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Author's Chapter Notes:

The three of them leave the tree, only to find Shiori gone and all of the other girls out and about...

    After taking a few moments to rest and adjust their damaged armor, the three of them set off again, to leave the tree, assuming Shiori was gone and leaving their path open. They were hoping she was gone as they went back inside the tree, passing by a few empty boxes from earlier. Hopefully, she was, indeed, gone. If she wasn't, however, they'd be stuck in the tree until she did finally leave. They'd gotten what they came for, though, so all that was left was to get moving and find a way back to Ant Town.

    After trekking through the tree for a few minutes, they came to one of the open areas, full of the flat platforms and vine 'ladders'. They approached one of the vines and peered down the mass of the tree. What seemed like miles below them was an empty area in front of the tree. Shiori, thankfully, was gone, as Tarou began to point out. “It appears that Shiori has left the area. However...” He stopped, thinking about what might be out there, other than Shiroi. Hitoshi went with this hesitation, mentioning that all of the girls were probably out of class by now, meaning they had a lot more feet to try to dodge to get back to Ant Town than just Shiori's.

    The weight of the situation was sinking in and they were all wincing at the thought of all those gigantic feet they would have to dodge. The girls could make so much more distance with a single step than any of them could make in a long run. They had to be strategic and lucky to be able to trek across campus, when it was like this. “I never would have imagined a girl's feet, of all things, could have such a significant impact on my daily routine” said Sei, not liking this situation any more than the others did.

    They definitely had to be careful, from now on. Just because the girls didn't know they were down there didn't make it any safer for them. They were still gigantic and could easily step on them, without even knowing it. They all looked at each other, not wanting to have their lives ended at the bottom of some girl's foot. “We should make haste back to Ant Town” said Tarou, trying to throw down a little information on what their next destination would be, and that they should get back there sooner rather than later. “Use extreme caution. We need to choose our path carefully and avoid any unnecessary proximity to the girls.”

    “Right” said Hitoshi, agreeing with Tarou's plan for getting back. He had something else on his mind, too, which he wanted to share with them. “Hopefully...Izoku went back towards Ant Town as well...” They all stood and thought for a moment, looking down at where Shiori was standing before. They had mixed feelings about what they thought happened to Izoku. They all wanted to believe that he was just fine, but also had a feeling in their gut that they'd see him plastered on the bottom of Shiori's shoes. After taking their moment, they moved forward and headed down the vines.

    Their trip down the tree was a relatively quick one, but not terribly easy. There were still a lot of insects and plants in the three they wanted to make them their next meal. They still had a few bottles of charm cologne left over, but they wanted to save it. These insects weren't really that hard to get through, so they didn't want to waste any of the colognes on them. They would just buy some more when they got back to Ant Town, to ensure that they had a nice, big supply for what they might face, in the future.

    It took some time, but they finally made it to the bottom of the tree again. As they exited and headed back out into the field, they were walking through grass again. They wanted to make haste, so they just went straight. They figured they would automatically know when they were near one of the girls, since they'd be titanic in comparison. As long as they didn't go near any skyscraper-sized women, they would be just fine. They took the time to cut through the garden again, feeling slight vibrations in the ground. Dirt quivered, every so often, and they could hear loud, booming sounds off in the distance. The other girls were definitely out, at the moment.

    As they go through the garden, they headed west, past a long pit of dirt to see two girls somewhat nearby. On the other end of the dirt-pile, was a towering blue-haired girl and a green-haired girl. They all got scared, just by looking at them. They were conversing with one another, their voices loud and echoing in their heads. The girls looked towards one another and the trio hurried by the dirt-filled area, not wanting to be anywhere near them. For all they knew, the green-haired one would become scared of them, and the blue-haired one would get rid of them, using her foot, so the other wouldn't be scared anymore.

    Not wanting to have such a miserably end to their existence, they steered clear of those two. As long as they didn't come near them, they could be happy and fine. Instead, they saw a clear path, off in the distance, towards the ceremonial stage. That was their current destination. As they ran across the path, they had to get around a few obstacles, like the occasional spider and beetle. They were plenty prepared for those, though. A quick slashing or spell got those things out of their way. Before long, they finally arrived at their destination. They could hear the walking of one of the girls near them, as they arrived at the ceremonial stage. Because of that, they quickly went into Ant Town, not wanting to be around when she decided to walk where they currently were...

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