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Even when he had watched Kat's enormous foot smash into the floor with enough force to render him little more than a bloody pulp, there was still some kind of psychic distance between her and the action for Dan. Now though, with the simple act of her crouching over him plunging him into shadow, and her huge mouth agape above him, Dan could only describe his young roommate with one word: Terrifying.

He had to take a moment to catch his breath from a tender poke of her finger.

She literally held more force in that one digit than he could muster in his entire body.

“Dan,” her voice thundered from above, “Dan is that really you?” Her hand extended down toward him, then paused before shrinking back clearly worried about touching him.

Coughing, Dan pulled himself up to a sitting position and gazed into the enormous and all too real face of the giant woman above him, “Kat! Yes, it's really me!”

Her huge eyelashes fluttered back and forth as she blinked repeatedly. “Holy...” Kat couldn't even finish the sentence, shock all over her face. Dan merely stared up at the giant girl trying to read her enormous features for any sign of what she was thinking. “Dan, we... we have to get you to a hospital or a doctor or something. Like... God...”

The giant girl's hand came down once more and before Dan even realized what was going on she had scooped him up into it. The pale digits wrapped around him, pressing against his body and trapping it with horrifying ease. Dan tried to squirm as Kat began to stand back up but her god-like strength was too much for him to fight.

Her rapid ascent caused Dan to be pinned back against her flesh. His stomach felt like it was still on the ground as she rose to her dizzying height, and he became extremely light headed. Dan closed his eyes tight, trying to concentrate before he opened them to find himself at roughly chest level with Kat still staring down at him.

Dan could see a few of her enormous teeth biting down upon her thin pink lip, clearly concerned at the fact that he looked like he was about to pass out. Kat paused for a moment before nodding her head, “I'm going to get your phone and we'll call your doctor, ok?”

For a moment, Dan nodded. Kat clearly had a better handle on the situation than he did, and going to the doctor was probably the best move. Until Dan remembered who his doctor actually was, “No!” He shouted at the top of his lungs.

Kat stopped, her foot hitting the ground after barely taking a step. The small movement made her whole body seem to shudder, shaking Dan once again without her even intending to. “What?” Was all the giant girl was able to respond with.

“No, don't call my doctor,” Dan shouted. He hadn't been to the doctor in over a year, mostly because he didn't really get sick very often. In fact, he could say that he probably hadn't been to the doctor much in the past five years outside of the occasional physical or the like. He rarely even thought about it, which was why his doctor was the same from when he was married. For most people, that wouldn't be much of an issue, a little awkward perhaps but not a major issue.

That's because most people's doctors weren't their former sister-in-laws.

Dan had never particularly liked doctors. As the old saying went, a doctor would always just find something wrong with you. The way they looked at you, the way they always wrote in their little charts, and would 'hmm,' and 'ahh.' He didn't like it. In fact, he pretty much hated it. It made him feel completely helpless and as if he were the world's biggest idiot. Of course, when he was engaged a combination of stress and a cold that he couldn't quite shake resulted in his wife practically dragging him to her sister's practice to be examined and taken care of. Since he wasn't technically immediate family she didn't have much problem or issue with becoming his primary physician. Actually, Dan was fairly certain she didn't even like him all that much.

Now though, the very thought of her looking down at him, poking and prodding and hmm-ing and ahh-ing was too much to even comprehend. On top of that, who knew what would happen. At the very least, she'd tell his ex-wife and sure they were on fairly amicable terms but he knew she would enjoy the thought of him at a few inches tall far too much. At worst though he could be turned into some lab rat for the rest of his life.

Kat continued to merely stare down at him, chewing on her lip. “Dan...” her voice was trembling slightly, “I really don't know what to do here.”

“Just...” Dan gazed at the giant above him, “Just please don't call my doctor.”

“But...you're... Dan, I'm holding you in my hand right now. You're the size of an action figure.”

“Kat,” he looked up, unable to believe that he was pleading with her. He gently ran his hand over her thumb, which was thicker than one of his legs, “I could end up in a lab for years if they don't know what's wrong with me. I have no clue why this happened but I... I don't want to become some lab rat.”

She continued to stare down at him, obviously uncertain.


He could feel the power of her nostrils sucking in air before she finally spoke, “Ok, Dan. I won't call your doctor. We'll just try and figure out something for right now, alright?”

“Good,” he called up to her.

Kat smiled down at him and then set him on the counter. She squatted down so that her face was level with his body, like she was talking to a small child. It made Dan feel uncomfortable as he watched her eyes move over him for the first time while he gazed at her house-sized face. Kat had an undeniably cute face, with a light coating of freckles that ran across her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose, nice dimples, and big bright eyes. Strands of her bright red hair spilled from where it rested atop her head in a loose and messy bun. She brushed a few of them aside as she took him in before smiling. “Alright, little guy,” she said with a giggle, “what happened?”

Dan stared back at her and the first thing that came out of his mouth was, “Kat, please this is serious. Don't call me little guy.”

Her lips curled into a further smile and more cannon-like giggles escaped her pink lips, “But that is kind of what you are, Dan.” Her finger came forward scrunching back and forth before it reached out and patted him on the head with enough force to nearly knock him over. “You're kind of a little guy.”

“Kat, please!”

“Ok, ok,” she sheepishly smiled at him before saying softly, “You're the one who doesn't want to see a doctor, Dan. I have no idea how you want me to handle this.”

“It's serious, Kat,” Dan shouted unable to comprehend how she could go from so shocked to so silly in the matter of a few minutes. He still couldn't believe the size of her. The idea that the finger that had just brained him was connected to the massive face in front of him was too difficult to wrap his head around.

“Then tell me what happened,” her voice had a forceful edge to it that made Dan uncomfortable.

“I...” Dan's voice caught in his throat for a moment as the giant girl frowned at him, her eyes narrowing slightly, “I... I don't know. I got up, I ate breakfast..”

“And didn't clean up after yourself,” the giant girl added.

“Right, sorry, but...” Dan closed his eyes amazed that he was apologizing for not cleaning one of his own pans in his own apartment while he was standing only a few inches tall. “I was very tired suddenly, and thought I was going to pass out. I figured I'd lay down for a bit and clean it later but then I just collapsed.”

“You just collapsed?”


“And then what?”

“And then I woke up and you almost stepped on me.”

She giggled before offering a very unapologetic, “Sorry.”

“You really did...” Dan felt defeated. When she was ready to rush him off to the hospital she had seemed like such an adult but now he was starting to wonder just how serious of a person Kat really was.

“I know I probably did,” Kat gave another bright and booming laugh, “It's just the thought of someone having to scamper out of my way is kind of funny.”

“I had to run!”

“No, when you're the size you are I think you scamper,” she offered nothing but a wicked smile before adding, “Maybe scurry.”

“Kat, please! It was terrifying! You're fucking scary at this size.”

Her eyes narrowed and then she giggled once more, her finger moving forward and pointing to his crotch, “You don't seem to mind.”

“Oh God!” Dan clapped his hands over his erection, suddenly realizing that he was still naked, “Why didn't you say anything?!”

Kat merely shrugged her huge milky shoulders. “It's ok, Dan. Really.”

Dan just stared back at the enormous girl. “How can you be like this when I'm standing here a few inches tall?”

Kat merely blinked at him, “Well I took a lot of art classes in college. I mean it's not like I haven't seen a dick before, Dan.” She lightly laughed once again.

“No...” Dan shut his eyes, trying to stop himself from asking just how many dicks Kat had seen, “I mean, how are you laughing right now?”

“Seriously?” Kat looked down at him before shaking her head, “I mean, yeah, Dan, this is fucking scary like I almost peed myself when I realized I had almost squashed you like a bug. At the same time though, I mean... it's like something out of an old B-movie. I mean it's like a low budget version of The Incredible Shrinking Man. They didn't have the money to do all the intermediate stuff so bam, you're just small. End of story.”

“That can't be how you're looking at this,” Dan said, actually taking a step back from the enormous girl in front of him.

“Kind of the only way to look at it,” her lips curled upwards once more, “Little guy.”

“Please don't call me that,” he shouted but all he got was a laugh in return.

Suddenly a horrible noise cut through their conversation and the whole ground shook underneath Dan. “Oh my God, what's going on!?”

“Relax, Dan, it's just my phone,” he watched as Kat rose back to her full height, and it hit home that even atop the counter Dan was barely higher than her waist. She stretched over him, casting his small body in momentary shadow as she grabbed her cell phone and answered it. “Oh, hey... Yeah, no, I kind of forgot... What? Uhm...” Kat looked down at Dan for a moment, biting her lip once again, “Sure you can come up real quick... Ok, see you in a sec.” She ended the conversation and looked down at Dan.

“What was that?”

“It's just my friend Steph, I totally forgot that she was coming by today.”

“And you're letting her up? Kat, no one should see me like this! I can't...” Dan suddenly found it hard to breathe as he tried to imagine another giant woman stomping about his enormous apartment.

“Look, just, it'll be like, really quick. I know how to get rid of my friends. Ok, Dan?” Dan continued to try and breath until he found himself being scooped up once more. “Here, I'll put you on the coffee table and she won't even know you're there. I'll tell her like, I'm not feeling well and I'm going to stay in tonight and yeah, she'll totally leave.”

Kat bent down and set Dan down on the low wooden coffee table. A few books, video game cases, and an empty beer can or two were littered across it but it was mostly open space. Dan craned his head upward as Kat stood back up, finding himself staring into her knees as she slipped her phone into her jean shorts and went to answer the door.

Dan still couldn't believe that Kat was actually just letting her friend waltz in when he was in this state but what was he going to do to stop her? He knew he'd have to go to a hospital eventually, or at least to his former sister-in-law's office and there would be more giants beyond his apartment. Unless he magically got better like he had magically shrunk, Dan knew he'd have to prepare for it at some point.

“Hey, Kat,” Steph's voice rumbled up the hallway.

“Hey, I'm really...”

Kat was cut off by her friend, “Oh my god, are you baking brownies?” Dan could instantly hear Steph making her way deeper into the apartment. “I love it when you bake,” Steph said as she sauntered into the room.

“Thanks,” Kat said awkwardly as she walked behind her friend, stepping into the kitchen and clearly expecting her friend to follow.

Dan then watched as Steph approached the coffee table.

She was somewhat taller than Kat, and like her had a lean build. Steph however had long blond hair that she always let flow down around her shoulders, and skin that always had a nice healthy tan from the time that she spent outdoors. Today she wore a simple white dress that made her look like some kind of Greek goddess.

The mesmerizing power of her looks broke though as Dan watched her raise her bulky leather handbag up into the sky and let it come crashing down toward the coffee table. “Oh fuck!” Dan screamed as he dove out of the way. The bag hit the coffee table with enough force that it actually kicked up a gust of wind that blew over his back.

The entire coffee table shuddered as Steph fell back into the couch and propped her feet up on to the short coffee table. She was wearing a pair of thin leather sandals that she clearly walked in a lot. The soles were coated in dust and grime from the city but what caught Dan's eyes were the few splotchy stains that he was certain were the carcasses of insects that had been crushed in the enormous woman's path.

“So,” the new giantess asked as she crossed her legs at the ankle, bobbing her foot up and down enough to unwittingly rain dirt and rocks down upon Dan, “What's the plan for tonight?”

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