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The next few moments were like one of those fight scenes from the original "Kung Fu" series with David Carradine. Everything seemed to happen at once, while time, itself, seemed to slow down. For one thing, I began firing Smitty. Four consecutive rounds in less than three seconds. Yet, even as those bullets were tearing into him, that sizevamp was suddenly shapeshifting like a Morpher!

As a result, they merely lodged in his left upper arm.

"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!" he screamed, as he snaked his past me.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" came another scream from right behind me.

I spun around, counter-clockwise, and saw _her_ behind me. Lihsah Gruja; the vacationing school girl who had bought Paula Drake on Titan Station! I lunged forward to try and pull her out of harm's way. But, the sizevamp beat me to it. Sliding between her feet and re-solidifying behind her back. With his uninjured right arm wrapping itself around her neck!!

"Let her go, suck-head," I demanded: "This is just between you and me."

"I don't think so," he replied: "I'm leaving here, alive. And, I'm taking her with me...as insurance to that effect."

"Oh, I wouldn't bet on that, if I were you."

Whereupon, I shrank back down to normal human-size and cart-wheeled to my left!

As anticipated, both the sizevamp and his hostage became momentarily open-mouthed with astonishment. Allowing me to re-enlarge to the sizevamp's right...and put two more bullets in his right shoulder.

Screaming once again, the sizevamp instinctively released his headlock on Lihsah and flowed towards the dorm room window.


I briefly doffed my hat to Lihsah. Then, I ran towards that window, and jumped through it in pursuit of the sizevamp. True, he had a few seconds head start! But, it wasn't difficult to determine which direction he had headed in. All I had to do was follow the shouts and screams of startlement coming from ahead of me!! And, with Archavia's lighter-than-Earth gravity on my side, I had soon caught up to him.

Or, almost, anyway.

Just as I had slowed down to draw another bead on his head, the s.o.b. liquified completely, and oozed down into some kind of sewer drain!

"Frig!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Only for that yell to be drowned out by the sound of approaching sirens. Needless to say, I didn't wait around to give my statement. If I did, the cops would no doubt think me crazier than a chameleon on a plaid table cloth. Besides which, I needed to find out how that sizevamp had gained the power to shapeshift like a Morpher!

You see, Morphers are a race of sentient, bio-electric giant amoebae who can normally only assume the likeness of anorexic bald men. The only time I'd ever heard of them having greater abilities than that was during the Co-Ed Case. When I learned that some of them had actually digested/absorbed the dead bodies of super-witches!!

So, I shrank back down to normal human-size, and followed that sizevamp into the sewer. Re-enlarging just before my little body hit the putrid stream of water, flowing from left to right, below me. And, consequently, landing with one leg on either side of it. Sort of like a ninja version of the Colossus of Rhodes.

Slowly, I turned to my left. But, no headaches. So, next, I turned to my right. Success; instant twinge!

Whereupon, I resumed the chase.

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