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Dan looked every which way as his gargantuan furniture began to actually take shape. His neck hurt as he gazed upward to look at the huge and distant windows he had just stood in front of earlier. They were so big now that it was impossible to think they had been something he could have stood in front of with such ease. The notion that he had been sitting on that mountain sized couch was mind boggling.

How could any being be so big?

“Dan?” Kat's voice called, and the shrunken man froze in fear. He of course did know that something could be that big, his roommate had almost crushed him as she walked toward her room. Now her voice seemed to rattle the entire apartment as she called out, “Dan? Are you home?”

Dan turned his small head and craned up to watch Kat's gigantic face lean out from her room, looking down the hallway toward his room and the exit and then back into the living room. It was amazing to think how high up her head was in comparison to where he sat on the ground below. Amazing and terrifying. No wonder she hadn't heard him, there was no way his voice would be able to travel that far.

“Fucking sweet,” unlike her voice which could carry over relative miles with ease. Booming and powerful yet still sweet and distinctly feminine.

He could hear the distant thuds of her boots hitting the floor as she moved about her room, and then felt them as they grew closer once more. Dan looked upward as she walked out into the apartment, her laptop balanced on her forearm while her free hand tapped away at it.

Fear gripped his entire body and he darted out of her path like a rabbit or a house cat. It had always confused him why pets would occasionally just run off in terror for no reason. Now though, at a size small enough to be a meal for a kitten, he understood it.

Humans were gigantic and oblivious.

Kat didn't look where her huge booted feet fell as she walked. The young woman merely walked through her apartment and anything that might be in her path would either be crushed or have to get out of the way. There was no concern from this huge being about what the tremors her footfalls caused, she was just walking.

Dan had broken into a sweat by the time he reached the relative safety of standing next to his kitchen counter. He leaned against his knees and sucked in deep lungfuls of air, amazed that he had dashed what had to be the length of a football field so quickly. Of course, by the time he actually stopped Kat had long ago cleared the space where he had been standing and now was in their small kitchen.

It wasn't much of a kitchen, a narrow strip of space flanked by a refrigerator, stove and cabinets on one side and counter space, a sink, and a dishwasher on the other. The one thing Dan had ever loved about the kitchen in this apartment was the fact that it had a dishwasher. There was nothing like not having to scrub every plate that you used. Though, he had never really made much use of it. His ex-wife did occasionally but they were both far more of restaurant and take-out people than someone who cooked.

Kat would cook at least a few times a week but more importantly she loved to bake. Dan didn't understand it but he wasn't going to argue, even when she occasionally made gluten free cookies or vegan brownies, it was generally delicious. Not that she followed either of those diets, it was just something she did. Now, home alone on a Saturday afternoon, apparently baking was on her list of priorities.

The sound of metal pans and bowls crashing about together was heard as she gathered her equipment. It was unbearable to Dan as he cowered there, uncertain if he should try to move forward. If he went into the actual kitchen, he would just be beneath the lip of the cabinets. That was prime territory for being ignored or worse accidentally crushed against the toe of her boots though so Dan elected to stay where he was for the moment.

Dan realized he needed a plan to get his comparatively giant roommate's attention but any hope of concentrating was instantly demolished as the sound of a guitar playing through stadium speakers filled his apartment. “It feels like a perfect night...” Kat sang along tunelessly to the garbled voice of Taylor Swift pumping out of her laptop's speakers. The singing would have been bad enough but the floor erupted in a near endless quaking as the enormous redhead started dancing.

He soon could hear the sound of her throwing ingredients into a bowl. The crack of eggs, the sifting of flour, and so on provided an undercurrent to the catchy pop music. Dan cautiously stepped to the edge of the counter and gazed out at her. The first thing he noticed was the force with which her foot hit the tile floor, it was more than enough to completely squash him. Especially when her whole foot lifted up settling her weight on her toes and the ball of her foot as twisted her hips. Dan's eyes traveled up her white thighs to the tight jean shorts that flexed and stretched against her tight butt and slightly curving hips.

Kat wasn't exactly curvaceous but she had enough meat on her bones to cut an attractive figure especially with the way she dressed in the summer. Watching her dance, even to music Dan couldn't stand, was something that the man couldn't help but find arousing. His member stirred as he watched the giant woman lift up her mixing bowl, stirring away as she turned and dance. Her breasts, formerly little bigger than a handful now looked like fleshy hills that bounced as she moved, brushing against her flowing t-shirt tantalizingly.

“Fuck,” Dan said as he gazed up, fully erect at the sight of her.

It dawned on him that this young twenty something could end his entire existence and never even realize it. He'd be a stain beneath her black boots, no different than a piece of gum or a bug she hadn't noticed while walking down the street. Worse, what if she did find him? How would she react when she spotted him tiny and erect gazing up at her during what she clearly thought was a completely private moment?

Would she think he intended to be so small just to catch a glimpse of her naked or something? Dan swallowed hard as he imagined exactly what Kat could do to him if she were angry at that size. Being a stain on her boot would probably be something he wished for in that scenario. If he did make contact with her, she would be able to do whatever she wanted to him. That was a known fact about the scenario. One that, unsurprisingly, didn't make Dan feel particularly comfortable.

After all, how much did he really know about this young woman?

He knew her finances were probably not that great, and vaguely what she did for a living. Sure, he was aware of the food she ate and the type of music and television shows that she watched but... they weren't the type of roommates who'd sit and have long conversations about life or anything. Honestly, there was a lot more that he didn't know about her than he did.

For all he knew, she was the reason he was shrunk. Maybe she was a witch or had a chemical or... something. Ok, Dan thought to himself, that was sort of crazy. Though why he had shrunk was definitely something he wanted to know, there was no reason to think it was malicious. There was even a chance that whatever had happened to him could still happen to Kat!

If both of them were shrunk there was no hope for a rescue. They'd have to try and slip out the door or something, and then rely on their neighbors. That was an even scarier thought, since like any good New Yorker Dan had no clue who his neighbors were let alone if they'd help or try and take advantage of his situation. Hell, given the New York City real estate market, they'd probably just step on him and then buy his apartment to expand or make a duplex for themselves.

The possibility that this was all a real estate scam was driven from Dan's head by the smashing of Kat's foot roughly fifty feet away from him. She was now simply dancing in their apartment, laughing and singing to herself as she moved about. Dan needed to make contact and running up to her feet seemed like a bad idea.

Having no other option, he rose to a standing position and started jumping up and down. There was a better chance of the movement catching her eye than her actually feeling his small fists drum against the tough leather of her boot. She danced through the living room, pausing to truly shake it toward Manhattan before prancing back.

The playlist ended and she paused, giggling to herself as she stood there with her hands on her hips catching a slight breath. “Kat! KAAAAAAAT!” Dan screamed as he jumped like mad at the base of the kitchen counter. Staring up at her with her hands on her hips made the girl look surprisingly intimidating, like some kind of conquering giant. The fact that her boots were clearly inspired by combat boots didn't help her menace any. “KAAAAAAAT!” Dan's voice practically went hoarse as he screamed.

Finally, her head twitched and she looked down at him. He could barely make out her face with the light at her back but he could see her eyes narrow down at him, “How did you get in here, little bug?”

“Oh God,” Dan stopped jumping, terrified of what was about to happen.

“I don't like bugs in my apartment,” Kat's voice rang in his ears as she stepped forward. The whole floor shook once more as her foot made contact. Dan gazed up at her, as she approached, uncertain whether he should run or not. Another quaking footfall though awakened that animal fear in him once more and he bolted, hoping that she didn't just smash him against the cabinet.


Her enormous boot slammed directly into his path and he ran headlong into it. His face smashed directly against the worn leather, filling his nose and mouth with its scent and taste. Dan coughed as he sat back up from his fall, amazed that something as big as her had been able to move that quickly. When his vision cleared, he saw the toe of her boot rushing forward. It rammed against his flesh as it probed him. He could only imagine that Kat thought she was being gentle as she bruised his body with the tip of her boot.

“What the hell is that?” She muttered to herself. The foot landed on the ground, producing a softer tremor. Dan couldn't help but look up from her while lying on his back. Those huge skyscraper sized legs exploded outward as she crouched down over him, her weight shifting onto the balls of her feet once more as she settled into position. Her whole head cast him in shadow as she looked down at him.

Kat's big blue eyes went wide as they took in the sight at her feet, “No fucking way.” A huge manicured finger came down and slammed into his chest, knocking all the air out of it. The finger snapped away as if it were on fire. “Is that really...” Kat's jaw hung open as she looked down at him, “Dan?”

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