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"Now what to do with you?" Lauren mused as she cast a loving gaze on her son. Andrew blushed and shuffled his feet as his mom's eyes looked over his whole body. It wasn't so much embarrassing to be naked in front of her; it was the fact that she was already trying to make the most of the situation.


"I just go along with what you want, I guess" Andrew mumbled out.

"So what if I want something more... Extreme from you hmm?" Lauren giggled.

"Then I just... Go along with it." Andrew said resolutely as he smiled up at Lauren's massive face. She was pretty he thought absentmindedly and didn't even feel any regret about it. She really was.

"Good answer kiddo" Lauren laughed as she stood up. She rested her feet on the cool wooden floor but couldn't help and notice something wet on her big toe. She knew what it was. Lauren lifted her foot and quickly brought her hand down, wiping Andrew's cum off of her big toe and bringing the finger up to her face.

"You made a mess on mommy's foot" Lauren stated.

"I couldn't help myself..."

"I know you couldn't. Mommy's foot is just that attractive huh?"

"I think it is"

"Oh you get off just by the sight of my toes"

"Hey! It didn't help that you were pushing on my... My..." Andrew couldn't bring himself to say the word in front of her.

"Your itty bitty cock?" Lauren suggested.

"That's one way to put it." Andrew chuckled, surprised his mom would fill in the blanks on such a sentence like that.

"I know a whole lot more than you about stuff like 'that' Andrew." Lauren laughed as she stopped in her room. She set Andrew down on the bed and reached her arms up and crossed them. She pulled up on the shirt as it slowly slid off. Andrew watched his mother undress with teasing slowness and started to sport another erection. He watched her ample breasts pop out from underneath the shirt almost like they were set on springs.


"Yes?" Lauren turned and smiled knowing full well what she was doing.

"You're... Um" Andrew gulped "you're really pretty. I-I just wanted you to know."

"Why thanks honey, I try my best. Makeup and clothes and the like." She pulled her jeans off. Andrew watched intently as the pants fell away and left his mother in a pair of black panties and a black bra. He gripped his cock tightly as it grew in response to Lauren's sexual tease play. It ticked in his hands with every heartbeat. Andrew's mouth dried up and he started sweating as his mother stood still in front of him.

"Well?" Lauren turned.


"Wow what?"

"Wow you're... You..." 

"Yes?" She crossed her arms, pretending to be impatient.

"I really don't know another way to put this but... Mom, you're hot." 

"Really? How hot? Hotter than... Emma?" 

"Definitely!" Andrew piped up, caught up in the sexuality of the moment.

"Hotter than whoever's the hottest girl at school?"

"Yes, you're hotter!" Andrew replied!

"Aww, thanks honey!"

"You're welcome!" 

Lauren smiled and slipped out of her panties just to further tease her miniscule son who right now was in a sort of sexual stupor. She looked down at her wet crotch and her bush then to Andrew who's eyes were fixed on the holy sight before him. He was in a trance, visualizing the pussy as a sacrificial altar almost. He wanted to give himself up to it at the moment.

"Something wrong?" Lauren snapped Andrew out of his trance.

"No, I'm just, um, not used to this."

"Have you ever done it before?" Andrew shook his head.

"Oh goody! This should be fun!" Lauren found it odd for a second, but she was excited to take her son's virginity from him. Like she was making Andrew all hers forever. Lauren smiled at the thought then looked at the tiny figure who looked back up.

"Let's get started then." She gave a predatory smile and tried her best to appear sexy. It had been so long since she'd had sex and this was something that she needed, Andrew's needs were secondary to her own. She got on all fours on top of the bed, looming over Andrew. He stumbled back as Lauren moved forward over him, her colossal breasts bouncing slightly while she adjusted position. 

Andrew's breath left him when his mother got onto the bed. She clearly was much, much, much larger than him and her intention was painfully yet excitingly clear to him. There was no argument with what she wanted. He smiled. It seems we both are too in the moment for rash actions.

Andrew responded by stroking his cock right under his mom's and looking up at her with a teasing smile, all the while he swayed his hips.

"Just for that little boy, mommy will make sure you get an extra long ride." Lauren sat back on her rear and spread her legs, displaying her pussy for Andrew. He wasn't in a trance this time but the sight was still golden for him. It was his first ever seen and he felt glad it was his mother's. She would be the one to take care of him and he felt the need to do this for her.

"You won't hurt me, right?"

"When did I ever say that?"

"Never. I was just thinking since you're so big and I'm so small-"

"I get it. Yes, I promise I won't hurt you" Lauren practically moaned, caught up in the moment as she rubbed her pussy lips. The surface was shiny as her juices leaked out and Andrew could smell the feminine scent from quite a distance. To his left and right, walls of flesh rose up blocking him in and directly in front of him lay his mother's sacred area. Theoretically he could turn around and walk away but that was without all the other factors grown in. He didn't think his mom would let him.

"Honey I know it looks scary but I need you to be brave" Lauren moaned barely in control and surprised she hadn't just thrust him in.

"You're just big..." 

"I'll be careful. Just hit my clit if you're in trouble"

"You're what?" Lauren sighed.

"When you feel like you're in danger, hit my skin and I'll get you out."

"Oh... Ok. I'm going" Andrew walked forward to the waiting pussy and swallowed almost scared. Almost sane he thought to himself realizing how odd all this was. But it didn't really matter in the long run did it? Who would know about this? Nobody. He watched his mother's massive hand come down and split the lips for him to further ease the process. Since it was his first time he felt scared, and since this wasn't conventional the fear only increased. He stopped right outside the open cavern.

"In we go" he sighed and held his breath as he got in.

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