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Space Ghost returned to his own time and home, to find that he had been sent notification of a lawsuit, for breach of contract, by Cartoon Network. Apparently, when he had put an end to Space Spectre’s television show, he had prevented Space Spectre from finishing the twenty year run of programs he had contracted to do.


“Well Birdman’s no longer a super hero in this time, but he could help me more as a lawyer,” thought Space Ghost and immediately went to the offices of Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law.


“Why should I take your case?” asked Birdman, “You wouldn’t lend me money, when I asked you for help during the production of one of your 1996 episodes.”


“That’s just the point of my case,” said Space Ghost, “I was never called Tad Ghostal, and it was an evil parallel universe counterpart of me named Space Spectre who started that ridiculous show in my name and wouldn’t lend you money.”


“I had to borrow from Falcon Seven, go into partnership with him, change his name to Phil by deed poll, and set up this law practice myself,” said Birdman, “Alright I’ll take your case.”


“Great! How do we proceed?”


“Well it seems that we have to show that the contract was initiated and signed by an impersonator from a parallel universe. When you put an end to his show and seemed to disappear from Cartoon Network for years, you were only setting things right. We should take matters further and counter sue. In fact, in working for him, they misrepresented what Space Ghost stands for, and presented you as a lame comedy talk show host instead of a super hero. Since they didn’t know it was Space Spectre, we ultimately won’t get any money out of them, but we can certainly do our best to win the case of their attempt to sue you,” said Harvey Birdman, “I’ll get Peanut onto research of your double’s old show and then we’ll be ready to go to a hearing.”


Peanut was Birdboy’s nickname. The boy had never found his father and stayed with Birdman (even though he was nowhere to be found, when Birdman was battling the Ant Ape, Skon of Space, the Speed Demon, Murko the Marauder and other villains that Birdman had fought after he first met Birdboy).


Soon the court hearing began with Mentok the Mind Taker presiding as judge.


“One of YOUR old enemies is now a court judge?” whispered Space Ghost, “That’s even crazier than Moltar and Zorak joining the production staff of that show done in my name.”


“They thought he could best pay his debt to society by serving in the court room,” muttered Birdman, “For goodness sake, don’t bring it up when you’re in the witness box.”


Opposing counsel Vulturo proceeded in representation of Cartoon Network.


“Your honour, Space Ghost not only fired his production staff, but he cancelled his own show, even though it had several years left to run,” said Vulturo.


“Objection!” said Harvey Birdman, “This tape, which I will enter into evidence (after it was found by my research assistant Peanut) is a recording of the last episode of the show to air. It clearly discloses that the show was not initiated by Space Ghost, but by an impostor from a parallel universe named Space Spectre. This means that every episode that was produced was in fact a fraudulent misrepresentation of everything that Space Ghost stands for. I will now present further tapes, which will show examples of this. I will then move for court costs, and petition your honour to award compensatory damages to at least the value of those sought from my client by Cartoon Network.”


“Objection sustained,” said Mentok, “I will view the tapes before ruling on your counter suit.”


The tapes were viewed by everyone in the court room.


“So you can see, your honour, that in the episode clips we have shown you, Space Spectre, with the help of Cartoon Network, have discredited the very name of Space Ghost. He has been portrayed as someone who burps on live television, asks inane questions of guests, encourages rank stupidity, blasts his production staff in the middle of episodes, and replaces galactic patrol footage of Space Ghost’s old adventures with ridiculous voiceovers, thus misrepresenting even the real Space Ghost’s early achievements.”


“Objection. It’s a comedy show!” said Vulturo.


“Made without my client’s permission,” said Birdman.


“I submit that my clients could not have been expected to distinguish between the real Space Ghost and an impersonator with exactly the same costume and powers,” said Vulturo.


“They have different voices,” said Birdman.


“I made an objection,” said Vulturo, “Is your honour still going to rule on that?”


“Objection sustained,” said Mentok, “Counsel will establish grounds for holding Cartoon Network staff accountable for the actions of Space Spectre.”


“The staff of Cartoon Network will still responsible for writing ridiculous material into the show, left, right and centre,” said Harvey Birdman.


“But there was no objection from the man my clients thought to be Space Ghost,” said Vulturo.


“It was still their responsibility as his producers to present a known super hero in a positive light,” said Birdman, “I enter into evidence a petition by several small children who have imitated Space Ghost’s on screen belching and been slapped by their parents and also wish to hold the producers of the show responsible.”


“If counsel wishes to represent them in a separate action, it would have to be between those kids and the staff of Cartoon Network,” said Judge Mentok, “For now, I find that counsels for both sides have failed to provide sufficient grounds for me to award compensatory damages to either side. This case is dismissed, with court costs to be paid by Cartoon Network.”


“Thanks Harvey,” said Space Ghost.


“You’re welcome,” said Birdman, “Just so long as you can afford my fee.”


“I can,” said Space Ghost, “But don’t you ever miss being a super hero.”


“Well a number of my old enemies are now working as court staff, judges or lawyers, but I do miss those days, flying in a sky that always seemed to be yellow, blasting villains, throwing up a sun shield, and so on.”


“How would you like me to help hunt down the rest of the Council of Doom for old time’s sake? Spider Woman, Creature King and Metallus are still at large. I heard that Brak’s just playing himself in a demented spin-off of my counterpart’s talk show. With me out of action for so long, those three villains have been unchecked.”


“I’ll be glad to help,” said Birdman.


“Do you realise what this means?” asked Space Ghost.


“Not sure,” said Birdman.


“It means we can both shout out our names in tandem!” said Space Ghost.


“So true,” said Birdman, as he took to the air, “Birrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdman!”


“Spaaaaaaaaaaaace Ghooooooooooost!” called Space Ghost, as they flew off.


“Say, couldn’t Jan and Jace have helped?” asked Birdman, “You three beat the whole six members of the Council of Doom last time.”


“Jan married Kid Comet. Jace married Electra. They’ve all settled down, and the Teen Force is no longer active, except that Moleculad still takes cases solo sometimes. They defeated Uglor a long time ago. That was when they were willing to disband and get married.


The surprise of fighting Birdman as well found Creature King, Metallus and Spider Woman unprepared, and the two super heroes soon caught the villains and handed them over to the Galactic Patrol.



*          *          *          *


Elsewhere, in Sealab 2021, in the parallel universe, Space Ghost’s visit to their time and universe had not been completely forgotten.


“Quinn! Get in there and fix it!” called Howling Mad Murphy, “Just look what that shrunken super hero’s power bands have done to my toilet!” 


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