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Nick was up first the next morning, sitting at the kitchen table slowly poking at his bowl of oatmeal with a spoon and dreading the day ahead.  But at least this time he had the agreement with Michelle, and this gave him a small glimmer of hope.

He heard movement from down the hallway.  His ears pricked up, and his eyes watched the doorway like a hawk.  When she finally emerged, Nick gasped softly.  Michelle was looking absolutely INCREDIBLE that morning.  Everything about her was a symbol of perfection, from her long, slender legs standing atop cute black 4-inch high heels and covered in black spandex leggings, to the sexy purple button-down shirt enclosed by a thin belt about the waist and unbuttoned more than enough to reveal her ample cleavage, to her flowing blonde hair and the stunning facial features of a supermodel.  “Holy Shit …” Nick muttered under his breath, hopefully not so loud that Michelle could hear.

Nick for some reason felt the need to rise to his feet, as if honoring her presence.  “G-Good m-morning, Michelle,” he stammered, blushing.  “Y-You look really nice.”

“I know,” she replied haughtily, her towering figure gliding right past him, dwarfing him more than ever thanks to her 4-inch heels.   Without another word, she sat down at the table and poured herself a bowl of cereal.

Nick climbed into his chair across from her and stared at her dumbly.  He badly wanted to get on Michelle’s good side, but all he could think to say was, “So … nice day today, huh?”

Michelle frowned and replied, “You know what?  I don’t really want to hear you talk right now.”

“Oh … sorry,” he whispered apologetically, falling into a glum silence for the rest of the meal.

Once Michelle was done eating, Nick graciously took her bowl to the sink and started washing it, although this didn’t elicit any praise from her.  But Nick gave a yelp of surprise when, a few seconds later, she stepped up to the sink and reached carelessly over Nick’s left shoulder to refill her glass of water.  He was immediately aware of her left thigh and hip suddenly pressed rather roughly against the length of his back, pinning him lightly but awkwardly against the edge of the sink as she waited for the glass to fill.

He didn’t know what to make of this, but he was just about to say something when she leaned down even further to turn off the faucet with her right hand, which incidentally brought the weight of her ample breasts down to squish delicately against the top of his head for the briefest of moments before pulling away.

Nick let out an involuntary squeak as his body jolted in shock.  “Oh god …” he muttered, barely above a whisper, his hand reaching up to touch the top of the head as he imagined her bosom still hanging there.  But, when he turned around, he found Michelle already standing a few feet away, calmly drinking from her glass while idly gazing out the window above Nick’s head, either not noticing or not caring about Nick’s wide-eyed reaction to her brusque touching.

“So, Nicky…” she said casually, swishing her drink around in her glass between swigs.  “You know, with my new status and all, I really can’t be seen getting a ride to school from you.”

Nick blinked, his mind still befogged.  “Uh … OK, but how will you—“

“I’ll just take your car.  I still have your keys, anyway.  I’m sure you can find another way there.”

“Huh?  What about me?”  Michelle shrugged unconcernedly and took another gulp of water.  Growing increasingly upset, Nick demanded, “But why can’t I drop you off on a side street so no one sees?”  Seeing her frown, he hastily added, “Or you could drop me off and then pull into school by yourself.”

His eyes tried to reason with hers, but she returned a disinterested, superior glance and replied, “Nah.  I’ll just drive myself.  Just get one of your friends to take you.”

Nick fell silent, lowering his eyes to the floor.  They both knew that wasn’t an option for him anymore.  He looked up again to find a mischievous smirk on her lips.  “On second thought,” she told him wryly, “you might have to take the bus, which will get here in”—she looked at the clock—“Oh, whoops.”  She laughed heartily.  “Looks like you already missed it.  Sucks for you, I guess.”  She took one last swig from her glass, paying no attention to Nick as he clenched his fists and scowled in anger.

‘This is freakin’ ridiculous!’ Nick thought to himself.  ‘Now she’s just going out of her way to piss me off!’

He took a deep breath and prepared to give her a piece of his mind.  But just before he could begin, Michelle finished her drink and stepped forward, leaning over him again and pouring the rest of her water into the sink.  Her upper abdomen brushed lightly across his face, filling his vision with the dark purple of her blouse, leaving Nick reeling from her scent and proximity.  Each of her massive legs stood as tall as his chest, and her waist was easily wider than his shoulders.  He felt trapped and overwhelmed as she casually and lightly pinned him against the edge of the sink.


After setting the empty glass on the counter, Michelle looked down and giggled.  “Hey, where’d you go, little guy?” she said playfully, unable to see Nick’s frail figure past the swell of her breasts.  But instead of stepping backward, Michelle pressed her hand against his shoulder just enough to bend his back awkwardly against the counter until his little face came into view.  Michelle laughed again, seeing that his resistance had vanished, replaced with wide eyes and a gaping mouth as he stared up at her in awe.  She thought back to the huge, obnoxious bully he used to be, and now the sight of his tiny little mouth gaping up at her like that just made her day.

Her heavy breasts jiggled deliciously as she laughed, tantalizing Nick with their presence mere inches above his head.  He could now barely see her face staring down at him haughtily, looming impossibly far above.  “Now, Nicky…” she admonished gently, putting her amusement aside for the moment, “don’t take too long to get to school, alright?  My first class is History with Ms. Rodgers.  I’ll want you waiting outside her door ready to carry my books.  A girl like me shouldn’t have to carry them, OK?”

Nick was frozen in place, his mind a conflicted jumble of fear and arousal.  He felt so small and vulnerable next to her.  “But … I …” he muttered softly before his voice gave out, reduced to just staring up in awe again.

Michelle smirked, seeing his resistance fading away to nothing.  “That’s a good boy,” she cooed condescendingly, patting him on the cheek like he was a child before stepping away and gathering her things.  “Don’t be late!” she warned him perkily, flashing him a devilish smile before stepping out the front door.

It was a long, arduous three-mile walk to school, made even more unpleasant by the unusually warm weather, as well as his backpack which seemed to weigh twice what it used to.  As he slowly marched toward his destination, he cursed his lab partner again and again, fantasizing about how he would heroically confront her after class and strip her of her arrogance and undeserved popularity, winning back the respect of his friends and classmates.  He was all too aware, though, that the real confrontation would surely play out far differently.  He looked at his watch and realized he needed to pick up the pace to make it in time.

He finally reached the school, signed in late at the front desk, and waited nervously outside Ms. Rodgers’ door for Michelle to emerge.  When she did, Nick’s behavior would have been described as anything but heroic.  As she walked past him by the doorway, without saying a word or looking at him she slipped her book bag off her shoulder and held it out for him to take.  She seemed to be in no mood for games.  He immediately took the bag in his hands and was taken completely by surprise at its heaviness.  The bag plummeted to the floor like a ton of bricks and pulled his arms down with it.

“What the hell …!?” he muttered under his breath as he gripped the strap with both hands and heaved it up onto his shoulder.  He felt inside the bulging bag and counted 4 or 5 heavy textbooks, which wouldn’t have caused his normally huge, muscular frame any problems, but after Michelle’s potions had made him smaller and atrophied his muscles, the bag felt like it was filled with solid ingots of lead.  His shoulders were already sore from lugging his own backpack three miles just now, but this new bag, twice as heavy as his own, was almost too much for him to bear.  Hopefully he could at least carry his burden over the short distances between Michelle’s classes.

Meanwhile, Michelle didn’t so much as look back or slow down as she headed for her locker.  He scampered after her, having to lean his torso heavily to the opposite side of the bag to counter its weight.  It was an awkward business, trotting to trot quickly while carrying such a heavy burden, but he managed to pull within a few feet behind her.

And then someone big stepped right into Nick’s path, too quickly to react in time.  “Hey!” Nick exclaimed as he slammed into the guy’s arm and bounced right off, toppling over and skinning his knees on the hard cement floor.  The guy had been holding a tube of yogurt which Nick had smacked right into, squeezing its strawberry-flavored contents all down Nick’s front and onto the strap of Michelle’s book bag.

The kid whom Nick had run into had clearly been staring at Michelle as she walked by and hadn’t seen where he was going.  But now he spun his head around and looked down, and Nick instantly recognized him as the same nerd from yesterday – the un-athletic, acne-riddled kid who had bullied Nick at lunch when he tried to sit with him.  A slow, sinister smile of recognition crossed his face.  “Well, well … look who we have here.  You should have watched where you were going.”  He stepped forward and reached down towards Nick, who cringed as he wondered what bullying he was about to endure at the hands of this nerd.

But then, a shrill, angry voice yelled out, “What the fuck!!?” Nick saw the towering form of Michelle whirl around and stare at the contents of her bag strewn about the floor, the strap of her bag smeared with globs of pink yogurt.  Enraged, she grabbed a fistful of the nerd’s shirt collar and shoved his back against the nearby lockers.  “Watch where YOU are going, you little twerp!” she sneered.  Though the kid, around 6’0” or so, would have towered a good 12 inches over Nick, it was he who was now feeling small and weak as Michelle, a 6’11” goddess in her heels, towered over him by almost the same amount.

“S-Sorry,” the nerd stammered fearfully.  In one quick motion, Michelle grabbed his chin, tilted his face up toward hers, and slapped him hard across the cheek, causing him to yelp in pain.  She then cast the little nerd aside, and he stumbled away holding his cheek in pain and shock.  A group of bystanders laughed as he stumbled by.

Nick looked up at his protector with gratitude, thinking that she might not actually hate him as much as he had thought.  She bent down towards him, and he managed a weak smile as he held his arms out to let her help him to his feet.  “Th-Thank you,” he stammered gratefully.

But he quickly realized she wasn’t aiming for him but rather for her bag on the ground.  Her eyes darted sideways to give Nick a glare so vicious he actually shrank back in fear.  Michelle swiftly lifted her heavy bag and examined the sticky splotches of yogurt on the strap.  A look of hatred crossed her face.  “My bag is fucking ruined!” she yelled, flinging it down onto Nick’s lap in disgust, knocking the wind out of the little guy.

He eventually recovered and raised himself to his feet, holding the bag with both hands.  But as soon as he did so Michelle suddenly turned on him, grabbed a fistful of hair on the back of his head, and with her other hand shoved the yogurt-stained strap of her book bag right up to Nick’s face.

“See this?” Michelle exclaimed angrily.  Nick, suddenly frightened, emphatically wiggled his head up and down in acknowledgment.  Michelle sneered down at him and continued, “How the fuck did you not see that asshole coming?  You need to be more careful handling MY things.  LOOK what happened!”

“I-I’m s-sorry, Michelle, but how could I possibly—“

The strap was suddenly thrust into his face, quickly smearing his face with the sticky substance.  Nick staggered backward and stumbled to the ground, hurting his tailbone as the heavy bag landed in his lap again.  Tears began to well up in Nick’s eyes as he tried to wipe his face clean, but he only succeeded in making his hands sticky as well.

“Pick the rest of my stuff up off the floor and clean this shit off my bag,” she told him coldly.  “After you follow me to my locker.”

Nick hesitated as he looked around him and saw that a crowd had formed around them, eager to see the interaction between the two most talked about members of Belmont High.  Though Nick hated being bossed around like this in front of the whole school, he dared not resist Michelle’s orders.  So, he swallowed his pride, wiped the single tear from his eye, and quietly replied, “Sure, Michelle,” trying in vain to sound casual in front of the spectators.

While everyone’s attention was focused on them, Michelle took the opportunity to make an announcement: “No one had better lay a finger on my book bag today, got it!?”  A few voices replied with a low murmur of acknowledgement, and the crowd made way for Michelle, the most popular kid in school, trailed by the former most popular kid who was now carrying her books like a miserable little pack mule.

They arrived at her locker, and Michelle had him hold her bag open so she could exchange folders for her next class.  He was really starting to feel the burn in his arm and shoulder muscles – what little was left of them.  While Michelle worked, she reprimanded, “You know, Nick, I’m not gonna be as lenient as I am with you at home.  I have a new image to maintain, and I won’t have my little slave-boy making such a scene.  I look like a fool now.”

“S-Sorry, Michelle!  I … I’ll make it up to you, I promise!”  He secretly felt that she was blowing this all way out of proportion, but arguing would get him nowhere.

Michelle scoffed and closed her locker, then reached into the bag and pulled out a small vial – a vial filled with red liquid.  Nick’s eyes went wide when he saw it.  “Oh God …” he muttered in despair.

Michelle stared down haughtily at Nick and put her left hand on her hip, dangling the vial in front of Nick’s eyes with her right.  In a low, serious voice she told him, “If you’re really serious about making it up to me, you will drink from this vial.”  Michelle swiftly popped the cap off and drank half of the vial’s contents, then snapped it closed and slipped it into the breast pocket of Nick’s shirt.  Then she brusquely stepped up to him for a third time that morning and drew a horizontal line with her hand from the top of his head to around the bottom of her sternum, explaining, “The solution only works if both of us drink it.  So, next time I see you, I’ll be expecting you to be about … here.”  Nick watched with attention disquieted frown as she held her hand horizontal and slowly slid it down her front, dropping down closer to the middle of her abdomen, just above his eyebrows.

Nick gulped loudly and looked up with pleading eyes, but he found no sympathy from her.  A tense silence was eventually interrupted by the second-period bell.  “I’m leaving for class,” Michelle informed him emotionlessly.  Gesturing down to her book bag, she added, “I still need that cleaned.  Bring it to me in Mr. Henry’s room ASAP; I need it for class.  And by then, I’ll have your answer.”  She patted the vial through his breast pocket for emphasis, then turned and strutted off down the hallway.

A few minutes later, after having cleaned his face, his shirt, and Michelle’s bag much as possible, Nick stared at himself in the bathroom mirror, splashing water into his face for a reality check.  His trembling hand pulled the vial out of his pocket and set it on the edge of the sink.  His eyes flitted uncertainly from his reflection in the mirror, down to the vial, then back again.  Mimicking Michelle, he brought his own hand up to the top of his head then slowly down to his eyebrows as he tried to envision his entire body becoming that much smaller.  Sure, it was only a couple inches.  But that fact did nothing to ease the sick feeling in his stomach.

“Am I really going to go through with this…” he asked his reflection in the mirror, already imagining a smaller version of himself staring back at him.  For the first time, Michelle wasn’t physically present to bully him into shrinking himself.  This time, it was he and he alone who would make the final decision.

Would Michelle live up to her promise and restore his height once the chemistry project was finished?  His gut told him that she would; she couldn’t be THAT heartless.  And remaining on Michelle’s good side until then certainly had its perks.  Still, this was one of the hardest decisions in his life: to willingly shrink himself, even if only for a few days.

His hand was shaking badly by the time he lifted the vial and removed the cap.  Time stood still as he stared down into the dreaded red fluid.  “It’s for the best,” he told himself.  After a long, loud sigh, Nick raised the vial to his lips, hesitated, then closed his eyes and poured the bitter liquid down his throat.

A few minutes later, Nick could be seen trudging down the hallway, wearing clothes that were a little too loose on him and struggling mightily with the two book bags that looked almost comically large on his puny frame.  He finally reached the door of Mr. Henry’s class and dropped his own bag outside, cursing under the weight of Michelle’s torturous bag as he opened the door with a nervous sigh and slowly shuffled inside.

“… and that’s why the Native Amer—Um, excuse me?  Can I help you?”  Mr. Henry stopped his lecture to look at the extremely short intruder with the oversized book bag.  He squinted.  “Wait … Nick Avery, is that you?  What on earth are you doing here?”

“Uh, hi, Mr. Henry,” Nick said meekly, his voice strained from exertion.  Mr. Henry was Nick’s fifth period teacher so he recognized Nick immediately, which made it all the more awkward.  Nick’s cheeks were burning red with embarrassment as every eye in the room was turned on him.  He told the teacher, barely above a whisper, “I … uh … just need to drop this off.  Sorry, Mr. Henry.”  He immediately picked out Michelle from the crowd – her beautiful head sticking out far above the rest – and shuffled down the aisle toward her.

“Excuse me!?” Mr. Henry protested.  “You can’t just interrupt my class like this!  What’s going on here?”  He was usually a very mellow teacher, and Nick wasn’t sure he had ever seen him so agitated before.  Nick just wanted to get this over with, so he ignored him and kept going until he arrived at Michelle’s desk, setting her bag gently next to her on the floor.  He stood next to her and noted that he was now barely taller than Michelle when she was seated, and her desk was clearly not designed to fit such a giantess.  But even more than that, he noticed a subtle but unmistakable improvement to every aspect of her appearance from head to toe.  In particular, her shorts were now struggling to contain a slightly rounder, fuller butt and curvier hips, and, best of all, her already tight shirt was now practically bursting at the seams, her buttons threatening to pop off at any moment thanks to her subtly enhanced bust.

Michelle noticed Nick ogling her body hungrily, but instead of getting mad, this time she raised one eyebrow at him and winked, while at the same time cupping her larger breast lightly in her hand and giving a brief, playful squeeze to acknowledge her slightly fuller size.  She giggled when Nick’s eyes grew even wider as a result.

Mr. Henry didn’t see Michelle’s antics, but he was certainly getting pissed off in a hurry at Nick’s continued presence.  “You are in big trouble, young man.  Answer me!” he demanded, crossing his arms sternly and walking around his desk to get a better view of Nick and Michelle.  Nick was shocked to hear Mr. Henry speak to him this way, almost as if Nick were a child being scolded.

Thankfully, Michelle spoke up for Nick.  “It’s OK, Mr. Henry,” she said in a cute, perky voice, slowly rising to her feet.  Nick watched in awe as she rose higher and higher, finally stopping once her belly button reached his eye level.  He couldn’t keep his gaze from running up and down the length of her massive body as she explained to the class, “Little Nicky is my personal assistant now.  He carries my bags for me … among other things.”  She stepped forward and snapped her fingers.  “Come, boy,” she said matter-of-factly.  Nick hesitated at first, struck with embarrassment in front of his peers.  But he quickly snapped out of it and fell in step behind Michelle without a word of objection.

Michelle strode confidently towards the teacher, who stood behind the podium with a dumbfounded look on his face, craning his neck more and more as she approached.  Nick knew his expression well: the look of a man used to looking down on women, but who now faced for the first time the unique blend of intimidation and arousal that came from standing in Michelle’s presence.

“I’m gonna go speak to Nicky outside now,” she informed Mr. Henry.  Once she was within a couple feet of the podium, she paused just briefly to flash him a devastatingly sexy smile as she lightly tugged on the bottom of her shirt.  And then, amazingly, whether by coincidence or by design, the single button covering her chest suddenly popped off from the increased tension and ricocheted straight into the back of Mr. Henry’s hand, bouncing harmlessly against the podium and onto the floor.

Nick, and surely the rest of the class as well, noticed Mr. Henry’s body suddenly jolt forward slightly as if given a shock, but surely not from the button hitting his hand.  Nick himself was standing almost abreast of Michelle, giving him a breathtaking view of Michelle’s chest pushing forward and outward from the release of pressure, then swaying deliciously back and forth in the loose folds of her blouse.

Nick couldn’t see either of their faces, but he heard Michelle giggle then watched her lay her left hand delicately along the teacher’s forearm and tell him in a low, sexy voice, just loud enough to be heard by her classmates, “You can go ahead and continue the lecture, Luke”—referring to her teacher by his first name—“and I’ll be back shortly.”  She strode confidently out the door without waiting for a response, and Nick sheepishly followed after her, but not before glancing around the room and seeing a sea of amazed expressions, some following Michelle out the door and some transfixed on their teacher who was still standing in shocked silence, still not lifting a single finger in protest.

Once outside, Michelle pinned Nick lightly against the wall as she stood to her full height and measured his height against her torso.  As she had predicted, Nick now came up only to her upper abdomen, his eyes roughly level with her belly button.  “Good boy!” she cooed, patting him gently on the top of the head.  “If my calculations are correct, you shrank maybe an inch and a half, down to just under 4 feet 11 inches, while I probably grew just a fraction of an inch, to just over 6’7”,” she informed him, grinning down from far above.  “And that’s not even counting the heels,” she added proudly, kicking one foot up behind her in girlish delight.

Then, to Nick’s amazement, she pulled them both a step back from the wall and slowly leaned her torso down farther and farther.  She was far too tall to bend all the way down to his level, so she stopped once her face hung only a foot or so above him, her back bent at more than a 45 degree angle.  She rested her elbows heavily on his shoulders, bringing her bosom down to hang almost at his eye level and barely a foot in front of him.

Nick’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and his knees almost gave out as he saw Michelle’s newly-opened blouse for the first time.  He stared, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, straight ahead at the long line of cleavage dividing her heavy breasts which were each nearly the size of Nick’s little head.  The pull of gravity caused the flaps of her shirt to open wider than ever while at the same time causing her ample flesh to spill forth deliciously from her now-undersized bra.  “Did I ever thank you for doing this chemistry project with me, Nicky?” she breathed sultrily, pumping Nick’s libido into overdrive.  “It’s wonderful, isn’t it …?”

Nick couldn’t make a sound, only giving a mesmerized nod as he continued to stare.

Michelle giggled at his reaction, the laughter creating a cascade of ripples across her soft flesh.  But suddenly his gaze was wrenched upward as she took his chin in her huge hand and tilted his head up towards her face.  “OK, the peep show is over,” Michelle told him with a flattered smile, but with seriousness in her voice.  “Meet me right back here after class … and don’t keep me waiting.”

“O-Okay!” Nick stammered in response.  She released his chin and re-entered the classroom, leaving Nick to scratch his head and stare after her in a mix of excitement and confusion.  He wanted to hate her so much for the humiliation she had been putting him through – and yet, this last moment with her … god, where had that come from??  He couldn’t stop thinking about it; it had been so … exciting

He slowly headed to his own class, dazed and distracted, suddenly feeling a twinge of optimism.  He let himself begin to wonder if maybe she still had some feelings for him – there had to be some part of her that still liked him, right?  Maybe she would go easy on him now that she had proved her point; maybe  things were starting to look up for him after all.

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