me on my way.

It didn’t take much longer, really, but it felt like a much longer trip with her eyes on me, watching me crawl like a dog on the ground. I found the ball easily enough and made my way back, going a bit slower with the ball in one hand. Chloe and Malva paid me little mind as I crawled up to the table and carefully set the Flare Ball in the center of it. By now they were wrapped up in conversation, sipping their wine and laughing while I knelt before them and did my best to smile politely.

It hurt to smile. My lip was swelling, and the scrapes on my cheek were stiffening along with the faint but growing bruise having my face stepped on was going to leave. “Now, this is what I was telling you about,” Chloe eventually mentioned as just a casual segment of their chat, and without looking at me she reached out and picked up the ball. It wasn’t until she halfheartedly uttered “Return” and pressed a button on it that she bothered to look my way, and then the light surrounded me and I was back within it.

It was horrifically disorienting, and I didn't even really have time to figure out where I was even though I understood on some level that I was in a plastic ball being held in Chloe's hand. I had just reconciled the shadows around me as her elegant fingers when I was wrapped in light again.

It was frigid this time, and I groaned as the world around me lurched once more. I was on solid ground this time, though everything was still spinning and swimming around me. I made out the ball in Chloe's hand, and the two figures on the couch, but I was having a hard time putting them into focus.

Then I turned my head. Malva's leather-wrapped legs stretched on seemingly to infinity, even past where I stood. My eyes followed them, and widened as I started to grasp their scale, and then they ended as I knew they would, tucked into her boots.

The soles were still somewhat slick from where I'd thoroughly licked them, and just the bottom of the thick heel was at least as tall as I was.

She'd shrunken me and dropped me from the safety of my ball, utterly helpless and vulnerable at Malva's feet, and as I backed away, shaking my head, I looked up at the pink-haired giantess and realized that the idea excited her as much or more than it terrified me.

"Holy shit," Malva whispered, staring at me without making a move. "Chloe, she's tiny. She's totally tiny."

"Of course she is, dearest," my owner responded as though it were the most natural thing in the world. "That's the solution. By the time we're done, everyone will be as she is now."

I looked back and forth between the two collossal beauties, discussing me like a little object. I guess that's kind of what I was at this point, but it still felt a little off. So did hearing Chloe suggest that they were going to shrink "everyone," whatever that meant. I furrowed my brow, staring at her and trying to figure out just what she meant, but my concentration was broken by being suddenly cast into shadow.

Reflexively, I looked up and saw Malva's massive boot heel hovering over me. How could something so huge move so quickly and quietly? She wouldn't...

I screamed and dove to the side as her boot smashed down, dropping onto the surfece of the glass table with a jarring crash. I didn't know if she'd meant to kill me, but it wouldn't have surprised me. I lay on the cool surface, my face turned to the side, and our eyes met.

Even behind those glasses, I could see the frightful, burning eagerness in her. "I could crush you, runt," she declared, enunciating each word for my benefit. "I could squash you like a bug and nobody would know or care."

I could see her nostrils flare as her breathing quickened a bit. Just hearing those words out loud must have thrilled her all the more, and instantly I knew this wasn't a game. She wanted just what she said, she wanted to smear me under her shoe. I pushed myself to my knees, looking to Chloe, praying she'd help me, that she'd step in again and protect me from this gorgeous monster.

"Really, Malva," she started, and instantly my heart was lifted. "If you ever resisted the urge to break your toys for a moment, you might learn what fun could be had in playing with them."

This didn't sound perfect, but it was better than being a stain. I pulled myself up to my feet and nodded a little, feeling it best to encourage this idea. Chloe reached over and tapped Malva's thigh a few times, then shifted forward in her seat, leaning towards me.

It was like watching a mountain of heaven move. She only shifted a few inches, but suddenly she filled my world, radiant and perfect in every way. I stood staring up at her, and I couldn't resist smiling at least the faintest bit for a moment.

"Undress yourself, Lucy."

It was a simple command, and she said it so easily and with that same warm smile that it didn't even seem improper. The next moment, though, Malva was leaning on her shoulder, looming over me as well.

"Yeah, runt. Strip."

It sent a chill through me, and though I was already pulling my sweater over my head, suddenly I felt disgusting under her gaze. Chloe remained calm and seemingly disinterested as I dropped my sweater and slowly, shamefully pushed my skirt down to my ankles.

"Not bad," Malva muttered with a smirk, and the moment I'd stepped out of my skirt she leaned in and flicked my clothes away, sending them flying off of the table into the unfathomable distance, seperating me from them forever.

I kept my eyes down, totally unable to let myself look look at her while she mocked me. As I started tugging my long socks down over my knees, I heard Malva start to giggle, and I was stunned to hear Chloe's exquisite voice join with hers in light, lilting laughter.

I looked up then while I finished pulling off my socks, just in time to see Chloe playfully give Malva a little shove and then return her attention to me. "Good girl," she murmured, and for a moment a small bit of my shame was replaced by a strange sense of pride, but then Malva's slender fingers were stretching through the air towards me.

I tried to turn away, to dodge or run or flee, but her finger knocked me from my feet so easily. I tried to roll and rise to my feet, but before I could even lift my shoulder, the tip of her index finger dropped down on my chest, holding me motionless under its crushing power.

"What a useless little runt you really are," she musically intoned, leaning over me and enjoying my futile struggles. "You're small, so terribly small, Lucy," she continued, starting to slide her finger slowly up and down along my torso while I twisted beneath it.

It was warm, smooth, and her finger even smelled faintly sweet, like the wine she'd been drinking. I found myself flushing and even moaning faintly as she stroked my mostly bare body. I'd never really even had a boyfriend, and only had my first kiss a year ago, but now this devilish giantess was carressing me all over at the same time.

"You know what I could do to you, Lucy," she whispered, her voice low and sultry as she continued to rub her finger along my entire length. It sounded like the was experiencing some sort of excitement, too, but I didn't pay that much attention to that, struggling too much to remember who it was that was doing this to me and that I should be trying to resist her.

"I could push down," she purred and started to stroke me a little more firmly. "I could press down and squish you so easily. All your tiny ribs would snap and scrunch together, and your itty bitty skull would just squish."

Her finger lifted from me, and suddenly I had a moment to reflect on exactly what she was saying more than the sweet, playful tone of her voice. "Please!" I called up to the weirdly grinning girl toying with me. "Please, don't..."

And then her finger dropped and smacked into my face, silencing me instantly. "All. With. This. Little. Finger," she murmured, punctuating each word by dropping that frightening finger onto my face again.

A moment went by, my head swimming from the force of those impacts, but then I heard her voice again. "Kiss it," she ordered, and without thinking my lips pressed to her warm fingertip, slowly at first, but I did it again and again, much to her delight.

"Lick it, Lucy. Lick the finger that's going to smash you."

She was moaning softly now along with my desperate tongue sliding along the ridges of her fingertip again and again. I was in a haze of eager pleasure and pulsing pain and desperate obedience. Her finger finally pulled away, poised above me and ready to crash through my infinitely fragile body, and I stared, bracing myself, desperate for her touch yet fully expecting to be smeared across the table.

Instead, she broke into laughter. Hearty, giddy giggles, and Chloe seemed to catch her breath and join her as they leaned agains one another, cackling at my plight.

"You're getting kind of hot, aren't you, little girl?" Malva spoke while trying to quell her chuckles. I was panting, it was true, but I couldn't believe how cruel she was to me.

"Maybe you could use some cooling off, little Lucy," Chloe added, and then Malva swiftly snatched me up in her fingers and tossed me into her empty wineglass.

I hit the glass hard. It felt as though my bruises were going to have bruises on them, but I still had to pull myself up, still had to see what was going in and if there was any way out.

The glass was wet and slick, and it wasn't easy to turn over and look up at them. Malva's hand was sliding along Chloe's thigh, stroking her smooth flesh, and the hunger in her eyes bothered me. Chloe grabbed the quickly emptying bottle of wine.

I knew it was happening an instant before it did. The pale liquid came gushing from the spout and crashed into me with all the force of a tidal wave. I coughed and sputtered under the frigid, fizzy torrent, but the glass was filling quickly and before long the cascade of liquid began to force me below the surface again and again.

I struggled, clawing through the wine, straining towards the ever more distant surface to suck in a mouthful of air, all amidst the deafening rush of pouring and fizzing all around me and the muffled laughter of my collossal captresses.

My eyes burned horribly and I was shuddering with the intense cold, but after another interminably long moment, the glass was full and I was able to push to the surface. What tiny parts deep inside of me that weren't absolutely numb were utterly nauseous from a combination of the alcohol and the lack of air and the disorientation of being caught in a raging waterfall of wine.

"Oh, I wondered if you could swim, you silly little runt," Malva chuckled as she spoke. "For all the riding around you do on that dumb Slowbro of yours, I thought you might just sink to the bottom."

I stared at them, teeth chattering and pawing at the surface, trying to keep myself afloat. My muscles were ready to shut down, but as long as I could keep my limbs moving I'd be okay. Then, Malva reached for me.

I vaguely found myself pushing myself away from her extending grasp, swimming backwards towards the far rim of the wineglass and trying to prepare myself for the vertigo of being lifted into the air, but she didn't pick up the glass. Instead, she extended a finger towards me and lowered it into her drink. "You don't expect me to drink this now, do you?" she quipped, and I had time for a sad little yelp of protest before she shoved me back below the surface again.

i fought back against her immensely powerful digit, but it only seemed to tire me out and make swimming back to the top all the more excruciating. My head was buzzing, my limbs nothing but tingling pain, but I made it to the top and burst into the air, desperately filling my lungs with oxygen.

"I mean, that persistent dirty little thing's still floating in it."

Then she smirked and shoved me to the bottom again. I whimpered. I moaned in despair, but somehow I managed to will my arms and legs to start dragging me upwards one more time. Everything was blurry now, and the sounds around me grew more distorted as an icy sort of blackness seemed to be slowly closing in around me, but before things darkened completely, I felt air rushing into my lungs again.

"Oh, fine," I heard the unmistakable, if weirdly distant voice of my beautiful mistress say. I could only vaguely make out her shape in the distance, but as her fingers grew closer and wrapped around my crystal prison, I could tell they were hers. Suddenly, I was hurtling through the air, wine swirling all about me as my stomach lurched and I wailed, sickened and sinking.

"You can have mine," Chloe offered, and I watched as her painted lips parted, as the liquid around me started to spill from the glass's rim and poured past her perfect rows of ivory teeth, and I was filled anew with mortal terror. I plunged into the depths of my reserves and summoned all of my energy for one utimate, desperate scream, and tumbled into her mouth amidst a rush of chilled moscato.
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