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Author's Chapter Notes:

Hitoshi comes back into Campus and meets up with his Mage-Friend, Tarou...

Hitoshi had a big grin on his face as he re-entered the main building after talking with Rui. The poor girl didn't have too many friends, but he was glad to be one of the ones she did have. They had a lot of fun together, with all of the stunts they pulled, straight from her brain. He walked confidently through the building until he came upon the middle area. As he passed by the clock next the the Infirmary, he saw that Blue-Robe wearing, White-haired Mage friend of his, Tarou. Not wanting to pass up talking with him, even to go see the Principal, he stopped to say hello.

As soon as he'd approached him, the mage gave him an almost-worried look as he began to speak to him about the assignment he'd been given. “Hello, Hitoshi-san...aren't you supposed to be going to meet with Ms. Ayuka? It is not wise to be wandering about and keeping such a superior as herself waiting, you know.” The mage's serious attitude was quite noticeable to Hitoshi. That guy always wanted to do everything right and not fool around anymore, unlike Hitoshi. If there was something to be done, Tarou would be doing that right away and having other things on his schedule for later on.

Hitoshi had that confident smile on his face as he began to speak back to his friend, showing his feelings that the matter wasn't nearly as serious as it may have seemed. “Oh, I'm not worried about that, Tarou. Principal's are people too, you know. I am not at anyone and everyone's beck and call. Besides, I'm the mighty Hitoshi! She will get to see me when I deem it the correct time!” He kept up his confident attitude as a smile came to Tarou's face. 

The mage jokingly reacted to Hitoshi's attitude, telling him of a clear consequence that could probably end up happening, were she standing behind them, listening to how he was lazily putting her request to the side. “Oh, I'm sure that she would deem that time just right for a swift boot to your head! But, seriously, Hitoshi...Don't you think that maybe that's, well...not the right way of looking at this? I mean, she could get really aggravated and upset and, well...” It was clear that Tarou was a little bit worried about Hitoshi's behavior. The guy was his friend, and didn't want him to get himself into trouble.

Hitoshi, trying to save the conversation, quickly changed his confident look to a joking smile as he spoke of his previous actions being a simple act. “I wasn't being serious about that, Tarou! Sometimes, I'd like to be, about that, though. You know, all too well, that nothing pleases me more than to pluck at your strings.” He was in a very joking mood, at the moment, no doubt due to his kind conversations with both Umi and Rui, but Tarou clearly wasn't in the joking mood, at this point, getting a very serious look on his face again.

He shook his head and spoke back to his friend. “Hey, there are lots worse things to be than a chronic worrier! For instance, I could be a person who keeps Miss Ayuka, not Principal, just Ms. Ayuka PERIOD waiting when she wants something.” He stopped for a moment and let out a sigh. “I swear, Hitoshi, one of these days she'll start thinking that Sei and I somehow have something to do with all your antics and inflict the consequences upon us as well, and I'll be very much prepared to say I told you so.”

The mage stuttered for a moment, closing his eyes and thinking about what he'd just said. His face started turning to worry as he looked at his friend and continued to speak his mind to him. “....you don't think she would actually do that...do you?! I mean, I'm not trying to say that you misbehave and such all THAT much, but I mean, if something were to happen with that, is it possible that she would...”

Hitoshi, himself, was starting to get worried at what Tarou was talking about. He had no idea how strict the Principal would be with all of them, were he to get in a big heap of trouble. Would Tarou and their other friend, Sei, take the heat for something that he did, as if the entire group had done it? “Uh....beats me, Tarou...but I'm not so sure wondering about something like that all day will make that much of a difference. Besides, you hide out in your dorm so much that I'm not even sure...if she even KNOWS we're roommates.”

Hitoshi was starting to laugh at what he'd said and Tarou returned to a normal, non-worried expression as he spoke off of the subject at hand and onto something of his own personal studies. “Indeed. Perhaps I will go focus all this worrying on a new book now. I've been working a big on Storm Magic recently. There are still some tomes in the library that I have yet to cover. I just...hope we're not tested on them before I get a chance to read them all.”

With that last statement, Tarou made his efforts swift. He quickly left Hitoshi and ran off, towards the library, where all the books were held. Hitoshi was standing there, alone, thinking about everything that he'd said to him about Principal Ayuka. He had no idea how upset she would get at him being late, or if she would blame Tarou and Sei on it, since he hangs with them a good bit on campus.

After taking a deep breath and seeing all of his options, he decided that it was finally time that he buckled down and went to see the Principal. He would have to see her eventually, and he'd already done a good bit of goofing off. He set off towards one of the sets of stairs to head up to the 2nd Floor and towards Ayuka's Office.

Chapter End Notes:

As Hitoshi finally sets off to meet with the Principal, what kind of reason does she have for summoning him?

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