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It took Nick a good 15 minutes to regain his composure, taking a seat at the kitchen table to relieve his wobbly legs.  Then he got to thinking about his situation, and he realized that she was right – sure, she didn’t have to be such a bitch about it, but the cold, hard truth was that he had no hope of regaining his social status on his own; the only possible way was for her to help him.  Thinking that if he could just convince Michelle to let him back in to his group, then he could much more easily make it through the rest of the week, until she returned him to his normal height after the science project was over.  And then, he though with great satisfaction, he would be back on top and she would pay dearly for what she’s done.

He pulled himself together and went to Michelle’s door to plead for her help.  He knocked, but she simply told him to go away.  So, in an effort to win her good graces, he decided to make dinner.  To be honest, he was a lousy cook, and the best he could come up with was spaghetti and meatballs, sans meatballs.  But he hoped it would at least be a step in the right direction.

She came out just as dinner was ready.  “What’s that smell?  Are you cooking something?”  She walked into the kitchen, saw the pasta sitting on the stove, and frowned disapprovingly.

Not wanting to lose his window of opportunity, Nick chimed in, “I just wanted to make you dinner to show how sorry I am, Michelle,” sounding as nice as he possibly could.  “By the way,” he added casually, “I’d like to make you a deal: you’re welcome to hang out with my friends, as long as you don’t mind … um … helping convince them to let me back in the group too??”


“Please!?  Just for the rest of the week??”

“Fuck off.”

Jesus, why did she have to be like this?  He tried not to sound desperate, but with little success.  “I promise I won’t be such an … an asshole anymore.  And I won’t try to take control of the group or anything.  Really, you’ll hardly notice I’m even there.”

She sighed in annoyance and repeated, “No,” starting to walk past him.

As she stepped beside him, though, Nick tried to stop her by reaching up and grabbing her elbow, at shoulder height to him.  She withdrew her arm quickly, as if touched by a leper, but nonetheless Nick begged, “I’ll do anything you want, Michelle!  Just please let me hang out with my friends again.”

Her eyebrows raised as she looked down at him over her shoulder.  “ANYTHING I want?”

“Yes,” he replied, nodding eagerly.

“Anything,” she repeated, and Nick nodded again.  “Hmm …”  She stroked her chin thoughtfully.  “I really shouldn’t be seen with you in public, unless …”

“Unless what?” Nick asked eagerly.

She flashed a wide grin as a light bulb went off in her head.  “I’ll make YOU a deal, Nicky.  I will let you hang out with me and my new friends, but only if you … do things for me.”

Her tone sounded ominous to Nick.  “What things?” he asked hesitantly.

“Well …”  A cruel smile crossed her lips.  “I’ll be honest with you, Nicky.  Really, the only POSSIBLE way that I would let a lowlife like you anywhere near me is if you, oh, let’s see … carried my books for me, opened doors for me, got my lunch for me, and, oh, whatever else I ask.  Just some simple little things like that to show that you know your place—beneath me.  If you can just do that for me, I’ll let you follow me around whenever you want.”

He gasped up at her in shock at what she wanted him to do.  His gut reaction was, ‘Hell No!’, but then he got to thinking whether this might actually be better for him; he hoped that other kids would at least see he was with Michelle and company and would keep a respectful distance, if not look up to him again.  But was it worth trading one humiliation for another?  To be, for lack of a better word, Michelle’s bitch?

No.  It wasn’t worth it, he decided.  He would retain his dignity, even if it made for a rough week of school.  But he was just about to refuse Michelle’s offer when she leaned in closer and wrapped her hand around the back of his head, stroking his hair gently.  He managed to keep his eyes looking up at hers for the most part, though not without a few instinctive glances at her more-than-adequate bosom on display mere inches from his face.

In a soft voice with a sinister undertone, Michelle told him, “Just so you know, Nicky, if you choose not to be nice and help me with things, I’ll have to be a bit … mean to you from time to time.  Nothing personal; that’s just how things work, you know.  Being the most popular kid in school, I’ll be forced to put you through some pretty embarrassing moments.  And I’m going to have to make sure as many people are around to see it as possible …”  Nick gulped loudly as he squirmed under her intense stare, his legs beginning to shake uncontrollably.  Then, even more ominously, Michelle added, “Of course, I can only get away with so much at school.  But who knows what I might do to you, all alone in my house with no one to help you …”

“Okay!!!” Nick blurted out, fearing that he might not make it to next week otherwise.  “I’ll do whatever you want!”

Michelle withdrew her hand and took a step back, admiring the terrified look she had put on her little lab partner’s face.  “It’s a deal,” she announced with satisfaction.  “So, first order of business: get me some dinner.”

“Y-Yes, Michelle,” he stammered, rushing to the stove to serve her spaghetti.

But he stopped when she said, “I don’t want that.  Get me some Subway.  Footlong turkey, with everything.  Oh, except pickles.  And not too many tomatoes.”

“Uh .. OK.  Should I use your credit card, or …?”  Michelle snorted derisively and stared back at him.  Getting the hint, Nick replied, “Oh, OK, I’ll pay for this one,” trying to sound gracious.

“Whatever, just hurry back.  I’m hungry.”

“Got it,” he replied, quickly grabbing his keys and heading out the door.

It was a rather long drive, especially with the heavy traffic, but he finally made it back and handed her the sub.  “Took you long enough,” she chided.  Nick didn’t risk defending himself.

He sat and watched her eat in silence, ignoring his presence altogether.  ‘You bitch…’ he thought silently.  ‘What, are you suddenly too good to even look at me?  Not even a simple ‘thank you’ for running all the way across town to get you a stupid sandwich??  If you think Nick Avery is gonna put up with that shit, you’ve got another thing comin’, babe.’  In his imagination, he saw himself standing tall and proud, ripping that sandwich from her hands and giving one good, hard slap across the face, beating her back into submission where she belonged.  Glancing at her newly-voluptuous body, he realized that he sure wouldn’t mind finishing what he had started when he had her pinned nearby on the floor of her living room.  ‘Yeah,’ he thought cockily, ‘your curvy little body would make for one nice, sweet little conquest, and I wouldn’t even—‘

“Hey, get me a napkin,” she declared, snapping him out of his wistful daydream.  The illusion suddenly vanished, and he remembered the situation.

“Oh … sure, Michelle.”  He hopped to his feet and fetched a napkin to set quickly in front of her.  “Anything else?” he asked in a very whipped voice.  She didn’t respond in the slightest.  After a pause, Nick added, “I’ll … be in the other room if you need anything.”  Still no response.  He shuffled off, and once she was out of sight he began cursing himself violently under his breath.  ‘What the fuck happened??  How can you be such a pussy!’  A terrible rage built inside his chest … yet he knew he couldn’t fight her, not anymore.  Michelle had made it perfectly clear what the consequences of reneging on their ‘agreement’ would be, so, like it or not, he would have to tough it out for the rest of the week.  Nick released a miserable grunt of frustration and pounded his fist into the wall beside him.  “Oww, damn!” he exclaimed, plopping down on the couch to nurse his hand amidst his pain and despair.

After dinner, surprise surprise, Michelle called him into the kitchen with more bad news.  “Soooo, Nicky, I was thinking …” She strutted up to him, her towering body blocking the ceiling light behind her and casting a shadow upon Nick’s body below.  “You know how I said I could get you into my group of friends …?”

“Yeah,” he replied apprehensively, finding her shadowed eyes hard to read.

“Well, here’s the thing: I’m new to the group, you know, and it’s kinda a lot to ask of them, since of course they absolutely loathe you now.  Can’t say I blame them, by the way.”  Nick grimaced, not liking where this was going.  Michelle sighed and continued, “I mean, sure, I’m already pretty good looking and popular, though … it might not be enough.  But if I were maybe just a little bit taller, and better looking, then, well, I would be even more popular, and then I just know that I wouldn’t have any trouble at all changing their minds …”

Nick was a bit slow on the uptake, but he soon realized what she was suggesting.  “No, no, please, not that …” he pleaded abjectly, backing away from her into the light.

Michelle chuckled and matched his stride easily.  “Oh, come on, little fella, no one will notice if you’re just a few inches shorter …”

“No!” he exclaimed.  “The deal’s off!  I don’t care if I can’t join your group; I will NOT let you shrink me again!!”  He tried to sound as authoritative as possible, but meanwhile he had backed into the corner wall of the kitchen, with nowhere to run.

“Tsk, tsk,” she admonished, wagging a finger at him.  “You agreed to do what I tell you, and there’s no backing out now.”  Nick made a frantic lunge to the side but Michelle caught his arm and restrained him.  She wasn’t all that much stronger than him yet, but still enough that she could easily keep hold.  “Come along, Nicky; let’s continue our lab experiment downstairs …”

She began hauling him towards the staircase but not without him making it difficult.  Finally she stopped and, realizing she might have some difficulty forcing him to drink downstairs, she bent down and whispered in his ear, “OK then, have it your way.  After I’m through with you tonight, tomorrow I’m going to drag you into the middle of the school, pull down your pants, and spank you in front of the whole student body.”

Almost instantaneously, Nick’s body went limp as he submitted to her will, believing that she would carry out her threat and realizing the folly of resisting her any further.  He allowed himself to be herded downstairs and waited silently as Michelle prepared the solution.

She took a swig and handed him the flask, with about the same amount of liquid as before, though of a slightly darker hue.  He hesitated, but one small, threatening movement from Michelle was enough to get him going.  He closed his eyes in resignation and drank the heavy concoction then hung his head in shame.

“Cool,” Michelle said as she took the empty flask from his hand.  Then she waved at him dismissively and said, “I have to document this for our project, so just, like, stand in a corner or something so you don’t get in my way.”

Nick trudged sadly to the nearest wall and slumped against it.  Within minutes he was already feeling the signs of change: his belt was looser, his pants hung down to the floor, and he definitely felt even weaker and more impotent than before.

It wasn’t long before he noticed changes in her, too: jaw-dropping changes, not so much in her height as in her figure.  With each passing moment her already satisfying curves seemed that much more bodacious and sexy; her child-bearing hips flared out more and more, her cute little butt slowly stretching out the seat of her pants as the denim groaned in response.  And, what used to be perky B-cups slowly expanded before his eyes into C-cups, then blossoming into very healthy D’s.    Nick became completely enraptured as Michelle’s already fantastic body developed far beyond what most girls ever would over their whole lives, in the span of just ten minutes.

His pulse quickened, and he felt that familiar stirring in his pants as he watched her every movement from across the room.  He nearly lost it when she undid several more buttons on her blouse, out of necessity, exposing a gut-wrenching display of cleavage spilling out of her undersized bra.  She remained focused on her work, seemingly oblivious to the effect her body was having on Nick.

After 15 minutes had passed, Michelle announced, “OK, the changes should be finished now.  Get over here so I can record your height.”

‘Jesus,’ he thought, ‘even her voice is sexier.’

He stood up and walked forward, his knees trembling more and more as he approached her, able with each step to better appreciate her beauty as she filled his vision.  He involuntarily muttered, “Oh god …” as he stood in front of her, his eyes now barely level with the underside of her bountiful chest, even though she had taken her heels off.  He couldn’t keep his eyes from wandering hungrily over her enormous features which simply oozed sexuality from every pore of her body, seeming more fit for a goddess in heaven than a mortal woman.

“Hey, eyes up here,” she snapped.  He immediately raised his gaze to meet her stare.  “You don’t get to look at me like that, little piggy.  Got it?”  Nick nodded nervously.  She then led him to the wall and set up her camera for another photo.  It took all of his willpower to keep his eyes off her as she walked up next to him and faced the camera.

Click.  Michelle strolled forward, and Nick followed along to check out the photo.  “Damn, I look incredible!!” she exclaimed.

Nick was speechless.  His brain just couldn’t reconcile the staggering difference in their heights, seen even more starkly than ever from an outside perspective.  Nick hardly even resembled the tall, strapping young man he always was; the person in the picture looked far more like a small child standing next to his beautiful mommy or sister.  But God, what beauty …

Nick gathered his wits enough to look up and sheepishly tell her, truthfully, “Yeah, you do look amazing, Michelle.”

“Shut up, Nicky,” she scolded as she wrote down their new heights in her lab notebook: ‘Michelle: 6’7”, Nicky: 5’0”.’

Nick’s eyes went wide.  “Wh-What??  That c-can’t be right!  How could I have shrunk FOUR inches, when you only gained one!?”

Michelle snorted.  “Well, looks like you still got those basic arithmetic skills, eh?  But yeah, maybe I didn’t mention this … I decided to try another formula.  It’s far more complicated than you could understand, of course, but in layman’s terms, instead of converting all of your inches lost into my inches gained, I’m now diverting most of the effect towards physical development.  I know you’ve already noticed this aspect”—Nick lowered his beet-red face in shame—“and I’m quite happy with the results myself.”  She admired her form in the photo some more.

Then, turning her gaze down to Nick and flashing a mirthful smile, she added, “Of course, four inches wasn’t all you just lost.  After giving me so much trouble pulling you down here, I took the liberty of adding in an extra dose of that muscle-depleting agent again.”

Startled, Nick looked down and patted his chest and arms.  With horror, he discovered that his muscles were undoubtedly even softer and leaner than they already were.  He fought back the urge to cry.  When he had felt enough of his wimpy body and finally raised his eyes to Michelle again, he realized that she had been staring at him the whole time, watching him with an unsettlingly smug smirk that sent icy shivers down his spine.  He immediately stepped back and turned away to relieve his discomfort.

Michelle giggled while finishing the last few entries in her lab notebook, telling him offhandedly, “It really is your own fault, you know.  You need to learn to stop trying to fight me so much.”

She snapped the cap back onto her pen, closed her notebook, and stepped toward Nick who was still sulking in the corner.  He cowered even more as she approached.

“Now,” she said brusquely, “give me your credit card.”

“Huh!?  No! … Why?” he said apprehensively.

“Duh, Nicky.  I need new clothes at the mall.  Now, hand it over.”  She put one hand on her hip in a dominant fashion as she held her other hand open for Nick to put his card in.

He was feeling cornered, standing in the back corner of the basement with Michelle blocking his only way out.  “Um … I really don’t think that’s a good idea,” he told her cautiously.

“Don’t be like that, Nicky.  You know I of all people can’t show up to school tomorrow with clothes that don’t fit.  Besides, aren’t your parents, like, rich or something?  I’m sure you can afford it.”

“Well, yeah I guess they are, but they don’t give me much allowance and my credit card is for emergency use only.”

“Well duh, this IS an emergency, stupid.  Come on, I don’t have all day.”  She snapped her fingers impatiently.  When he didn’t comply, she slowly stepped forward, one foot after the other, stopping within mere inches of Nick’s diminutive form.  With a smug expression, she began playfully poking and squeezing his arm, then his chest, in her impossibly large, strong hands.  Each time she squeezed his muscles she giggled, emphasizing his recently atrophied musculature.

Nick immediately got the point.  Even her slender, feminine arms made his look puny by comparison.  And she was standing so close that he could see nothing but her flat abs, tapered hips, and looming melons.  His libido began to kick into gear, defying his biting hatred for Michelle.  Full of self-loathing, he put an end to the humiliation by declaring, “OK! … You can borrow it.”

She pulled her hand away and he quickly retreated a step to regain a bit of composure.  Pulling his credit card from his wallet, he momentarily held it away from her as she reached down for it.  “Just don’t spend too much, OK?” he said in as authoritative a voice as he could manage.  “Seriously, Michelle, my parents get really, really pissed when I put a lot on the card.”  She reached again for it but Nick extended his hand back further behind his back.  “Promise?”

Michelle laughed lightly and swooped forward.  She grabbed his shoulder with one hand to hold his body still as she used her other arm to outreach him and snag the card with ease.  As she pulled it away from him, Nick quickly leapt up to get it back, but Michelle simply raised her arm just above her head and held it out of his reach.  He gathered his strength for one mighty lunge, but this time Michelle used her hand on his shoulder to easily hold him down.  He couldn’t even leave the ground as he flailed helplessly for the card, being held tauntingly by Michelle mere inches above his hands.

He felt exactly like a kindergartener who had his lollipop stolen by a third-grade bully, and it took considerable effort on his part to avoid crying like a kindergartener too.  He continued his struggles valiantly, but Michelle with a wide grin used her arm to begin jostling his body rapidly from side to side, and quickly he forgot all about the card as he just tried to keep his balance.  He let out a frustrated grunt but looked up to find her giggling at him; it was all just a game to her.  After another angry grunt his resistance finally began to fade.

“OK, you can have it, but I’m begging you: no more than a hundred dollars, OK?  You don’t know my parents; they’ll freakin’ kill me!”

“Hmph.  Don’t see how that’s my problem.”  She let Nick go and put his credit card in her purse.

“But Michelle, I—“

“Will you quit whining already?  God, you’re annoying.”


Her face turned menacing.  “Shut the hell up!!” she said with such sudden force that he immediately went silent with fear.  “Keys,” she added coldly, and Nick fumbled in his pocket before his trembling hands gave her the keys to his Escalade.  Michelle took them and marched up the stairs, changed into a looser-fitting outfit, and headed for the front door, only pausing to yell down at him, “Make yourself useful and clean up around here, will you!?”  She slammed the door shut, leaving Nick shaken and distressed at the latest turn of events.  He could scarcely believe how easily she had overwhelmed his pathetic efforts to maintain any sense of control.

He spent the next couple hours doing the dishes and tidying up basically the entire house, except her bedroom which he figured he was not allowed to enter.  She returned home several hours later with several bags of clothes in her hands.  As she walked by the couch she flicked his credit card onto his lap before heading to her room.

“Um, Michelle, how much did you spend?” he asked nervously.  It certainly looked like more than a hundred dollars’ worth in those bags.  But she simply ignored him and spent the rest of the night in her room.

As much fear and hatred as he held for her, a part of him was still quite disappointed that she hadn’t been sporting one of her sexy new outfits, instead wearing the loose T-shirt she had put on just before leaving.  He felt an irresistible attraction to her now, and, despite it all, a part of him was actually looking forward to hanging out with her and her friends tomorrow at school, despite whatever demeaning tasks he would have to perform.


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