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Chapter 6 - Forces of nature

April walks into the small, bright bathroom, and sets Robert down on the vanity.  She kicks her purple slippers off, revealing her tremendous bare feet before walking over to the tub and setting Samantha down on it’s ledge.  

“Careful little one! don’t fall down the dray aiin!” April sings as she kneels by the tub and turns the hot and cold water knobs causing water to cascade into the tub, she reaches in and plugs the drain.  

“No April! not this! please!” Samantha begs, her voice barely heard over the rushing water.  

“Don’t worry little girl, Robbie Ladner will save you, won’t you Robbie?” April grins, looking over her shoulder at Robert, who was sitting there silently, atop the sink, watching the scene unfold.

“Please, no Apri- AHHH!” Samantha shrieks as April brings her hand towards her tiny frame, poking her gently, and causing her to fall backwards into the rapidly filling tub.  

“Oh my god!” Robert gasps, frantically jumping down off of the vanity, and misjudging just how high it was, he lands squarely on his face, and lay there for a moment confused.

April looks over, and giggles manically, as Samantha tiny voice whimpers and yelps from the bottom of the tub.  

“Here comes a waaaaaave.”  April warns mockingly, rolling up her sleeve and sticking her arm in the tub.  She pushes water towards the small girl, whose blood curdling screams are quickly silenced.

Robert climbs to his feet and rushes towards April, screaming.  April simply holds out her arm at the right moment, and knocks the tiny man backwards onto his little rear end.  “Wow Robbie, I am impressed.” April mocks as tiny coughing and sputtering can be heard from the tub.

“You’re going to kill her! STOP IT!” Robert shouts, tears starting to form in his eyes.

“Aww, is Robbie...Crying?!” April mocks, turning her attention towards the tub again.

“Oh no! the seas are choppy today captain.” April says in a mock high pitched voice.  “Brace for impact!” She exclaims playfully in a slighter lower tone.  “April!! nooooooooo!” Samantha’s voice cracks as April produces another huge wave with her arm, this time pushing more water than before, a quiet feminine gurgling sound can be heard as April lets loose another Maniacal fit of laughter.  Robert convinces himself that the girl had no chance to survive this, unless he could do something.

“Ok stop!” He shouts desperately.  

“Let’s just...Stop.” Robert stammers, holding his hand out in front of him while he sits up.

“My pin is 2141, I have three thousands dollars in my account.” Robert says, narrowing his eyes and taking quick breaths, his tiny chest rising and falling rapidly.  April looks on at him for a few moments, Samantha coughing and sputtering in the rising water.

After what seems like an eternity of silence April moves her lips.  “Three thousand...” She says, smiling.

“Yes...”  Robert says, slowly standing up.  “Let’s just get cleaned up, and go and get it, I don’t want anyone to get hurt.” He says calmly, holding his hands out in front of him.

“That is more than enough for a deposit, mmhmm...” April nods, looking down towards the source of the gagging.  

“Ok, get in...” She smiles, getting up and walking towards him.  She lifts him up and places him in the tub, the water coming up to his little waist.  He immediately looks down to see Samantha desperately swimming towards him, her tiny hands wrapping around the only thing she can find that is sitting above the water, the tip of his manhood.

“Whoa.” Robert says instinctively, reaching down and plucking the girl from the water.  Without warning he himself is pushed down onto his ass, the water rising almost to his neck.  The tub was absolutely tremendous, and he knew that April could drown both of them with one hand. That fact never leaves his tiny head as he watches her shut the water off, the fresh silence broken only by a few stray dripping sounds.  

“Give me...” April demands, holding out her palm.  

“Ro-” Samantha begins, but is cut off by a mouthful of water being pushed from her lungs.  

Robert hesitantly hands the tiny girl over, and watches April set her on the side of the tub.  The girl crawls to her stomach and onto her hands and knees, coughing, gagging, and tossing up bit of egg, mixed with bathwater.


“You could have killed her...” Robert says calmly.  “Why would you want to do that?” He asks.

“I don’t... I just like...Fear.” April explains, suddenly in the mood to talk about what makes her tick.

“You like fear? I don’t understand.” Robert says confusedly.  

Samantha immediately snaps her head towards Robert, shaking it left to right rapidly, as if trying to warn him.  The tiny girl pants.  “Robert...Don’t...” She gasps desperately.

“Shh Samantha, or do you want to go swimming in the ocean again?” April warns.  “Let the big people speak sweetie.”  She adds condescendingly.  She picks up a rag, and a bar of soap, and rubs them together.  “Well, Robbie, have you ever thought about a hurricane? Does it care that It kills people? Do you see how everyone cowers for shelter when it comes ashore?” She asks as she grabs his arm, scrubbing it roughly with the rag.  

“Yeaaahhh...” Robert says, still not quite grasping it.

“I am a hurricane Robbie, an earthquake, a tornado, a tsunami, and I can come ashore, and end your life in a split second.” She says, her voice getting angrier and angrier as she finishes her sentence.  She grasps Robert’s throat roughly, causing him to gasp for air, and writhe in the tub, his tiny hands desperately shooting up and attempting to unhinge her vice like grip on his windpipe.  

“April!! Stop it, he gets it!! he gets it!!” Samantha shouts desperately, crawling towards April’s elbow and clinging onto it.

“Do you feel your eyes popping out of your head? Your lungs burning? Do you see the spots before your eyes?” April asks, as Robert begins to turn blue. She innocently twists her head as she finally loosens her grip.  Robert gasps, coughing and writhing in the water, causing small waves to splash against the sides of the tub.

“Please April, I love you April, I love my April, I love my April.” Samantha stammers eerily, rocking back and forth on April’s elbow.  

April simple laughs a little bit as she removes her hand from Robert’s throat, grabbing the rag once more and rubbing his other arm.  She moves Samantha away, back to her original spot, and the tiny girl simply stares on silently, her body trembling as the air hits her wet skin.  

“Do you understand now? Or do I have to explain further?” April asks, her tone clinical.  

“Curiosity killed the cat...” Robert whispers as she rubs down his toned chest with the washcloth.

“Yes it most certainly did.” April grins.

“I’m so glad we can understand each other, and talk like this Robbie.” She says running the washcloth down and around his face.  

“You really are a sweet, sweet man...” She smiles as she works the rag down his chest, and towards his crotch.   

“A really sweet man.” She whispers as she wraps her hand around Robert’s penis, causing him to arch his back and moan.

April stares down, stone faced, her hand running up and down Robert’s shaft. Samantha smiles at first, and then giggles, her tiny, innocent laughter swirling around the bathroom and dissipating into the wide open spaces.

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