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Author's Chapter Notes:

Of Mice and Men

Hello folks.. A quick introductory to the rest of the story and a thanks to your patronage.

I had shelved this novelette years ago but that did not mean that I was through with it... To be honest I was hoping and even trying to urge on another author to restart his story (of which I’m a huge fan of) so that we could both start posting in tandem as this author had indicated to be a fan of this story, but unfortunately it appears that author has no intentions on doing that in the foreseeable future. That is his prerogative after all.. I was just trying to create a win-win situation for everyone. I have to accept the fact that this just doesn’t seem like it’s going to occur.

Well, it’s not all about me though, and just because it appears that I’m not going to get what I want it does not mean that the fans of this story should be put on hold any longer as it is not fair to you all so here it is..

I will attempt to add chapters to this story along with some others that I have working right now or may even start in the next few weeks.. It is Winter now after all and with me being hem hawed in due to the cold I suppose I’d best make good of that time and do some typing for you people.

I hope you all will enjoy this re-start and will stay supportive to it even when there are some lean GTS interactions in some coming chapters so that I can set up the next phase of this story.. So please keep supporting me while character developments are paid their laborious yet necessary due is all that I ask. All of your comments are appreciated even if they are very brief in nature.. It all means something to me folks.

Chapter 14

Of mice and men

The men quickly followed the Giants out of the bathroom in order to conduct their food gathering mission. Or Borrowing as Ned humorously referred to it as.. Tim ran along too of course.

This was all suddenly becoming very exciting and interesting he was coming to realize. Even fun! Sneaking around like a thief in the night and watching others who did not know that he was there.. Tim found himself smiling as the hurried along in a crouch walk posture.

They took a left and went down the dimly illuminated hall. The main house lights being out now.

Ned put up his fist and made a “All Stop” sign with it. But Ron kept going almost sprinting ahead. Turning to Tim he quietly began to explain.

“Ron is going to scout ahead. He’ll give us the sign after he checks each room for what we’re looking for. We split up like this so that if we’re spotted only one get’s caught while the others get away in order to get help rather than all of us getting nabbed at once where nobody finds out, make sense to you?”

Tim nodded quickly keeping his mouth shut.. He suddenly felt much more exposed out here in the open hallway close to the bathroom door than he had before once Ned’s tactical explanation settled in. There was just no cover in the hallway. The element of danger began to ooze within his veins.

Ron kept running until he made a right angle turn to run across the hallway to a door on the opposite side of them.. A few minutes later he came out and made a hand signal that looked like someone cleaning off a low table top, then took off running again back to Tim’s side of the hallway once more.

Ned explained that the signal that Ron just made meant the room was a wash with nothing of value to them.

There was a another bedroom directly across from the one he had just left. Ron went right under the door and disappeared just as he had before.

A few minutes later he motioned for them to come to him. So the two took off in a sprint for Ron.

At the doorway Ron quietly explained in between panting breaths that on the other side of the door was the daughter’s room and she was preoccupied with her older brother at the moment leaving a fresh Twinkie on the floor near her bedside.

Tim was curious and whispered. “ I didn’t see a older brother Ron.. Just a twin brother.”

Ron just grinned at Tim’s naivety.. And ignored his question.

“We can go along the left side wall which will take us to the bottom of her bed.. We’ll snatch some Twinkie there... Tim, you come with me.. I’m going to load up your backpack along with mine for our prize... Ned will continue to keep watch for us by the door. This will be a good chance for us to see if you have any value to us.”

Tim became nervous.. This was it .. A real Borrowing exercise was about to take place. The stakes were food or becoming this girl’s latest pet... The implications began to get his adrenaline going...

The two of them set off and ran along the wall just as Ron had planned...

There was a nightlight on, exposing the girl’s head and shoulders who was on her belly molesting something with her hands near her face....Squeezing it to her face and rubbing her nose across it was the site before them. Tim could see a bird cage by the opposite wall with the door opened. The girl giggling yet keeping her voice down all the while not wanting to raise her mother’s attention...

They quickly ran under the bed.. There were cob webs, dust bunnies, and a used sock to go around but other than that it was clear sailing traversing the polished yet dusty wooden boards.

The Twinkie was parallel with the girls head almost under the bed but out in the open a few feet making this a rather challenging task. So Ron slowed them down as they got near it.

Ron whispered. “ We’re going to crawl right up to the snack using the snack as cover in and of itself.. I’ll break chunks loose and put them in the back of your bag.. Then I’ll take mine off and do the same.... You keep watch and just hit me in the shoulder if her eyes fall on us. Got it?”

Tim furiously nodded once more as they began to crawl to the yellow Twinkie. They kept on their bellies below the profile of the snack until they were right up on it due to the danger of being out in the open like it was.

Ron began digging at the food with Tim’s utility knife. Tim’s head peered over the junk food to keep an eye on the giggling girl. Sweat began to pour out of his body now that the danger was clear and apparent. His episode of running for his dear life away one Giantess not too long ago having not been forgotten yet.

What he saw made his eyes bug out.

The young girl who he’d watch urinate into the toilet bowl a few minutes ago was now amusing herself with her older brother who was.... A Little just like Tim and the rest of them. He was clutched in both of her hands as the pink soft fingers held him upright with his feet still on the wooden floor. Moving him this way and that as if he were a sock puppet.

It had apparently fell on her to keep watch over the teen aged boy who was now furiously begging his younger sister to let him go and put him back in his cage.

But the girl just giggled and shook her head back and forth before saying “No! Make me!”

“I’m the big mean monster that’s going to eat you up!”
“No, not a again Jen.. Leave me alone!”

“Grrrrrrowl!. Big mean monster is going to eat up her big little brother!”

Meanwhile Ron was quickly digging into the yellow junk food with Tim’s utility knife and putting whole handfuls into Tim’s backpack.

Tim kept watching.. Surprised that Ron was paying the poor boy no mind whatsoever... He wanted to nudge him on his shoulder and point but thought better of it, thinking that might be a breach of protocol or something to that rude effect.
Suddenly after another guttural growl the girl opened her mouth wide and then her head slammed down to the floor.

The teen aged boy was nowhere to be seen now...
Then her head lifted with swiftness back up into the air as she pretend growled again..
Only now Tim could see the teenagers soles just sticking out of her lips, wiggling furiously.

Then, like a child with no table manners she loudly sucked the boy right into her mouth and giggled some more. Slurping and grunting sounds like some behemoth monster would make.

Worse yet, Tim could hear the boy screaming from inside of her mouth. He couldn’t take his eyes away from the spectacle either.... It was like a dinosaur had eaten a man whole in one of those cheesy B rated horror movies..

The girl sucked in air through her nostrils and puffed up her cheeks until they resembled a chip monk with acorns in them.. Then. “Plugh!”
He was spat out of her mouth into her awaiting hands...

More giggles and laugher ensued....

The terrified teen began vigorously wiping the clear shiny film glistening from the night light, that was covering his body from head to toe out of his eyes and mouth, while his sister growled again.

His hands went up as the girl’s head bobbed down again and took him up at the waist.. She spiritedly shook her head back and forth like a dog might do when it catches a rodent.. Her blonde pig tails flopping around her neck and head during the whirlpool of action pinging against her skull like improvised bull whips.

Tim felt a tap on his shoulder and was shaken out of his skin.

“Come on kid, let’s go.”

Ron had finished filling both bags as the Giant girl continued to play with her brother moving her head in several odd angles that only a girl her age could do. Growling and giggling the entire time.

Tim gulped as they left the discarded food which would have only appeared to be a nibble hole to the girl if she had ever looked twice at it as they traversed under the bed back in the direction in which they had come.

Tim couldn’t help looking over his shoulder and feeling guilty as the boy was spat out again, with desperate pleas for his younger Giant sister to stop..

For the girl it was just another fun night to play with and torment her older Little brother.. For the teenaged boy trapped in the slobbery maws of the terrible beast it would be on the high side of abusively traumatic..

“What a irresponsible mother?”, Tim contemplated.. Or had her feelings for her eldest son diminished with his size?... To be callously left to the devices of her immature daughter because her son had become somewhat burdensome. To be passed off regardless of the danger and torment the girl could regularly subject him to just because she was feeling playful or bored...

Tim’s mind reeled from the injustice being delivered as they steadily put more distance between them and the teen’s plight. Something had to be done he reckoned.. He’d mention it to the guys at the first opportunity.. This simply could not be allowed to stand!

More growling, giggles, shrieks, and pleadings could be heard behind them as they went under the bedroom door and met Ned on the other side.

Ron was happy and gave the thumbs up from the successful looting.

Tim looked to both men with a look of bewilderment. Didn’t they see what was going on back there? Tim through his confusion tried to whisper..

“Guys, aren’t we going to go back and save him?”

The two men in front of him looked confused now.
So Tim tried again.

“Ron didn’t you see what was going on back there.. That teenager isn’t going to last much longer if he’s left to that Giant brat’s devices.”

Ron then realized that Tim was not privy to their knowledge of things, his face changing from confusion to malice.. He shook his head and got closer to Tim with a sullen look upon his face.

“And you think that we haven’t thought of that already? You think we didn’t offer to get him out of this hell-hole of an existence the first time we saw him up there in his cage. We even climbed all the fucking way up to the door of it just to offer to break him free!”

Ron then got uncomfortably close to Tim’s face... Tim could now smell Ron’s sour breath.

“Do you know what the little pussy said to us?”

Tim didn’t know what to say so he simply shrugged his shoulders.

“He told us to go fuck ourselves... That he was warm, safe, and well fed here... And that if we didn’t leave right then he’d scream his head off.”

Tim couldn’t believe it... That teenager would trade freedom for safety, no matter how abusive that protection was? “Wow!” thought the beleaguered boy standing in front of the angry older men.

“So fuck him.. He get’s what he fucking deserves now.. We wouldn’t want a turncoat like him at Big Oak anyway.. He’d just snitch us out the first time things got tough for him or homesick. And then we’d all have to hide in the woods all night. Those who were left would have to track him down and hang his ass the next day too....

And that goes for you as well boy.. Turncoats working for the Giants get hung. So just think about that once we get there. You can still turn back if you want to. But once we leave this house if you’re still with us we wont let you turn back so think long and hard over the next few minutes as we leave boy.”

Ron then got out of his face turning back in the opposite direction in which they had came and Ned followed... A stunned Timothy soon followed suit too as they went back towards the pipes having gotten their bounty..

On the way to the bathroom and down the pipes they went..
Tim was philosophically conflicted as he pondered the separation or rift between the people of his world... Those who had the courage to run for their freedom..
Those who did not and would suffer any manner of indignity in order to stay within a comfort zone no matter how precarious.

Tim remembered the ex-con who was working for Sharon the National Bounty Hunter and how he was treated by them like a trained rodent with simply no regard to if the job put his life in jeopardy or not. He wondered where the Little man would sleep at night? Perhaps in a gerbil cage? Or worse, a filing cabinet? What was he fed? Bread and water if he was lucky? Or perhaps dog food if he wasn’t?

He had a lot of things to dwell on as the men silently made their way back into the sewer system and through the gloomy dark concrete pipes that lead to an unknown destination that he only now knew as Big Oak.

Chapter End Notes:

I've got some building chapters coming next so please hang in there with me.  Your comments are the fuel that drives this story on into the night.

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