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Author's Chapter Notes:

I'm sorry I took so long to update this, I'll try and write some more soon, but anyways here is chapter three, I hope the few people that read this will enjoy it!

      The year was around 663 BC, long before the Okinawa's would need to be defended.

      The location was somewhere in Japan, and Hoori a hunter was just about to start his legendary story.

      The day had been very hot. His hunting skills where sharp and his family proud of him. Earlier he had made a bet with his brother. He told his fisherman brother that he could not hunt, but arrogantly claimed he could fish just as good as him. When he went fishing he had pulled the line, and the line had snapped and the hook was lost.  He told his fisherman brother Hoderi, he would retrieve his lost fishing hook, because he would not accept a replacement. Really Hoori just wanted an excuse to cool off, surely his brother would forgive him, but at least he might try and recover the hook. With that he dived deep under water and looked down at the fish and coral. The day was so bright that it was easy to see the sea life swimming around its bottom. As a hunter, Hoori was often fascinated by sea world. He would often tell stories about the Sun goddess children and their marriages with powerful sea creatures like the Ryujin. Childs tales you know.

      Still on this day the water became fearfully dark as he swam beneath the waves. He saw the hook and string and started for it, but soon became confused and lost all bearing being unable to see. Running out of air he swam for an unbearable long time to what he hoped was the surface.

      Breaking free to the surface and encased in light Hoori found himself flying into the air, light as a feather. When he landed back in the water he waited for his eyes to adjust but he was befuddled. All around him was endless water, and the sun was large like in the stories he told. The most terrifying shock however, was behind him.

Her breasts gleaming in the sun, a woman bigger than any lords castle, huge was an understatement. Hoori was at a loss for words. Nearby another man seemed completely at peace as he floated on his back near her enormous stomach. A Buddha?

      Toyatama was finished with her drink, and looked down to find her son Jimmu. He was tiny, as were all males, no bigger than her thumb, protecting him since birth was a large chore when he was so fragile. As a result in society males were sparse, and letting a son die could result in your removal from a tree village. Carefully looking down she spotted him and another male. "Jimmu who is that with you" she called.

      Jimmu bolted upright when his mother's overpowering loud voice shot down at him. By Japanese standards he was already in his late twenties, though he was predicted to live for another hundred years still. He was already full grown, and had slanted dragon like eyes, he would have stood about seven feet tall by human standards. Looking up he saw his mothers large imposing shadow, she was prone to worry, but his existence gave her status. Looking around he spotted thy other male some fifty feet away. "Hello," he called, to the unknown stranger.

      Hoori was first greeted by a loud unknown language spoken by the giant. This frightened him silent. It appeared the other man had understood her because he shouted a strange, unrecognizable language at him too. Yet he was still to startled and alarmed to respond. He just swam in place in the water. It was odd though, since the water was no longer salty, but fresh, yet this ran through his mind in the background as the large arm of the giant scooped up the other man and put him in her mouth. To his horror she started reaching for him.

      Relaxing yet again as his mother picked him up. Jimmu always preferred an outside view, but when his mother was climbing a tree, it was much safer to ride in her mouth where he could not fall or be attacked by a bird. Still he wondered who that other man was, no one besides his mother was here. Perhaps a bird dropped him he thought.

      Toyatama placed her son in her mouth for safe keeping. Still she pondered what another man was doing there and how he got there. Still it would be very dangerous to leave a man alone in the water without his own mother so she went to grab him. "I'll take you home with us for now," she said to the little man.

      With the hand drawing near, Hoori was yelling, "Ryujin!" as he swam as fast as he could away from the giant's hand. But it was pointless as he was lifted alongside the water he had been treading by the giant female. As he screamed he was dropped on here sticky moist tongue before being left alone screaming in the dark.

      Jimmu was bemused by this male, if not annoyed by his weird yelling. He must have been scared, he thought. The only logical thing he could think of was he had been taken by a bird from his mother. His words didn't make sense, and he sounded like he was in agony by the way he shouted. Talking to him, no understanding him; this was going to be hard.

      Climbing the tree for nearly twenty minutes, Toyatama followed the large branch to her own home in the tree. Large fish like carcasses hung nearby her small straw hut. Still she was happy to be inside her home. On this one tree, several families lived, about twenty four or so females, and her son as the only male. The previous male had moved on to another tree village leaving them behind. They primarily fished for a living and everything they needed, the sea and tree provided. The trees were very large, and kept them out of the water, they produced straw like root branches which they used to make clothing homes, and whatever else they needed. Sitting down on her bed of vines, Toyatama spit out her son and the estranged male she had found in the sea, placing them in a cage like box.

      After spending the last half hour trying to calm this other male, Jimmu was tired and just laid down inside his palace. It was a spacious warm protected home which his mom had built for him long before he could even remember. The giant interweaved vines acted as a barrier from any pests like birds which could threaten his life or even his mom's girth.

      Hoori was scared as he sat inside the large cage. After spending an eternity inside the hot warm damp cavern of the Ryujin mouth, he was actually a little glad he was still alive if only imprisoned. The other man had seemed to accept his fate, and was now relaxing in a bed of straw like some pathetic ronin. He spent the next few weeks trying to teach that other poor man Japanese. The first thing he related to his demonic like appearance was his name, Jimmu.


      A few months had now passed. Toyatama understood her son had learned to speak  the foreign male's tongue. It was quite hilarious as according to him she was some kind of monster called a Ryujin. What was even stranger was he claimed he had never seen a woman as large as her but only his own size. Still as weird as she thought this new male was, he was very important to the village, and was deemed to be under her protection until another village made a claim for him. He made claims like he was as light as a feather in this world. It seemed weird to her that he claimed to come from another world as well. A Lander even!

      Jimmu had fun learning the Japanese language and learning about Hoori. He was a very average plain man in his world, and woman were the same size. The stories were some of the best he had ever heard, he was fascinated by this world, and even told his mother the stories as she too started to learn Japanese as well.

      Before he knew it, Hoori had found himself surrounded not by gods, but by a normal family. Toyatama, while frighteningly huge, was his new friends Jimmu's mother. The kindness he had received slowly built up into a attraction towards Toyatama. He blended right into this culture and told stories and heard stories and eventually finding himself missing his home much less. Looking from outside while sitting on Toyatama's hand he saw a view from miles high in the sky over a whole different world. Endless sea's and trees on every horizon. He wanted to stay here. His hunting days were over.


      As the years went on and everyone was fluently talking with one another, the three of them had taken an excursion to the sea and were swimming around. Toyatama watched her son and Hoori fool around in the water. Watching males play around in the water was a rare sight, as the males were so few, that two males together was extremely rare. While having a son gave her a lot of power in a village, Toyatama was saddened as she could never mate with her son and have more children. The cost to do so would mean trading her son to another village for a new mate. She could hope another village had a son, but then she might chose to start her own village. Villages were formed around men, because they were so few and needed protecting. Looking at Hoori she wandered if mating would be possible again.

      Jimmu knew how his mother felt for Hoori, and had even treated him like family in order to convince him to stay with them. Even now his company was welcomed as the two played as he had never played before. While he had met other males it was extremely rare. Hoori stories of his village were fascinating, and he wished he could go to Japan. Though if he went he swore he would become Emperor there. Being the boss was an intoxicating thought, at being of the mercy of his mother all his life. If what Hoori said was true and he had the eye's of the Ryujin, then maybe he too could become someone of power there, and take up the sword.


      Within a few more months, as if a legend was forming, Jimmu was pulled to Hoori's world by a fishing hook line. Leaving Hoori and Toyatama behind. It would take him a few years, but Jimmu did become the Emperor of that land. He had lots of fun and met with many of the woman his own size. The cultivation of his experince till his death in 585 BC, he never regretted it. He was known as the Emperor born of the Ryujin!


      Hoori became Toyatama's Lover and would declare his Lover Otohime, ruler of the sea. They had many children, with a higher rate of men than normal. He too established Japanese presence in this world, if nothing more than a foot note.

And thus the two worlds became entangled with one another in legend and it remained so until one day.


      April the 8th, naval time 1:25AM.

      Sakuya had been bathing for quite some time. Standing a good distance from her tree village she enjoyed the quiet scenery of the sea. It was appropriate of her to thank the gods for such a good harvest from the sea. This tradition had been started by one of her ancestors generations ago. Saying those odd words in another ancient tongue sometimes gave her the spooks. It was an oral tradition to learn these old words, so she accepted it. After giving thanks she started back to her village when she heard and odd sound only to see a black bending light appear over the sea.

      She was frightened as she saw ten large gray sea monsters with giant tubes and spikes tear through the black veil. The sea had opened the giant black veil and released demons. She hoped they were not as bad as the tree burning men from the west. Turning away from the gray monsters she walked as fast as she could to escape up the tree to her village.

To be continued.

Chapter End Notes:

Hello I hope you enjoyed my third chapter of Operation Ten-Go Displaced on GW!

This second chapter took me a long time to release. My life has gotten very busy from longer work shifts to more responsibilities to a large Organic Garden I've started with a business partner. Anyways This chapter was the origin story for the legends of the first Japanese Emperor, as well as an explanation on how the giants and humans are able to understand one another. As you can see the males of this world are small like us and few in number so, the giantess of this world are very motherly. Both worlds have legends of each other, but i wonder how well they will interact. Next story will continue from the fleets perspective again.

As always I congratulate you if you read this far, and I hope you can do me the honor of pointing out any mistakes you saw, or provide me with positive criticism or feedback. Knowing people enjoy my stories can't help but make me want to write more.

 Thank you,


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