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Author's Chapter Notes:

this isn't really a super long chapter and i found it surprisingly hard to write. but i have now finished this little story arc and can move onto other scenarios, other people and other strange deaths. once again, if you want a particular death just write and tell me. weird deaths are the best to write about.

John and Kate were being steadily dragged from Stacy's stomach into her Small Intestine with a movement similar to that of a crowded parade. No matter how hard the young couple swam they couldn't overcome the powerful pull of material around them and were dragged unwillingly through the body like the tiny pieces of food they now were. Kate was too delusional from the pain of her eyes and the toxic fumes she had inhaled within the stomach to be able to stay fully conscious and lapping in and out of sleep. Because of this John had to carry her on his back to prevent her from falling into the sea of digestion.     
Since he was now swimming for two, John had no hope of beating the strong currents of this little eight year old girl and soon found himself passing the thick ring which led to the intestines- his final resting place. The ring squeezed shut behind him preventing any possible escape and sealing him within this horrid dungeon. John was scared as he had very little knowledge of the human anatomy and therefore had no idea what to expect next. In his mind he had passed the worst obstacle, that being the stomach, and had now avoided any possible digestion. That was when Kate finally regained consciousness. 
"Where are we?" She asked in a weak voice. it was clear she was finding it difficult to breath in here as the intestines had even less air then the stomach. 
"I think we've escaped the stomach and made it into the small intestine. If we can make it a little further then we might just be able to make it out of here." 
Kate wore a smile upon her face but it was one of sadness, as if she were pitying John. She didn't know if she should tell him the truth, that one of the main purposes of the intestines was to finish digestion, to fully dissolve the food the stomach had broken apart so that it could be absorbed by the intestinal tract. It was obvious that he was also suffering from lack of oxygen and she secretly hoped that he would die before he met that horrible fate, as she was hoping desperately she would. 
Finally, she made up her mind and decided that she wanted to be honest with John during their last moments even if the news would bring him dread. 
"No, i'm sorry but there is no way we can survive." she whispered faintly into his ear as he continued to carry her "The job of the body is to fully break down anything that enters it and we are no match for that process at this size." 
Even though this news was bad it didn't effect John as much as he thought it would- Perhaps because he knew deep down that they would never escape from here. the moments they were swallowed by this child he knew what would truly come of them and he had come to accept that. He was only sad that Kate would have to share the same fate. 
John stopped his swimming and pulled Kate from his back to embrace her in a hug. However, when he pulled her to his chest he felt how limp she was and a sudden surge of pain in his heart told him she was dead. He didn't have much time to cry though because at that moment a strange sensation ran through his lower body. It felt like he had accidently swam through boiling hot water for a split second and it took a few seconds for the pain to subside. But then another sharp pain and another and another crept across his body until the feeling was almost constant and he realized that this was the final stage of his journey. 
John lifted Kate up onto his back and pulled her out of the way of digestion. Even through she was dead he didn't want her body to be torn to pieces, not while he was still alive. But soon the feeling at the lower part of his body continued to increase in pain and he quickly lost the will to carry her body, dropping it heavily into the burning acids in front of him. Finally he howled in rage and pain as his clothes tore and skin began to blister and scar. He almost lost consciousness when he heard something that shocked him awake: his girlfriends screams. Was she not truly dead? had she simply fallen unconscious again?
Despite the feeling in his arms disappearing rapidly he forced himself to swim further down the tunnel until he hit the source of the noise. Kate was trying to stay afloat but was having a hard time as her arms quickly lost function. As she was wearing a bathing suit her arms were even less protected and slowly cooked on her body. Her skin from her face had already broken down somewhat from her earlier exposure and from John dropping her into the acids and now most of the flesh had peeled away, leaving a bloody mess of screaming agony.
John attempted to pull her out of the acids but found that his body no longer responded to his commands as his nerve cells were melted away from the same process and could do nothing except scream along with his dying lover. Finally, the acids invaded their open mouths and rushed down their throats into their own stomachs, rapidly increasing the pH levels and dissolving their throats along within their internal organs from the inside out. Neither of them really had a last thought as the pain took over their brains removing all thinking and soon their heads too were taken by the intestines and broken down, finally ending their lives. Everything these two people had become. Their education, their work, their love life were all nothing more then nutrients for Stacy and her body. They could have truly done some good in the world with their bright minds and creative souls but the simple bodily functions of this little girl had decided their fate was better served as food. And no-one would ever even know what happened to them. Their deaths would become completely unsolved and ultimately pointless.
Stacy was still playing splash wars with Amy when she heard a slight grumble coming from her tummy. She put her hand over her stomach and moaned in slight hunger; she wanted some food but she didn't want to get out of the pool. Even though she had just eaten two fully grown humans who use to be bigger, stronger and smarter then she was she was still hungry despite their pointless sacrifice. What an undignified death they both received. 


Chapter End Notes:

what horrible victims will be tortured next? how will they survive in this terrible world? (i'll give you a hint- they won't!!) mwhahaha. I'm thinking of doing some animal deaths next. death by an ant invation of captured by a spider to be digested alive. a chapter to show just how small in naure they have become. if this idea sucks then tell me.

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