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“No way!  This can’t be real!”


Emma’s hands covered her mouth as she stood hunched over, staring down at the miniature city in front of her.


“Oh yes it can!” responded the voice from behind her, that of her friend Kelsey.  Emma looked back to see her BBW girlfriend standing with her hands on her hips.  “Pretty cool, huh?”


Emma’s face didn’t change.  She took her drawstring backpack off and leaned in closer, her hands on her knees, and actually saw miniature cars driving along miniature roads, and ant-sized people milling around.  “But…I mean…what do we do now?”


All of a sudden, a huge bare foot with dark blue toenails slammed down in front of her on top of the cars and people she was watching.  Emma fell back onto her ass.  “Oh my God!  What the hell was that for?”


“Mmmmm,” Kelsey purred.  “that reeeeally felt good!”


“Wh-what...why the fuck did you do that?


Kelsey chuckled.  “Because it feels so good!”


“Do you know how many people you just killed?” Emma yelled.


“Probably a couple dozen, but not as many as your backpack or your huge ass did when you fell back.”  Kelsey was mocking her by standing taller and glancing as if she was trying to see behind her friend.


The realization that her massive-sized body had just slammed down onto the ground struck Emma like a wall.  “Oh…oh no…no, no.”


Kelsey reached out and helped her friend up.  “Sweetie, it’s all good.  It’s not like you killed anyone important.  I mean, when was the last time you cried after stepping on an ant?”


While she stood up and brushed off all the dust and anything else that was stuck to her naked body.  “Well, I guess you have a point.”


“No guess…I DO have a point.”  She turned towards the city and walked forward a bit, taking out a quite suburb neighborhood with her massive feet, which were so big that her three middle toes along were twice as wide as the road.  She felt her pinky and big toes crush houses and backyards while the rest of her foot dug huge holes in the earth.  Kelsey stuck her arms out like she was balancing a tightrope as she stepped one foot in front of the other.  “Excuse me, pardon me, coming through,” she teased.  Down below her, she watched as cars and people ran away from her as fast as they could, mostly to no avail as Kelsey’s playful stride was more than any vehicle or running person could cover before being squished.


While she had her fun, Emma trailed behind a little bit, her eyes focused on the destruction in front of her.  Kelsey and Emma had been girlfriends for a few years, and the sight of Kelsey naked always turned her on, but the playfulness of her destructive ways was making her tingle a little more than usual.


When she got to the intersection at the end of the road, Kelsey stopped and swayed a little bit.  “Emma, come here and watch this!”  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her girlfriend carefully walk over to her side.  “Woah…oh, woah!  Look out!  Timbeeeeeeeeeer!”  She leaned forward and let her body fall down and slam into the ground…hard!  “BOOOOOOOM!” she echoed as everything under her body was wiped out of existence.


This time, however, Emma didn’t seem as disturbed.  While she still thought about all the people she saw running away from Kelsey that got squished, it didn’t seem as bad a thing as it did at first.  When Kelsey stood up, they both looked at the imprint she left in the ground, which emphasized her chubby stomach and large breasts.  A closer look saw how the ground had been pushed into a smooth concrete-like surface.


Kelsey brushed herself off and looked back down at Emma, who was still examining the destruction before her.  “Not bad for lil’ ol’ me, eh?” she cutely said.


Emma chuckled.  “Not bad at all.”


Before Emma could finish admiring the holes in the earth, she was tugged upwards again to stand alongside her girlfriend.  “Now it’s your turn!”


“Wh-what?  Wait!”  The next thing Emma knew, she was being positioned by Kelsey.  Once in place, Kelsey’s hands disappeared and her voice got farther away.


“Ok, I’m in position.  Just fall straight back!”


“What?  I can’t!”


“Of course you can.  Just put your arms out and let your body fall backwards.  It doesn’t hurt, it’s like falling on grass.”  Kelsey knew her soft voice would probably be good enough to talk Emma into doing it.


And Emma agreed.  She closed her eyes, exhaled deeply, held her arms straight out, and leaned backwards.  After that, it was all gravity’s job.


Kelsey repositioned herself as she got a better idea as to where Emma was going to land.  She saw several people running around trying to decide where to go, hoping that they could escape the two girls’ rampaging.  However, it would not help them at all.  While she was a tiny stick-of-a-person at normal height, she was not the second-largest (and second most dangerous) living object on earth.  The people below her suddenly felt a blast of air as her body approached, but they didn’t get far as a half-second later, her backside slammed into the ground.  The dust that blew up got into Kelsey’s eyes, and she winced a little bit, but when her vision returned, she saw Emma laying there, still with her arms out.  Her eyes were shut very tightly, as if she was trying to prevent her brain from jumping out.  Without a second thought, Kelsey got up on all fours and leaned in closer to Emma’s ear.






Emma’s scream shattered glass in any remaining standing house for a couple miles around.  It even caused Kelsey to jump back a little bit as she laughed her ass off.  “Hahaha…oh my God, you are too funny!”


“Wh-what…what the fuck!”  Emma rolled over and smacked Kelsey on her arm.  “That was NOT funny, Kel!”


Still laughing, Kelsey pushed Emma’s shoulder.  “Oh, c’mon, lighten up, you know it was fun.”


After thinking it over, and after the initial adrenaline from being scared shitless wore off, Emma cracked a smile.  “Yeah…I guess.”


Kelsey stood up and held out her hand, which Emma took to pull herself up.  The twosome brushed each other off.  As they looked around, Emma walked over to pick up the backpack.  On her way, she completely crushed a house with her foot, driveway and all.  She picked up the bag and threw her arms through the string straps.  When she turned around to head back to where Kelsey was, she saw that Kelsey was instead behind her, bent over looking at something intently.  Emma then noticed what she was looking at…her nearly-perfect footstep.  She saw two ends of the road end where her foot had landed.  “Whatcha looking at?” she asked.


Kelsey got down on her knees and leaned in as close to the footprint as she could.  “Dude, you totally destroyed this house!  There’s nothing…”  Her voice stopped.  “Holy…there’s a survivor!”


Emma leaned over above Kelsey and stared for a few moments.  Sure enough, she saw a smaller-than-an-ant person moving around a little bit.  Then, a devious thought came across her mind.  Emma looked down at her cute hot pink toenails and wiggled her toes.  She then lifted her right foot up and slammed it down on top of the little person.


Kelsey’s mouth dropped in awe.  She got up on her knees and looked up at her girlfriend’s sly smiling face.  “Emma…that…that was…”


“Amazing!”  As she finished the sentence, a tingling in her pussy started.  Instinctively, her hand ventured down to her crotch and her fingers started to tease her lips a little bit.


“Hey, that’s my job!” Emma exclaimed as she brought her hand up to join the other one in playing around.  Both of them fiddled around with her lips, occasionally going inside her just a little.  They both realized that the whole situation was finally becoming a hot reality to Emma.


Suddenly, Emma grabbed Kelsey’s hand and pulled it away.  “No, not here.”




Emma pulled Kelsey up and kissed her lips, then pointed her sticky, cum-kissed hand towards the city.  “I wanna go play in there.”


Kelsey’s face lit up.  “Ok.  Let’s go for a stroll.”  She took Emma’s wet hand in hers, and the two started walking towards the bustling city…the bustling city that had no idea what was in store for it.




The tremors started off as occasional light rumbles.  A couple of them made tabletop items shake from their spots, but since the city wasn’t far from a large plate divide, most people didn’t think anything of it.  But when they started getting stronger and came at a steady pace, people started to worry.  Some turned on the news and saw something horrific…two monstrous naked women roaming the land, crushing everything in their path.  And the worst part was that they were heading straight for the heart of the city.


People poured out of buildings.  Some of the more curious or stunned people just stayed in place and watched the women approach their city.  Each girl was shorter than the tallest buildings, but their feet could still crush a transit bus flat.  They were holding hands at first, but when the main road between the buildings became too narrow, they maneuvered single-file, still holding hands.  Down below, people and cars alike were being crushed as if they meant nothing to the giantesses.


“Holy…shit…”  Emma was nearly speechless as she took in the feeling of both power and dominance.  It all felt like she was watching a movie from a first-person view, and kept thinking how detailed it all looked, but the crunching under her sensitive soles kept reminding her that it was all real.  Even though she was warming up to the feeling of being so powerful, Emma still tried to walk around the people if she could, but knew that it was impossible to miss everything.


One thing that made it a bit easier was trying to walk where Kelsey did.  Her feet were much bigger than Emma’s, which meant they covered more killing area.  Fortunately, most of the people seemed smart enough to not run where a dozen other people were just smashed into the pavement, but staying away from the footprints didn’t help either as Emma’s feet were just as random-stepping and deadly.


“Oh man, this is WAY more fun than just squishing ants!” Kelsey exclaimed.


“But you’re STILL squishing ants,” Emma said after a schoolgirl giggle.


“Very true.”  Kelsey stomped down a little harder on a pack of people and watched as blood squirted out from the cracks in the pavement.  “I’m glad to see you’re warming up to it a little more.  I was afraid I’d have to literally shove your feet down to make you walk!”


“Well, I have a great teacher.”  Emma squeezed Kelsey’s hand a little tighter and pulled her close to kiss her cheek.


“Awwwww, you’re so sweet!  Unlike these little ants!”  Kelsey released Emma’s hand to balance herself as she started a stomping spree.  “Ants with clothes!”  *CRUNCH*  “Ants in cars!”  *SQUISH*  “Ants with tiny brains!”  *STOMP*  Her feet left massive depressions in the pavement with crack marks extending outwards like a shattering window.


Once again, Emma felt a pulse of tingles flow through her body as she watched her girlfriend’s violent and dominant playfulness.  She always liked how dominant Kelsey was in bed, but this was something completely beyond that.  Emma followed behind Kelsey, playing her own little game.  “Oooooh, you little people that my girlfriend missed are super lucky!  Well, let’s see who can survive phase two!”  She started walking and carefully planted her feet where Kelsey had missed, step by step.  While she didn’t stomp her feet down, each step was still tens of thousands of girl.  She walked along as if she was taking a leisurely stroll through the park.


Underneath and behind Kelsey, the survivors struggled to pull injured people to safety, but Emma’s strides were too quick for most of them, and by the time they saw Emma’s massive bare feet it was too late.  Blood and guts mixed with the dirt and debris on the bottom of Emma’s thick sole skin.


“Soooo many crunchy buggies!  I can’t believe how dirty you people keep this city!”  Emma felt herself get hotter as she walked over everything in her path.  Ahead of her, she watched and listened to Kelsey’s schoolgirl-like playfulness as she continued to slam her feet down on top of anyone or anything unlucky enough to catch her eye.  Suddenly, an idea came to Emma’s mind.  As an evil smile spread across her face, she sprinted forward with both hands outstretched in front of her and shoved into Kelsey’s shoulder, shoving her down to the ground.


“TAG, YOU’RE IT!” she yelled


Kelsey was taken by shocking surprise.  One moment she is raising her foot up like the Captain Morgan stance to stomp down on yet another group of citizens, and the next she’s falling face-first to the ground.  Her first thought was “What the fuck was that!?”  Her next thought was “Ooooh, I’m going to get that bitch!”, followed by “So she wants to play games, eh?”  She got up, quickly brushed herself off, and took off after her girlfriend.  Not once did she think about all the people that she crushed.  To her, it would’ve never dawned on her since she was going to crush the dozens of people in the mob anyway, just much slower.


Emma ran down the road a few blocks, squishing anything unfortunate to be in her path.  She was running so fast that by the time that most of the people realized that it wasn’t actually an earthquake, they were either paste under Emma’s soles or running away for their lives.  She turned around briefly to see Kelsey getting up to start running after her.  She let out a laugh.  “COME AND GET ME!”  As she went to turn around, Emma didn’t realize that she had gotten to the end of the road quicker than she thought she would.  This was a very unfortunate fact for the people working in the office building that she smashed through.  Although the workers in the building saw her running towards them, her mind-boggling speed afforded them almost no time to crap their pants.


As she rammed through the building, Emma tripped and dove through to the block behind it.  Even though they were the largest humans on the planet, the skyscraper was still a few dozen stories taller than her.  Hundreds of tons of steel, glass and people fell onto her body as she tried to get up from falling down.  The next thing she knew, Emma saw Kelsey’s body flying through the falling debris like she was diving through a waterfall.


Kelsey’s hand reached out and slapped Emma on the boob.  “YOU’RE IT, BITCH!” she yelled as she hurried off down the street.


Emma stood up and brushed the piles of debris off of her.  As she took off after Kelsey, lucky survivors all over her body clung on for dear life.  Those in her crotch found their hold nearly impossible as Emma’s womanhood got wetter and wetter with each passing moment, while those stuck in her hair (on her head and above her crotch) struggled to hold on for dear life.  The combination of sweat and sex juice made it hard for those lower on her body to hold on.  As Emma ran, people gradually lost their grip and plummeted to the ground to either slam to their deaths (slower for some, depending on how they landed), or be kicked by her quickly-moving legs and feet.  Meanwhile, the ones higher up had a bird’s-eye view of the death and destruction below.  Occasionally, some debris from Emma’s hair shook loose and fell onto a survivor, causing them to succumb to gravity.


While all of this was going on, Kelsey had run ahead and ducked behind a couple skyscrapers.  She squatted down and looked between the buildings for any sign of her girlfriend…not that it’d be too difficult to miss the massive holes in the pavement, but they both knew that this was more of a sexual game than anything else.  As she slowed down her breathing, she realized that there were office workers in both building that were staring at her body, from her massive bouncing boobs to her shimmering pussy.  She shook her head back and forth between the buildings and smiled.  “Well hello there little people,” she said in her best quiet (to her) seductive voice.  “Do you like what you see?  I know I do!”  With that, Kelsey quickly looked behind her to see what was there (as if she cared!) and sat down.  She sat Indian-style, except instead of crossing her legs, she just brought her soles together, giving everyone a good view of her labia.


“Well, while I wait for my girlfriend to come find me, why don’t I give you guys a fun little show before you die…I mean, before you…yeah, before you die.”  She tried to think of something else she’d do to the people, but her mind was already racing and she couldn’t think of anything else except her next orgasm.  Kelsey started to stroke her outer lips and let out a little purr.  She leaned back and held herself up with her other hand, which landed on a couple parked cars.  As her fingers started to work deeper inside her pussy to play with her clit, Kelsey instinctively stretched her legs out.  However, there wasn’t enough room between the buildings for her to do that, but instead of stopping her pleasuring and trying to reposition herself, she just shoved her feet through the bottom couple floors of the buildings.  She let her feet naturally rise vertical, crashing through the floors of several business offices.  Anyone who still didn’t know about what was going on outside of the office building suddenly found themselves being mashed between debris and Kelsey’s wiggling toes.  Some of lucky (or unlucky) ones ended up being sliced by her perfectly-pedicured toenails that had only gotten sharper from being hit up against so much other stuff.


As she pleasured herself, Kelsey was oblivious to the gentle thuds of Emma tip-toeing up to the spot where she was pleasuring herself.  She watched from behind the buildings her feet were shoved through as her girlfriend’s hands played with her pussy.  Emma then had an idea.  She crept forward on tiptoes, being careful to make as little noise as a several-hundred-foot tall girl could make on tiptoes.  Emma was a bit tired from running around, and the fact that she was getting really turned on by Kelsey’s sex play and moaning didn’t help her either.  She positioned herself so her pussy was right above Kelsey’s face.


“Look out below!” she yelled.


Emma barely had enough time to open her scared eyes when Kelsey squatted down onto Emma’s face.  She immediately started to bounce on her girlfriend’s face and got a nice little sucking on her pussylips in return.  As she bucked up and down, she closed her eyes and tried to imagine how many people were watching the two of them get it on.  Then she opened her eyes and noticed that there was an entire building of people that, for whatever reason, decided to stay and stare out the shiny glass sides at their antics instead of trying to run for their lives


This turned her on even more.  Kelsey started to moan a bit as things started to heat up.  She then had a devious idea.  She reached out with her hand, smashed it through the glass side of the office building, and grabbed a fistful of debris and people.  Letting the moment take over all her thoughts, Kelsey mashed the wad in her hand onto her breast and rubbed it all over her hard nipples.  For the couple people who somehow survived inside the mess, their torment was short-lived as their bodies were smeared into oblivion.


“Oh yes, more, MORE!”  Kelsey continued to ride Emma’s face.  Below her, Emma was breathing in through her nose as best she could, letting the aroma of Kelsey’s cunt fill her senses while her mouth did the best it could to please her girlfriend’s womanhood.  Kelsey reached into a different spot in the skyscraper and pulled out another handful to spread over her massive boobs.


The combination of their bouncing and moaning sent tremors throughout the city.  People in buildings on the untouched other side of the city had a tough time keeping their balance as they did everything they could to escape the city.


Kelsey’s moans got louder and louder until she finally climaxed into Emma’s mouth.  Not expecting such an explosive cum, Emma pulled her hands out of her pussy and pushed Kelsey’s body off her face, sending her crashing through a couple smaller buildings.  Emma rolled over coughing the sticky mess out of her mouth and tried to catch her breath.  Meanwhile, her girlfriend rolled around laughing, sticking all sorts of debris and soon-to-be-crushed people to her sweaty body.


“Oh…oh my…”  They had done this before, but truly living out their giantess fantasies made everything so surreal.  She lay on the ground for a little while she let her body come back to reality.  Next to her, Emma had finally managed to get most of the gunk out of her mouth and nose (even though the taste and smell had lingered, but it wasn’t like it was something new to either of them).  For a little while the two of them just lay there, enjoying the feeling of the warm sun and cool breeze on their naked bodies.  Emma reached over and stroked her girlfriend’s soles, something Kelsey always liked.


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