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Author's Chapter Notes:

How football "Dupuy style" came to be and a short version of events that may be covered in a future story.

Ten Months After the Great Reduction

"Y'know, something's missing in old Dupuy", Stephanie sighed, as Rachel -- now her trusted advisor -- sat on her shoulder.

"A lot's missing, Cheerleader, since we all got small, save for you."

"No, I mean -- something that used to bring Dupuy together, town and gown. Football! I miss football. Of course, I would, being a cheerleader."

"I don't know why you'd miss football. Not much in it for the girls."

"Yes, and sometimes a girl can lose her heart to football... and those who play it." A frown crossed Stephanie's face as she thought of Jason, her onetime boyfriend and current captive. "But I've been thinking of some changes that... might make it.... more interesting to the women."

Rachel's head popped up. "How's that?"

"Well, Rach, y'know, with the girls' sports, like gymnastics, you don't get scored on actually doing something. You get scored on whether a judge likes your performance. Six points is not six points. It's what a judge thinks. Men's sports aren't like that. I think football players should be judged on how well they please a judge, just like the girls."

"I see", Rachel purred. "And who would be the judge?"

"I would. I AM the Cheerleader."

Rachel beamed at how well Stephanie had accepted her place in command. "And what would the Cheerleader judge?"

Stephanie blushed. "Well, there's one thing football players do that cheerleaders can DEFINITELY judge..."

Rachel's face also turned red. "Fans in the stands, watching them please you."

Stephanie smiled. "Our bread and circuses! We can put the stands around my bed."

Rachel answered. "Let's capitalize it. Your bed is The Bed. All others are just beds."

"It's settled then, Rach. You find the old coach and round up as many players as you can." Stephanie's voice grew deeper and darker. "I already know where there's a quarterback."


"You're paroled, Jason."

Driven to the edge of madness and back, the former Dupuy College quarterback refused to walk out of the cage, in response to Stephanie's offer. "How do I know it's not a trap?"

"Believe me, Jason. We're bringing back football and you're the quarterback. Only the rules are... different. It's still a team of 11 players... but just ONE cheerleader, and she has her OWN definition of scoring. You guys are going to work my body until I come... and you'll score when I say you have."

"Stephanie, it's over between us. I'm never getting inside that pussy again, especially now that it's as big as I am."

"Right now it's just half as big as you are", Stephanie cooed. "But you talking about it
might make it, um, open up a little wider. And what's 'between us' doesn't matter. As far as I'm concerned, every man in Dupuy belongs to me, and I can put them wherever in my body I want."

There was a full season of "football" in Dupuy. The first two games were scoreless, but the team of tiny men brought their skill levels up to a point where they could actually
put some points on Stephanie's board, and even hit the minimum 21 points necessary for a win on five occasions. Meantime, Jason had met and was dating a young woman -- Michelle Finker, who had been humiliated by the Cheerleader the previous fall.

When Stephanie heard that Jason and Michelle were engaged, she was actually happy for them. Happy, that is, until she asked them to be married in one of her ceremonies.

"I'm sorry, Stephanie, but we're having a church wedding", Michelle replied.

Stephanie found herself miffed that there were still people in Dupuy who did not address her as Cheerleader. She shook it off and moved on. "I'm sure the Great Hall of Dupuy can handle everybody in town, which is all that would be going."

"That's not the issue. Jason and I don't believe in idolatry. Your ceremony puts you at the center of a marriage. We believe God should be at the center of our marriage. Jason has to work in your vagina every week. He doesn't want to be married to it."

"You know that every woman in Dupuy shares her men with me. That's the deal we worked out."

"YOU worked it out, by brute force. We have to live in it, but twisting the idea of marriage to include it... we're not going there, Stephanie, no matter what you do."

Stephanie bit her tongue as tiny Michelle and Jason walked out of her chambers.

Some in Dupuy thought all this explained what happened in the next game. Jason was deep in Stephanie's vagina, part of a complicated manuever involving players on the inside and outside. The center was supposed to squeeze the clitoris, triggering a play that would lead to a mind-boggling orgasm for Stephanie. But something went wrong. Stephanie's vaginal muscles squeezed Jason so tightly that he couldn't get out. He broke several ribs, before ultimately suffocating in the struggle to escape.

Jason was buried with full honors, his coffin rolled down the hallway of the women's dorm, now surrounded by dollhouses and other structures, resembling almost a real shopping mall.

Stanley Finker held his weeping daughter Michelle, her face covered in a black veil.
They felt a dark presence above them, and looked up to see the Cheerleader. She had suspended the no-panties rule for the day of the funeral, and wore a long black dress.

"I want you to know that I'm sorry", Stephanie whispered.

"GET OUT! GET AWAY!" Michelle screamed.

Stan Finker yelled up at the Cheerleader. "She doesn't want you here. I'd ask you if you had any sense of decency, Stephanie Searfass, but that question was answered a long time ago."

The Cheerleader turned her head and walked away.

Through the Dupuy City Council, Finker and his daughter would lead a rebellion against the Cheerleader. Finker would end up as a political prisoner, his younger children taken away from him. But not before he saw the Cheerleader toss his oldest daughter off the ledge of her third floor dorm room... now the Cheerleader's Palace. Her legs broken, Michelle Finker struggled for a few minutes before a feral cat ended her misery.

Ten Years After the Great Reduction

"I can't believe it's been ten years since the Great Reduction. Stephanie, you still look 21 or 22. I'm 43 and I feel it."

"It's amazing, Rachel. The doctors say I'm aging very slowly. Something like two years a century. Maybe it's the same factor that makes me immune to the shrinking gas."

"If it's true, you could live two thousand years. You could build a society that lasted longer than Rome."

"Assuming nobody comes to Dupuy to make trouble."

"Stephanie. I have to confess something. All these years I've had a crush on you."

"You don't think I knew?"

Rachel blushed. "I couldn't bring myself to say it. I knew that your difficulties with the Old Order would be a thousand times harder if you had had to deal with a gay situation."

"So why are you bringing this up now, Rachel?"

"Well, um, your capacity is so vast, I have to admit I wondered if you would ever consider..."

"Letting you play in my pussy?" Rachel was so embarrassed, she put her hands to her face.

Stephanie sighed. "I do have vast capacity, and at my size, a Dupuy man and a Dupuy woman aren't so different. But I am still straight. I gave my word to every couple in Dupuy that I'm married to them, and I can't go back on that."

Rachel's heart sank.

"Having said that", Stephanie sighed, "there's nothing that prevents me from drawing a bath and bringing my first assistant in the tub to... assist me. And it will be a long, slow bath."

Rachel squealed for joy, then hurriedly stripped down in anticipation of the scrubbing of a lifetime.

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