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The high point of his fifth period came with just minutes before the end: his phone vibrated in his pocket, prompting Nick to immediately pull it out and read what it said.

It was from Michelle, as expected.  “left class early…heading your way. wanna meet in the hall?  ;)”

Whoa.  Holy shit.  Nick didn’t know why that struck him as especially sexy … but damn, it sure did – the thought of absconding with her into the hall, all alone … the things they might do …

He decided to say yes but downplay his excitement at the same time.   “yeah sure,” he replied, packing up his things.  He quickly stood and stepped down the aisle …

“Um, excuse me, young man.  Class is not over yet.”  His English teacher frowned down at him from the front of the classroom.  He had forgotten this one tiny detail: how to actually get out of class.

His teacher’s stare wasn’t getting any softer.  “Uh … sorry …” he replied dumbly, backtracking to his seat amidst the snickers of his classmates.

He sat just in time to notice a golden lock of hair passing by the window next to the door.  A moment later, his phone vibrated.  “u comin?” the text read.

Nick pictured her standing there – right there, just on the other side of the door.  But he didn’t want her to know he couldn’t leave if he wanted to; nor did he want to rely on her to bail him out again.  “naw, i’ll see ya after class.”  It was hard for him to write that.

No response for at least thirty seconds, then simply, “ :( ”.

He didn’t want her to feel upset, but it couldn’t be helped.  He just had to wait out the last five minutes.

But, with two minutes to spare, she sent him one more text.  Though it contained but three words, it hit him like a sledgehammer: “buttoned or unbuttoned??”

His cock immediately stiffened.  He shuddered, knowing she was standing just on the other side of the door, waiting for him to text back and tell her to unbutton her blouse.  And he knew she’d do whatever he said without question, too.

He stared wide-eyed at his phone for at least a minute, before starting to type the letters u-n-b-u-t…

But then he chickened out.  He just didn’t have what it took to finish that word and click ‘send’.  It was … bloody embarrassing, really, given his reputation … but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.

The bell rang.  His suspense grew as he approached the door.  Maybe she’d still …

Nope.  He found her leaning against the wall casually, her shirt buttoned all the way up, closed for business.

She caught the disappointed look on his face and responded with a playful smirk, “What?  You had your chance …”

God, why did he have to let his disappointment show like that?  She winked down at him as she plucked the backpack from his arms and headed towards Chemistry, leaving Nick with a conflicted frown as he struggled to keep up.

The first thing Michelle did once they stepped into Mrs. Miller’s class was to suggest that Nick take an empty desk closer to her – much closer, in fact.  Hers was against the far wall, one seat from the back, and his new desk was to be the last seat in the adjacent row.  It would give him an absolutely clear shot of Michelle, behind her but at a diagonal – it was definitely far better than being stuck on the opposite end of the classroom with too many people blocking his view of her.

“What do you think?  Should I ask her to let you switch??”  Michelle smiled sweetly down at him.

“Uhhh … sure …”

“Cool!  Be right back.”  It only took her a second to persuade Mrs. Miller to make the switch, telling her it was so she could “help keep Nicky focused and attentive in class.”  Focused and attentive on what?  Certainly not on the lecture, Nick mused.

Michelle sauntered back to Nick and said, in an authoritative voice, “OK, Nick, you can go ahead and sit there, as long as you pay attention.”  She said it loudly enough for Mrs. Miller to hear – though of course this also brought a few snickers from classmates.  But this turned out to be just a show on Michelle’s part, as once he was seated she leaned down and whispered confidentially in his ear, “Just kidding, Nicky.  I’ll cover for you.  Just sit back and focus on anything you want.  Feel free to let your eyes roam …”  She winked seductively then dragged her finger lightly along his shoulder as she stepped around him towards her own seat.

Nick took her up on the offer immediately, though incidentally his eyes tended to roam far more often toward his right than his left.  Somewhere along the line, Mrs. Miller had apparently announced a quiz – he only noticed when Michelle got up to help pass them out.  She winked as she walked by and set a copy on his desk, then continued on.  He noticed, though, that she had brought back two copies to her desk, and was now signing the top one ‘Nick Avery!’

He appreciated the gesture, but he actually found it mildly insulting to him with his recently-enhanced intellect.  Surely he didn’t need her help on this.

At Mrs. Miller’s signal, Nick flipped the paper over and started reading over the first of five multiple-choice questions: “What products are formed when an alpha particle interacts wi…“

Nick felt a sudden urge to stop reading; his mind suddenly felt … fuzzy, somehow, like radio static fading in and out as someone messed with the dial.  He tried to look at the quiz again but it just upset him more.  It was exactly like earlier, during math class.  When it happened then, he had just thought pleasant thoughts and the feeling went away.  Maybe he should do the same now; he should try thinking about, um …

His eyes drifted off to the right, focusing immediately on Michelle, her pencil down, twiddling her thumbs.  Wow, was she done already?  God, she was smart.  So smart and beautiful … what a pleasant combination …

After just a matter of seconds, he realized the discomfort and fuzziness had passed away completely.  That was a relief.

He figured he might as well just take it easy, focus on nicer things.  Michelle’s curved hips and rounded backside, for instance.

He was a bit embarrassed when time was called and Michelle rose to collect his paper only to find it blank.  Winking conspiratorially, she took his empty page anyway, though showing him the completed one she had filled out for him, no doubt getting all five right.  Oh well … she still knew he was smart and would chalk this up to mere laziness.

Michelle found her seat and the lecture began.  Nick continued to sneak a few peeks here and there, but nothing too intense.  After all, she wasn’t looking that amazing at the moment, with her shirt buttoned and all.

She seemed to have been paying close attention to the lecture herself – that is, until he watched her sneak her phone out and start typing, the corner of her mouth upturning into a devilish smirk.  Nick’s eyes involuntarily widened.  He was already pulling his phone out in anticipation.

It shook in his hand.  He flipped it open: “soooo, Nicky … i’ll ask again … buttoned or unbuttoned???”

Nick’s body jolted involuntarily, his knee hitting the side of the desk and making a noise – hopefully she hadn’t noticed, sitting as close as she was.  He was gripped by a paralyzing indecision – if he had found it difficult to respond earlier from behind a closed door, it would be all but impossible for him to reply now, with her just a few arms’ lengths away …

She waited patiently for at least thirty seconds as he agonized.  Finally, she rotated her head, glancing down at him with a look of excitement.  She raised her eyebrows inquiringly.

He remained frozen, watching as her hand slowly rose to the top of her shirt.  ‘UN-buttoned…?’ she mouthed silently, invitingly.

He didn’t move a muscle.  She lowered her eyebrows intently, her gaze seeming to intensify, demanding an answer from him.  She glanced briefly down at her blouse, rolling the top button enticingly between her thumb and forefinger, biting her lip seductively in the process.  Her eyes rose to meet his again, letting him know that she was going to make him answer, or else he could forget it.

Nick gulped.  She cocked her head slightly to one side, still staring intently.  He sensed that his time was almost up – he was about to lose his chance.

So he nodded, his head moving up and down in small, short jerks, just enough for her to see.

The most incredible look crossed her face.  He couldn’t quite describe it – simultaneously excited, coy, confident, even … aroused?  There seemed to be even more there that he couldn’t quite fathom; all he knew is that her look sent shivers of pleasure down his spine, electrifying him as she turned forward in her seat and put her fingers to work.

He could hear the faint ‘pop’ as they came off one by one … but she had turned too far forward, and now he couldn’t see!  Oh, what torture – and as she turned her head just enough to observe his fraught expression out of the corner of her eye and grinned devilishly, he knew she was doing it all on purpose.

Whatever anger he felt was washed away by pure longing.  Surely she wouldn’t do this to him for too long … would she??

She sat so calmly, watching the lecture attentively, seeming to forget about him entirely.  He anguished for five minutes – though it seemed like fifty.  He even whimpered a few times, his face contorted in longing – he prayed she hadn’t noticed.

But just as he was giving up hope, she turned her head – and her eyes lit up in delight.  Apparently his face did a poor job of hiding his emotions, and she had read him like a book.

She looked down at his desk with a pensive look, biting her lower lip, and then she turned and typed something on her phone.

He read from his own phone: “drop your class folder onto the floor.”

He did a double take.  He wondered what the hell she was up to now – was this good or bad?  Was she still teasing him?

She texted again: “do it.”

Umm … really?  He was just supposed to let it drop to the floor, scattering papers everywhere?  But Michelle put a finger to her chin and cocked her head a few degrees in his direction, looking forward but clearly indicating that she was waiting expectantly.  She was being surprisingly demanding …

Nick shrugged and began to push his folder off towards the right.  Here goes nothing …

The folder, predictably, flopped open in mid-fall, spilling a whole mess of papers in a two-foot radius between his and her desk.  Mrs. Miller stopped her lecturing in mid-sentence to peer over at him.  She scowled when she located the guilty party: Nick.

“Oh no!” Michelle called out with feigned surprise.  “It’s OK, Mrs. Miller, go ahead.  I’ll just pick these up for Nick …”

Mrs. Miller rolled her eyes and continued talking, and the rest of the class quickly lost interest in Nick’s blunder as well, turning their heads back to the teacher.

Michelle, though – she slowly turned her body to face Nick, actually pulled apart the flaps of her shirt even more under the guise of straightening it, and then, scooting to the edge of her seat, she began to lean forward …

Nick let out an audible gasp, which put a fiendish smile on her lips as she continued to bend down farther and farther, keeping her back perfectly straight, even thrusting her chest forward an extra bit – all to put forth the most awe-inspiring array of tit-flesh Nick had ever dreamed of seeing.

She worked slowly, rhythmically, picking up papers one by one off the floor, her boobs swaying to and fro, practically bursting forth from the tight, squeezing confines of her tank top undershirt.  Nick couldn’t help but stare, his jaw hanging open, his mouth quite literally watering at the sight of them so clearly and prominently displayed for him and him only.  That was the sole purpose of her actions – to provide the most sublime look down her blouse that she had ever granted him.  She was doing it all for him … she wanted him to look …

She took her sweet time with the papers, almost to the point of becoming obvious – but still, it ended all too soon for his liking.  She brought the collected papers up to his desk and neatened the stack in front of him, all the while pressing her chest together between her extended arms, magnifying the effect even that much more, a sweet end to the show.  Setting the papers flat on his desk, she leaned down, her arms still pressed together, thrusting her bosom forward.  Then she whispered sultrily in his ear, “I made these all stacked for YOU, Nicky … you can lay your hands on them at any time …”

Nick almost lost it in his shorts right then and there.  He was utterly floored by the offer.  Forgetting himself, he reached out towards her gaping chest, eager to take her up on her offer immediately …

She slapped his hand away, hard enough to sting his skin.  “I was talking about the stack of PAPERS, Nicky …” she whispered sultrily, teasingly, wagging her finger in a playful manner and returning to her seat with a naughty smirk.

Nick lurched, exhaling loudly – he couldn’t help it.  She knew exactly what she was doing, exactly how to get his motor running – and exactly when to leave him desperate for more.  She sat back in her chair, her body angled slightly sideways this time, allowing Nick just enough of a view of her profile, even just a bit of a view between her blouse as well … just enough to keep his engine running, never quite stalling, always finding himself glancing back in her direction no matter how many times he told himself to look away.  He whimpered privately each time, soft enough so no one could hear.

This continued for some time … until there was a call on the intercom.

“Michelle Newman, the principal would like to see you in his office.”

Michelle squinted in surprise … then let out a short, mirthful giggle, covering her mouth as she smiled with delight.

Nick, meanwhile, was a bit slower on the uptake.  ‘Huh?  Why her?’ he thought.  ‘What would Principal Wilson possibly want with –”

The truth hit him like a ton of bricks.  His eyes went wide.  He realized that Principal Wilson must be calling her back to his office to tease him, even torture him more … why else would he call on her uninvited?  Nick could almost sympathize – and yet, all he felt was pure hatred and spite towards the principal now.  That sick bastard, obsessing over his girl like this … that slimy son of a bitch …

When Michelle turned her head to look at him, he found himself shaking his head vehemently, his angry eyes demanding that she stay.  As painful as it was to be teased by her, he would far, far rather it was him being teased, not the goddamned principal!!

He saw in her eyes that she was actually considering leaving – how could she!!?  His eyes screamed ‘NO!!’, yet he couldn’t seem to dissuade her.  He watched in horror as she rose to her feet.  “On my way,” she replied loudly to the intercom, her words hitting Nick like a thunderbolt as she began to walk past his desk.

Nick’s anger evaporated, overwhelmed by panic and longing.  “Please …” he whimpered softly, grabbing her wrist as she passed.

She stopped and looked down at him, and Nick took the opportunity to plead silently up at her with his eyes.  She seemed only slightly sympathetic – seemingly not understanding the full degree of anguish it would cause him.  He was ashamed to be showing his emotions so bluntly, but he couldn’t stand the thought of what she would possibly do with the principal to follow up their half-hour session earlier!  Suddenly the little show that Michelle had given Nick just a few minutes ago seemed paltry, tame, restrained; he was certain that this other man – the goddamned principal, for Christ’s sake! – would receive a performance from Michelle that would blow this little stunt here out of the water.  Nick felt angry, betrayed – but, most of all, intensely jealous.

She lifted her gaze briefly to the teacher.  “I’ll be back soon, Mrs. Miller.  Sorry for the interruption.”

“That’s quite alright, dear.  Take your time.”

‘The hell she will!’ Nick bellowed in his mind.  He turned to face her again, only to find her bending at the waist to lower her lips to his ear, whispering softly enough for only Nick to hear.

“Don’t worry, Nick – I’m JUST gonna go set things straight with him, I promise.  I need to teach him that he’s not allowed to call on me like this anymore.  But once he’s learned his lesson I promise I’ll come right back to you … I won’t let myself get carried away like last time …”

He didn’t reply.

“Nick …?”  Michelle pulled her head back just in time to see him struggling to lift his eyes from her cleavage spilling forth before him.  He managed to do so just barely, lifting his eyes to blink up at her.

“Um, Nicky?” she repeated, unsure that he had heard her.  “I’ll be right back … OK?”

He didn’t make much of an indication either way, so Michelle just decided to pat him on the shoulder and head for the door.

Nick watched her go.  After disappearing out of sight, though, she reentered his vision through the window adjacent to the door, her stunning profile just barely visible from the side.  He watched as she – apparently thinking she was alone – pulled her hairband out, letting her long dirty blonde hair flow around her shoulders.  With her hands, she nimbly undid some extra buttons from her blouse – even more than she had done for him – and then Nick watched in horrified fascination as she tugged down on her black undershirt and then adjusted her breasts with her hands, ensuring that they settled just right in her bra to maximize the effect.  After straightening her blouse once more and brushing a lock of hair from her eyes, she was ready to proceed onward towards the principal’s office with noticeably enhanced confidence and an especially lively sway in her hips.

Nick watched her step out of his line of sight, leaving him with a pit in his stomach and a sad, yearning expression lingering on his face.  He felt empty, neglected.  He tried to follow the lecture just to keep his mind occupied, but the same queasy discomfort he had felt during the quiz returned to him, and his thoughts immediately drifted back to Michelle, and what had just happened – and what she might possibly be doing at that very moment.

* * *

His eyes down to the display of his phone held in his shaking hand.  2:12 PM, it read.  His eyes drifted off to the side – but then right back to the phone.  Still 2:12 … wait, no, it just changed to 2:13.

With each passing minute, his heart sank deeper.  It was 2:22 now – ten whole minutes had passed.  What could she be doing … it shouldn’t be taking this long …

2:23 … 2:24 … 2:25 … 2:26 … 2:27 …

And then, the faint but unmistakable shuffling of feet outside the door, followed by the sound of the knob turning.

Nick jumped in his seat, his head spinning to face the door.

Michelle stepped through, her hair noticeably disheveled, her shirt completely unbuttoned, exposing the black tank top underneath.  Her breasts seemed smushed a bit to one side, as was the slightly slanted line of her tank top exposing the upper corner of her bra as well.

“Sorry, Mrs. Miller,” she announced quietly, giving the teacher a polite wave as she tiptoed in the back of class toward her seat on the far wall.  Nick watched her every step of the way.  He was more relieved than anything, relieved that she was back here with him again.

She walked behind Nick’s back and leaned down, placing her hands on his shoulders and whispering reassuringly in his ear, “It’s OK, Nick.  It’s all taken care of now.”  She ran her fingers through his hair affectionately, sending tingles down Nick’s spine.  She returned to her seat, and Nick continued to watch her with a confused jumble of emotions plastered on his face.

He watched intently as she not-so-subtly adjusted herself in her bra and tank top, leaving Nick wishing those prodding hands were his.  Soon, she began buttoning up her blouse again from the bottom up.  But, in the process, she glanced sideways and noticed Nick’s mixed expression.  Her blouse about half-buttoned, she took a quick look forward to make sure the teacher wasn’t watching, then she turned her body back to Nick and leaned towards him, looking at him abashedly and mouthing silently, ‘Are you mad?’  Her hand brushed the disheveled hair out of her eyes as she looked over at him with concern.

Nick didn’t respond – his eyes were already involuntarily lowered to her chest and lingered for longer than he would have liked, before looking up into her questioning eyes again.

Sensing his – what should we call it, hesitation? – she gestured at the wall clock which showed just under ten minutes left in class, and then mouthed silently, ‘We’ll talk after,’ while continuing to button up her shirt.  Nick’s eyes lingered as he watched the black tank top become hidden from view, with only a modest display of cleavage (‘modest’ being a relative term here) remaining exposed by the time her fingers moved on.

He decided he might as well follow her suggestion, allowing her to wait until after to explain herself.  In the meantime, he passed the last ten minutes watching her with lingering arousal, seeing her casually straighten her hair with a comb and eventually tie it back up into a ponytail as she listened to the lecture.

She would prove true to her word.  Once the bell rang, she picked up his backpack for him with her left hand and then held out her right to him.  “Come on,” she said softly down to him – not a command, but an invitation.  He found himself complying, reaching up to put his hand in hers as he stared up at her warm smile.

Michelle led him by the hand out of the classroom and down the hall, taking care to slow her long strides so his little legs could keep up.  He felt almost like a child being led by his big sister, and his initial reaction was to take offense.  Yet … he allowed it anyway.  Maybe it was the feel of her big, strong hand leading him confidently onward, giving him something to lean on in his time of confusion.  Maybe, too, it was the sight of all the towering, threatening high-schoolers zooming by, reminding him all too vivdly of what could happen to him without her around.  And now he was almost grateful to have his small hand locked securely in hers, knowing that this way no one would hurt him.

Once outside, she guided him to a nearby bench to have him sit, even helping to nudge his bottom along as he climbed up.  She then sat next to him, turning her body to face his and looking down with a look of genuine sympathy and concern.

Nick didn’t particularly want to face the awkwardness and discomfort of this upcoming conversation, but there was no avoiding it.  He knew he would feel a lot better after her apology.

Folding her hands in her lap, Michelle regarded him for a few more seconds and then began, “So, Nicky … what is it you wanted to say to me?”

Nick blinked in surprise.

“Really, Nicky, you can share anything with me.  I want you to let me know exactly how you feel about all this.  Just let it all out.”

What?  She’s not apologizing?  Isn’t that the FIRST thing she should have done??  He stared up at her, his anger and frustration mounting, returning to him from before.

It was all he could do to not yell at her.  “W-Well … I feel pissed off, that’s how!”

Michelle seemed hurt by this.  “Oh … I’m so sorry, baby.  I never meant to hurt you; I did it all for you – well, for us.”

Nick replied angrily with the first thing that popped into his mind: “You were gone for fifteen minutes!  You said you’d be right back!!”

“Oh … no, you’ve got it all wrong, Nicky.”  She smiled – she actually smiled, at a time like this! – and replied, “I was hardly with him.  I was actually just waiting in the halls for most of it.  Figured I’d give Colin time to work up a bit of steam before I talked to him …”  Did Nick hear her chuckle?

She returned her gaze to Nick and said with a warm smile, “So, was that it, or is there anything else you wanted to talk about?”

Nick found her words and her tone more than a little offensive, like she was talking down to him somehow.  This only fueled his anger more.  This was not something she could just dismiss with a few words and expect everything to be fine.  He started grinding his teeth, coming up with the words to describe just how livid he was with her, not only for visiting ‘Colin’ so often, but also for being so damned casual and dismissive about it!

With clenched fists, he fumed, “Look, Michelle, let me make one thing clear.  You—“

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” she blurted suddenly, throwing him for a loop.  She continued, “I totally forgot you had asked me to keep my shirt unbuttoned.  You still wanted it open, right?”  She looked down at him for his response, even as she began to unbutton herself with her fingers.

Nick wavered.  “Go ahead, Nick,” Michelle encouraged, popping the first two buttons open while looking concernedly into his eyes.  “You were saying?”

Nick’s eyes flitted downward, just as she was going for infamous Button Number 3 …

No.  He couldn’t.  She was looking right at him.  He snapped out of it, his cheeks flushing as he looked up into her eyes.

Oh, thank god.  She didn’t seem to have noticed; she was just watching him patiently, waiting for him to speak.  He could not afford to let her find out that her body was clouding his thoughts like this.

Nick cleared his throat, his eyes locked up into hers.  “I was just saying that, um …”

But he was still looking without looking, his eyes on her face but his attention on her chest.  It was a well-practiced art form used by men throughout the ages – and Nick’s own skills in this regard were now being tested fully  as Michelle’s hand continued downward.

It wasn’t helping his speaking abilities, though.  “Look, I just really don’t want you to …”

She—they—were so much closer to him than before, in class.  Her knees were practically touching his, her torso looming large, her blouse flapping open in the breeze.  How easy it would be to reach out and just … squeeze

It was all Nick could do to form complete sentences at this point.  “You,” he began, slowly and deliberately, as the last button came undone, “were … supposed to … come right back.”  It didn’t come off as stern as he had hoped.  He added, almost plaintively, “But … I waited … and—“

Michelle’s mouth opened in surprise.  “Oh!  Did you … MISS me?”  She began to pull her blouse off, slipping her arms through the sleeves as she smiled delightedly at Nick.  “Is that what this is about?”

Nick blinked in confusion.  “Huh?  I …”  She arched her back while removing her shirt, drawing Nick’s eyes immediately downward – and gave a slight, involuntary gasp.  The tight, tight shirt; all that creamy white flesh …

Michelle, meanwhile, was beaming at him.  “You were sad without me, weren’t you!?  Oh, that’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me!”

That wasn’t it at all!  He was trying to show his anger, not … not that … but speaking became next to impossible as he found her leaning even more towards him, lowering, tilting.  He began to squirm, trying to stay focused on her eyes.

“You sure know how to make a girl happy, Nicky!” she said with a coy smirk.  “Here I thought you were, like, mad at me or something.”  She giggled in delight, placing her hand on his knee and rubbing, causing her breasts to wobble.  “You really are a sweetie.  I’m gonna have a nice big surprise for my sexy little man once we get home …”

He couldn’t take any more; his vision was totally filled with her, those breasts pushing out towards him just inches away … So he quickly pinched his eyes shut and turned his head away, knowing it was his only chance to keep a hold of himself.

This brought more delighted giggles from Michelle.  “Really, Nicky,” he heard her say in her youthfully energetic voice, squeezing his knee meaningfully, “there’s no need to be shy … we’re WAY past that now, aren’t we??  You can feel completely free to share how you feel about me.”

God, this couldn’t be happening!  What had happened to cool, suave Nick Avery?  Why was he acting like he had never been hit on by a beautiful woman before?  Yet there he was, afraid to even look at her despite how badly he wanted to.  He could almost feel her eyes on him, giggling at him, her breasts spilling out of her top as she leaned forward …

She patted his knee.  “Let’s head out, shall we?” she whispered intimately, seeming pleased with the effect she was having on him.  “We’ve got plenty more to do today…”  He heard her rise to her feet and step away.  Once confident that her gaze was turned, he opened his eyes to watch his sex goddess lab partner heading toward the parking lot, her tank top and jeans clinging tightly to her curves.  He shuffled off the bench and scurried after her, content to let her drive again as he tried to avert his gaze on the ride home.

Along the way to the car, Nick noticed a growing number of people exiting from a line of cars and vans parked nearby, approaching the two of them from a distance, pulling out cameras and snapping photo after photo.  They were just like the photographer that morning before school – except there were more of them now, a sign that public interest in their condition was spreading.

Nick increased his gait and caught up to Michelle, hiding himself beside her almost instinctively, holding up his hand for her to take.  He was almost used to her protecting him now; he hardly even thought twice about it.

Michelle saw the photographers then saw him, looking down with a reassuring gaze.  “It’s OK, Nicky.  They’re harmless.  And besides, if things continue to get worse, I have an idea for how to take their attention away from you.  Don’t worry.”

He couldn’t guess what she had in mind, but she squeezed his tiny hand in hers and he felt much more safe and secure.  He walked beside her to his car without protest and let her help him up onto the passenger seat.  She walked calmly around the car, ignoring the continued flashing of cameras from nearby, and got in on the driver’s side to take them home.

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