The pounding in my heart had finally come to a stop, as I sat at my desk, playing solitaire on the computer. As I clicked through the digital deck, I began to realize that my panties were wet. A panic struck through me. What if someone were to notice? What if the moisture seeped through the cloth? Perhaps getting so excited right before work wasn't such a good idea. As calmly as possible, I rose from the desk, and made for the women's bathroom.
Shit. Not now.
"Hey! Kayla!" A voice was calling me. A familiar one. It was the ever seductive voice of Sabrina Rivers. She was the craziest, most neurotic, most bi-polar person I ever knew. But she's one of my closest friends. She's also the only person I know with a boyfriend AND a girlfriend.
I love talking with her, but this was just bad timing.
"Heyy Sabrina." I began carefully, hoping to end this conversation quickly. "Look, I-"
"Okay, get this." She interrupted. Nothing new here. "I caught Ty," Her boyfriend. "cheating on me, but it's not like I can say anything, because I'm cheating on him too. With Vi." Her girlfriend.
"Woww, that sounds really tough. But seriously, I need to-"
"It just makes me so mad! I wish I could just tie him up and-... well, I tie him up a lot anyways." She often speaks to me about her sexual life. 99% of the time, I wish I hadn't heard it. Especially since she's jailbait. I feel like an accomplice. You know, guilty by association? "Like this one time, I-"
"I'm so sorry, Sabrina, but I reeeeally-" What I just did is punishable by death.
"Did you just interrupt me?" And this is where the bipolar kicks in. "Can I not get a single fucking word in without you going on about your life problems? I'm not a damn diary, Kayla." I just let out a sigh and a nod for her to keep going. For now, I would just have to hope that my pants wouldn't get wet. This was something I'm used to, so it didn't bother me too much. Though someone (typically me) always has to be around her when she meets new people, or they end up calling the cops.
How did a crazy person get this job, you may ask? Sabrina is gorgeous, and our boss is a creep. She has sexy, long blonde hair, a body that looks like it was hand sculpted by Victoria's Secret, a fashion sense that makes boys stutter, and a face that would make Aphrodite feel like she was looking in a mirror. She's nothing compared to Emilia, but she's still hot.
"What was I even saying?" She said to herself, instantly completely over being interrupted. And now she couldn't even remember this oh-so-important news she was shoving down my throat. "Oh shit." She sounded startled. "Don't look now, here comes Dick." Completely disobeying her, I stupidly turned around to see our boss.
He was a slightly overweight, balding man. He wore khaki pants, a lame, double-striped button-up shirt, dress shoes, and had the most boring brown eyes you've ever seen. As soon I turned around, his eyes darted to my chest area, and quickly back up to my face.
"Ladies." He greeted us, attempting to sound slick.
"Sir." We said in unison, trying to sound as bored with him as possible.
"Taking a break?"
"No sir, just using the restroom." I told the truth, but it sounded like a lie. I hated that. An awkward silence followed the sentence as he eyed us up and down. What a perv.
"Kayla, I need to see you in my office." Oh shit. I seriously needed to tend to this moisture crisis, but things kept getting in the way.
"Sure..." I was looking for something to avoid, but I couldn't think of anything except the same excuse. "Just as soon as I use the-"
"I'm afraid it'll have to be now. No time to lose. C'mon." He turned and began walking. The only time I ever hear Sabrina shut up is around him. I think he scares her because of the way he looks at her. I turned to her, and she shrugged at me with pity. A pat on the shoulder, and I was off.
"It sure is hot in here, isn't it?" He tried to sound seductive, but it came out as pedophilic. It was obvious he was trying to get me to take off my jacket, but never around him.
"Nah, I'm actually pretty comfortable." I lied.
"Well you can take off your jacket if you want." Straight to the point, huh? I could play that game too.
"What is it you wanted to see me about, sir?" I sounded as professional, and work-oriented as possible.
"Would you consider us friends, Kayla?"
"No sir." He seemed taken back by this, as if I had just broken his heart or something. Me, being my pathetic self, felt sorry for him. Of course. "I mean," I began, trying to save him so pain. "You're my boss. I guess I've always considered our relationship professional... I've never looked at it as anything else." He seemed slightly relieved, but still hurt. It was the best I could do.
"Well, I've always felt a certain closeness to you." Yeah, the same closeness you feel to any pretty girl that you lay eyes on... the one that makes your dick hard. "I thought maybe, sometime after work, we could get to know eachother better. Perhaps some coffee." Was I-... was I just asked out on a date by a 40 year old man who happens to be my boss? What the fuck?
"Um-..." I had no clue what to say. What was the protocol for rejecting your boss? A 911 call?
"Normally I like to know my employees on a personal level, so I can know what's going on if their performance begins to fall, or if they're taking irregular amounts of time off." It was an argument that made sense, but it was still pretty weak. A date to get to know me? If he needed to know something particular, he could just as me why I'm taking the day off, or why my performance is failing.
"Am I... not doing well?" I sounded more offended than I really was.
"No! No that's not what I'm saying at all!" He was trying to catch himself. "In fact, you're doing above satisfactory. I just like to know these things as a... precaution. A formality." I wasn't buying it. It wasn't terribly convincing anyways, but the fact that I already knew what he was up to certainly didn't help his case.
"I don't feel it would be appropriate, sir." I made my point clearly and professionally. While I was saying this as an excuse to not have to go see him, it was true. It really wasn't appropriate.
"Not appropriate? It's just coffee, Kayla." Now he was the one who sounded offended. Sure, I don't like making people feel bad. I'm a pretty docile person. But I certainly felt uncomfortable around this man, and he wasn't helping his case at all.
"Kayla," He was stern, like a father trying to hold in his anger. He was old enough to be my father. "This isn't a date." 'Isn't'? As in, he's already decided it's happening? "It's just a boss getting to know his employee. That's all!" He was practically yelling at this point. I would have defended myself, but I was just too... passive. I don't have the ability to defend myself very well, so men like him scared me. That's one of the countless things I love about Emilia. She's assertive and bold. Even aggressive at times. She's not afraid to speak her mind, whereas I'm more like a frightened child.
A loud banging on the door jolted me back to reality, as my mind cursed at me for being so pathetic.
"Sir!" It was Sabrina. Thank Chance. That's one of the main reasons I hangout with her. It's almost as if I need her. She's always there for me, and she has the ability to protect me just like Emilia. I just hate the fact that I have to be protected at all. "Is Kayla still in there?" I looked at Dick, who sat back down. He had stood up at all? I hadn't even noticed.
"Yeah, what is it? We're busy!"
"Someone's on the line for her, and I don't know the proper protocol! We need her over here!" He looked pensive, as if deciding whether or not to let me go.
"We'll finish the conversation another time." He said softly, trying not to let Sabrina hear. Of course, Sabrina's ears were like a cat's. She was probably listening by the door the entire time. "Okay, she's coming out!" He gave me a nod, and I darted out, not looking back.
"Dick's such a dick." She blurted out on the way back. That was her favorite pun. "What the hell does he think he's doing, asking his 17 year old employee out on a date? Doesn't he have a wife or some shit?" Sometimes she would throw in curse words where they weren't necessary, just for the sake of cursing. That's just the way she was. I honestly didn't care, in fact I kind of liked it. It was one of her quirks.
"I don't know... I just can't wait for summer to end." I said quietly. Whenever I get yelled at, it really effects me. The moment someone raises their voice, even to a different person, my heart jumps and my stomach clenches. Like if someone had the fear of height, and they were falling from a high place... that's what it feels like. Or if the teacher asks for homework that you haven't done yet. It just really gets to me. Emilia's the only person that knew this more than Sabrina. I felt a hand on my left shoulder.
"Just tell him about your girlfriend. Maybe he'll leave you alone then." My eyes widened. There's no way she could have known about Emilia! I mean, we're friends in public, but we're so careful to not let anyone know of our relationship!
"What?" I asked stupidly, immediately omitting any doubt in Sabrina's mind.
"Emilia." She threw the word in my face like a know it all. "Oh please, Kayla. I can tell when someone's gay." Her voice was way too loud for this conversation. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed, but I lucked out.
"Shh!! Sabrina, shut up!" She let out a giggle. She lowered her voice, thankfully.
"Look, you know that I'm bi. I like guys and girls, so I can tell when a girl likes another girl even easier than I can tell when a guy likes another guy. Especially since you get so flustered around her you can't even stand straight." It made sense, and even though I preferred no one to know about this, it was almost relieving. It's like this big secret has finally been taken off of my chest. To top it off, if anyone were to know about it, I would definitely want it to be Sabrina. She may be crazy, but she's trustworthy. She removed her hand from my shoulder, gave me a wink, and left.
Finally, I could go to the bathroom.
It's not the most enjoyable job, being a receptionist. You're not busy to the point where you can just zone out and work, but you're not free to the point where you can zone out and slack off. You're just busy enough so that you keep hating having to do things. Not to mention my newfound fear of Dick. I hated him before, but after his little episode, I'm scared to go near him.
"Kayla." A soft voice came from behind me. I nearly jumped out of my seat. When I turned around, I saw that it was Dick... but he looked sad. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to blow up at you." He looked pretty sincere... even if I wanted to at the time, I wouldn't have yelled at him or told him to back off. I guess I'm just to weak that way. "It was wrong of me to insist so much." He placed a mug of hot tea on my desk and walked away shamefully. That was it? He didn't say much but... at least he meant much.
I took the mug with a smile and sipped it. My taste buds immediately jolted at the delicious lemon flavor. How could he have known that was my favorite? I continued to sip at it throughout the day.
The lemon tea had filled my mouth with that delicious taste, which reminded me of both the stars of my backyard and of Emilia. It relieved my stress, my fear... so much so that it made me a little dizzy.
The entire time, I hoped that Emilia would just be waiting for me outside. I fantasized that I would walk out those doors, and she would be standing there with that sexy look in her eyes.
She would catwalk to me, grab me by the collar, shove me against the wall, and plant a kiss right on my lips. The, right there, uncaring of watching eyes and the open air, she would quickly slip out of her blouse. I, of course, would be too shy to do anything like that... she would be in charge.
After noticing I hadn't followed her lead, she would rip my blouse open and force it off of me, then begin fondling my breasts aggressively while continuing to kiss me.
After a few more moments, she would force me onto the ground, get on top of me, and-
"Hey Kayla," I jolted back into reality. I seriously needed to stop dozing off. I looked up at Sabrina, who leaned on my desk. "You about ready to go?" A confused look crossed my face before I checked the clock, and was relieved to see that my shift had finally ended.
"Just let me get my stuff." I said, my breath slightly heavy from the daydream. The look on Sabrina's face told me that my own face must have been red. Perfect.
Every day, Sabrina would walk me to my car to make sure I got there okay. I'm not sure why, I always parked really close to the building. I try not to question Sabrina though... she's too insane to even attempt to understand.
Once I had gathered my things, I got up and walked ahead of her. I suddenly felt a hand grab my ass and instantly froze up. Now, I don't exactly have any strong points, regarding my toughness. Anywhere someone grabs me will be a shock. But my butt is a particular weakness of mine, even more so than my breasts. When I finally gathered the strength to turn my head, the hand began squeezing, and I immediately lost all of it again.
"The girls with the best asses always have the weakest ones." Sabrina said nonchalantly behind me. Why must she molest me so? When her relentless squeezing stopped, she at last let go of my butt, and went on ahead of me. "Sheesh girl, I mean you have a nice ass, but I didn't think it'd make you freeze up THAT much." She laughed at me as I recovered my strength. "Better be glad you're not into guys. They love to grab asses." With her antics over with for the moment, and my strength returning, she finally walked me to my car.
When we exited the building, I looked around hopefully. My head sunk as I saw no perfect girl waiting for me.
"See you tomorrow." I said happily. As much as she teases me, we love eachother to death. And as... well, I'll admit it. As submissive as I am, I'm not shy. Just not very outspoken, I suppose. Then, she grabbed my wrist.
I thought she was done with her antics, so it took me by surprise when she forced my hand up against her butt. I tried to pull my hand away, but she held it there. I hadn't used all my strength, and she seemed pretty determine to get a point across. I looked up at her face, and it was fairly casual for the situation.
"See that?" She asked, as if pointing a rare creature out. She rubbed my hand around her cheek, causing yet another shocked look to come upon my face. Today was full of surprises. Though, any surprise from Sabrina didn't really count.
Sabrina's quite the attractive girl. Very attractive. Okay, she's gorgeous. Of course I felt a physical attraction to her, but when she pulled stunts like this, it made me feel even guiltier about that physical attraction.
"I'm not freaking out or freezing up just because you're groping my ass. Perv." That last comment hurt a little. Only enough to embarrass me though. When she let go of my hand, we both stood there for a moment. Then we burst into laughter simultaneously.
"I'll see you tomorrow, weirdo." I yelled as she walked away.
"I'll be hungover!" She responded. Of course she'd be hungover. I wondered who's house she would sleep at tonight. Her's, her boyfriend's, or her girlfriend's? The world may never know.
I plopped myself into the car seat giggling, turned the keys in the ignition with a smile on my face, and pulled out of the parking lot with a frown. Dad would probably be home today. And mom would ask how my day went. She would know if something bad happened... there's no way I could keep it from her. The rest of the day did not bode well.
Next stop: Home.