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"Come on now, surely, you can do better than that?" Lillian teased the tiny woman slaving over her feet.

Emitting a panicked squeal, the woman stood up straight, and redoubled her efforts.

The difference in feeling was minimal, almost unnoticeable really. What mattered to Lillian though, was the thorough breaking down of her slaves free will. It was one of the things she enjoyed most in life.

The woman, who was now planting kisses around Lillian's big toe, had once been the leader of a great rebellion. It had taken more time and effort to break this woman's will than most others, and it had been an exceptionally fun experience for Lillian. Once upon a time, the little woman commanded armies, fighting against everything her rulers represented. Now, she was knelt a subservient slave. One who followed orders without question, and one who followed commands without hesitation.

With a sigh, Lillian reclined further in her vast throne, kicking her feet out. Her servant was struck by the sudden movement, and skidded across the floor roughly, whimpering as she did. Lillian smiled, thinking back to when this servant first came around their great home.

The woman had cursed The Five. She had screamed blasphemies, and made several attempts to escape within hours of arriving. The greatest restraint was shown to not crush the insect where she stood.

"Now, though. Now she's as good a slave as any." Lillian thought to herself, groaning.

"Enjoying that a little TOO much there, aren't ya Lily?"

"Shut up Tiffany." Lillian replied, her lips curling into a small smile.

A stifled giggle came from a long, luxurious table standing not ten feet from Lillian's throne. Three more women sat at the table, all Lillian's size, and watched the scene unfold with bemused interest.

"You shut up Lily." Tiffany said, smiling as she ran her fingers through her shoulder-length, auburn hair. Cracking another smile, she tilted her head up, speaking in an exaggerated, regal tone.

"Lillian, I'll have you know, that as one of The Five, I-"

"Not this again." Lily sighed, her smile widening.

"I'm with Lily on this one. Can we please skip this and talk about something that matters?" A third woman began, and raised her hand into the air while she interrupted.

"Like you?" Tiffany shot back, putting her elbows on the table while resting her chin in her palms.

"Why, yes, if you insist." The woman smiled. "Like me."

"As humorous as all this is, I'm going to have to pass on this one too, Vivian." The fourth woman interjected.

"Ooh, and Luna saves the day!" Tiffany nearly shouted in relief.

Luna blushed at the compliment, brushing some of her long, platinum hair over her face to cover her embarrassment.

"Hmph." Vivian began, annoyed, while twirling the red streak of hair that contrasted brightly among her full head of long, blonde hair. "You two just wish that you had what I had. That's all it is."

"Oh? What's that?" Luna asked curiously, never noticing Tiffany's frantic hand gestures urging her not to ask.

"This long, beautiful hair. It alone has inspired countless works through mortals, and not a one has managed to capture it sufficiently." Vivian began pompously.

"Well maybe if you gave them more than one chance before squishing them under your big feet they could get close." Tiffany said, rolling her eyes as the speech Vivian had given a thousand times began.

"This body, with a bust greater than anything made by man, has inspired men, women, and children alike to tears."

While the speech was old news to Lillian and Tiffany, Luna listened intently. She'd not once heard it before, and was curious.

"Oh, and speaking of my, 'big feet' as you so inelegantly put it." Vivian began before slamming a bare foot onto the table. "Perfect, immaculately shaped toes. A beautiful arch, and my nails are cared for by a hundred men every day."

"Looks like some of them still are." Tiffany pointed out, as minuscule splatters of blood dotted Vivian's otherwise perfect foot.

"Hmph." She said annoyed, while running her fingers over her smooth sole. "I'll have you know tha-"

"Enough!" Lillian shouted, clenching her toes reflexively, and sending a loud snap through one of her servants arms. Her shout echoed around the large, relatively empty hall they all sat in, lending to its authority.

"I'm trying to enjoy the work of my slave here,” Lillian said, motioning downward. “So would you mind keeping it down, or taking it somewhere else?" She asked politely, now that things had quieted down.

"You must really like that slave, huh Lily?" Luna asked quietly.

"The more power, respect, and fear one commanded in their own realm, the greater a feeling it is to enslave them before us." Lily said smiling.

"I'm fine with just about anyone." Vivian said. "The more that get to see me, the better. Why, just the other day, I brought in a few hundred slaves fro-"

"From the slums of a great kingdom.” Tiffany interrupted, annoyed. “And you only did it so the wealthy could divert less resources to them, and more on praising you." she finished, crossing her arms over her chest.

Vivian opened her mouth to respond, but was rudely interrupted when a large crash echoed through the hall.

With one eye half open, Lily looked at the hall's great doors, finding it more difficult to focus on the weakened struggling at her toes.

"Oh, hello Ashley. Do you have to open the door so loudly?" Lily asked as her one half-open eye closed slowly.

Scowling, Ashley looked at her booted feet, spotting two slaves. They were special slaves, whose job it was to ensure the Goddesses received everything they needed while in the room. Ashley though, filled with rage, lifted a boot covered foot and crushed both of them in a single stomp, before resuming her angry march down the long, lengthy hallway.

She stopped before Lillian's throne, seething with rage.

"Is there a problem, Ashley?" Lillian asked placidly, her eyes still closed.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Luna added, concerned.

"Quiet, Luna." Ashley spat.

Lillian lazily opened an eye, clearly hearing the scorn in Ashley's voice.

"That's no way to speak to your fellow Goddess." Lillian said, her single open eye beginning to glow brightly.

"Well maybe she doesn't deserve to be one in the first place." Ashley replied venomously.

"Oh jeez..." Tiffany muttered quietly. "Hey uh, Viv, I think it'd be a good idea if we made ourselves scarce, like, pronto."

Vivian nodded in silent agreement.

"I uh, I need to go and... water the plants?" Tiffany said while standing, making her way out of the great hall.

"I'd better help Tiff. She's a bit of a klutz, and I can water the plants way better anyway..." Vivian added, while standing and awkwardly leaving.

Luna sat in silence, watching her friends leave the room, while Ashley and Lillian continued staring each other down.

Stepping quickly, Tiffany and Vivian escaped the room without any issues, breathing a sigh of relief once on the other end of the great door.

A minute passed, and the ha;; was deathly silent.

"Luna." Lillian said softly, but firmly.

"Y-Yes?" Luna asked, visibly upset that she didn't leave with Vivian and Tiffany when given the chance.

"Go help them Vivian and Tiffany water the plants. You can do it better than either of them." Lillian said humorlessly.

"But w-we don't have any plan-"

"Go." Lillian said, turning her head in Luna's direction slowly.

Sensing something beneath her calm veneer, Luna quickly stood, and moved to the back of the hall. Carefully opening the doors to leave, she gasped when Tiffany fell into the room, having had an ear pressed up to the door.

With an exaggerated, toothy smile, Tiffany nervously closed the doors after Luna walked past, leaving Lillian and Ashley to their own devices.

The vast room was eerily silent.

Lillian sat up straight, opening both her eyes, as they glowed with intense power.

"Now, what is the problem, Ashley?" She asked in a restrained tone.

"My problem?” Ashley asked angrily. “My PROBLEM is that I'm always treated like the bottom of the hierarchy here. While I was off gathering more servants, the rest of you lounged around here like old fat pigs!" Ashley shouted, a thin spout of flame coming from her mouth as she mouthed the last word.

Lillian's gaze intensified slightly.

"I ask you to do nothing I wouldn't expect anyone else to do. It is simply your turn. After you it's Tiffany, then Vivian, then-"

"THAT'S JUST THE PROBLEM!" Ashley interrupted punctuating it by stomping her boot on the cold, stone floor. A soft, muffled crack echoed around the room.

Lillian's gaze intensifies.

"I am the Goddess of DEATH. I am above the rest of these fools, and should be treated as such!"

Lillian stands, towering over Ashley.

"You were an equal. And you were always treated as such. Maybe if you weren't so hateful, you'd have realized this."

"I was an equal? What is that supposed to mean?" Ashley asked threateningly, and clenched her fists.

Smirking, the intensity in Lillian's eyes died down.

"It means what it sounds like. You were an equal, and you are no longer." Lillian said, a cruel smile forming on her lips.

Unable to take Lillian's disrespect any longer, Ashley swung, her fist on course for Lillian's jaw.
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