Summary: On a recently discovered Island mice have evolved to look like humans. Scientists took them to the western world however, due to their human-like intelect, large groups of mice-people escaped and quickly found gaps to live and thrive in. This is the story of a girl who is suddenly confronted with mouse-people in her home.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
This story I uploaded first on Giantesscity but I feel confident to expose it to a larger audience now.
Rated: X
Categories: Butt,
Mouth Play,
Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: None
Size Roles: None
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 26
Completed: No
Word count: 59490
Read: 196391
Published: May 09 2013
Updated: June 28 2013
Story Notes:
This story occaisionally gets so violent and sadistic that it scares me. Please read at your own discretion!
Also, this is my first story and english is not my mouther tongue so, naturally, the writing gets more sophisticated with successive chapters.
1. Chapter 1 by squashed123 [Reviews - 7] 

(1467 words)
2. Chapter 2 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (1956 words)
3. Chapter 3 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (855 words)
4. Chapter 4 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (1669 words)
5. Chapter 5 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (1941 words)
6. Chapter 6 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (760 words)
7. Chapter 7 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (1039 words)
8. Chapter 8 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (2848 words)
9. Chapter 9 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (751 words)
10. Chapter 10 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (2383 words)
11. Chapter 11 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (1627 words)
12. Chapter 12 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (1554 words)
13. Chapter 13 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (1906 words)
So she went to sit down with the doctor to try and make sense of her mind. But she never knew of
the sense that the doctor would find.
14. Chapter 14 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (2175 words)
15. Chapter 15 by squashed123 [Reviews - 1] (2643 words)
16. Chapter 16 by squashed123 [Reviews - 1] (2451 words)
17. Chapter 17 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (1912 words)
18. Chapter 18 by squashed123 [Reviews - 1] 

(1829 words)
19. Chapter 19 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (2405 words)
20. Chapter 20 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (2544 words)
21. Chapter 21 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (1770 words)
22. Chapter 22 by squashed123 [Reviews - 0] (2682 words)
23. Chapter 23 by squashed123 [Reviews - 3] 

(3373 words)
24. Chapter 24 by squashed123 [Reviews - 1] 

(4358 words)
Something different but plotwise necessary.
25. Chapter 25 by squashed123 [Reviews - 4] 

(5414 words)
It's a bit different...let me know what you think.
26. Chapter 26 by squashed123 [Reviews - 2] 

(5178 words)