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Author's Chapter Notes:

Earning respect from toys by showing respect.

Chapter 3

One of the things you have to be willing to do, Jason, once you become small, is to set boundaries. You have to say there are some things you will not do or tolerate. Even if you are one inch tall. The Goddess of Love will protect you from hard violence but everything else is subject to negotiation... and plastic toys are not really subject to the GOL's rules for women anyway.

I knew that I did not want a vibrator five times my height trying to "massage" me. My mind cleared, I steadied myself with my hand on the black floor of the box. I turned around and stood to face Buzz. The diameter of his "head" was as wide as I was tall. These toys had shown themselves to be bullies and I was prepared for another thrashing, being far too small to defend myself. Or even something worse. But I had to go down fighting. "Buzz, I need to say something." Buzz reared back, with Biff next to him and Danny in a corner. They towered over me in the blackness, like three missiles pointing into space. Certainly space couldn't have been much darker than the inside of that toy box. Here's that dialogue as I remember it:

"Listen, Buzz, I don't like you touching me that way. I'm asking you to... to respect that, OK?"

Buzz leaned back, seeming to make himself even taller. "OK, so why don't you respect us?"

"Because... because you're TOYS!"

Buzz then played back my own voice, exactly as his chip had recorded it. I heard "because you're toys" in an impossibly thin voice. Then all of the toys laughed.

"Then just what are YOU?"

"I'm a man!" I shouted. Again Buzz played back my tiny, ridiculous voice. "I'm a man." Everybody laughed. '

Buzz leaned his head right into my face and started buzzing. "You're smaller than every toy in this box, you have a tiny little voice, and you want to think you're better than the rest of us?"

"I have a mind! I'm not just a piece of plastic with a chip inside!"

"You're mind is useless when Sandra decides she wants you and takes you inside her! That honey takes over and you become as mindless as the rest of us!"

Closer to my level, Biff piped in. "Besides, everybody knows that flesh-toys think with their pleasure hooks ... I mean, their dicks!"

Laughter again from everybody but me.

"Just admit it", Buzz said as he buzzed over my head. "Admit you're a toy and we'll leave you alone."

"I'm not a toy!"

"Say it or you'll get another workover!"

"I'm NOT A TOY!"

"One more chance and then you get it!"


Buzz and Biff piled on for another smacking. Despite having something they lacked... hands... I couldn't make up for my smaller size. They would just leap up and pile drive me. I couldn't understand why I was still alive. I felt like I'd been run through  a trash compactor.

Then Danny, who'd been at the fringe, moved in.

"Stop!" he said to the others. "Bro, all we want is to be your friend. We all have the same interest... making Sandra happy. Even if you don't think I'm the same as you, can you respect me the same way you want to be respected?"

My head was still swimming. "I... I think so..."

"Then whether or not you think you're a toy or not, or whether you think we're as good as you, then let's be cool, OK?"

"I'd shake your hand if you had one, Danny", I said. Instead I fist bumped him about 1.2 inches off the bottom of his base, which was as far up as I could reach.

"Be our friend, Mike", Danny went on. "We'll make you feel good about being a sex toy."

Buzz buzzed in. "We can show you how not to get smashed to a pulp when Sandra takes you in her cave!"

Biff added his two cheeks... er, two cents. "You've really got to try her butthole. All that oxytocin does nothing for a piece of plastic, but for YOU...."

Just then the toy box flooded with light and Sandra's face looked down on me again. "I think it's time for another round!" This time I motioned to the toys... er, the other toys. They were coming along for the ride.

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