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Author's Chapter Notes:

The trio are face-to-face with a seemingly unstoppable infestation of insects, but a savior appears...

The three of them had stopped at the Crystal, which was somehow shrunk, too, to take a rest. The rest was for a few reason. The first reason was because Sei had just gotten poisoned by a huge spider, and needed some time to recover from the shock of that. No amount of healing energy to hasten that process. It was something that he had to get over, mentally. The second reason was to get used to the fact that there was shrunken...stuff all over the place. Treasure Chests, Equipment, Food, Medicine, Crystals. They had no idea how all of this had gotten miniaturized. Masako had talked about stealing Macroforce from people, not objects, too.

Not that they were complaining. That Crystal was coming in very handy for them. The insects and everything seemed to be keeping their distance from them as they used it. The third reason they were staying was because Hitoshi had seen something rather formidable in the area beyond. As Tarou had gotten Sei around the Crystal, Hitoshi had peeked beyond and saw where the exit was. In the corridor just before the exit, or what he thought was the exit, was some sort of huge bug. It was a lot bigger than the other insects they'd seen in the area, nearly 4 times as big as any of them.

They should have realized that things wouldn't be as easy as just strolling through the place. For every hundred small creatures, there was always a bigger one that acted as a predator. This log was no different. They had an adversary to take out before they'd be leaving and getting back to the academy, so they needed to be as rested as possible. At the very least, they had to wait until Sei was back in tip-top shape. The smaller insects had been giving them a fair fight thus far, so they imagined this bigger one would give them a challenge.

He and Tarou didn't really spend much time, looking over their items or equipment. Their eyes were on Sei for the better part of an hour, fighting off monsters every so often as they appeared around them. They were almost out and, as soon as Sei was better, they would be out. Their guard had to be up, from here on, though. Of all things, they hadn't imagined they would be encountering spiders and the effects of their poison. As the hour finished up, all three of them realized the plight of the situation. Still, they had to go onward. The three of them got up and continued through the corridors, finally seeing what Hitoshi had seen earlier, the adversary they would need to best in battle to get through this area.

The huge insect looked completely different from anything they'd seen thus far. It had a body like a dragonfly, but it's body was covered in scales, and didn't have a head like a fly. The head actually had a snout on it, much like those lizard-monsters they'd fought in the Seiryuu Forest. As they approached it, it almost looked like a combination between a dragonfly and some sort of dinosaur. If there was ever a creature worthy of the name DRAGON-fly, it was this thing. They all clenched onto their weapons as they prepared for battle. They ran forward, the huge bug screeching at them, knowing of their presence. Following it were several other screeches around them.

That was when they realized their battle wasn't only with this Dinobug, or whatever you'd like to call it. They backed up, hearing wings and scurrying from all around them. Before long, they had huddled together, seeing a large group of insects and spiders around them. They'd been cornered. Sweat was dripping down their foreheads as they looked towards the spiders, figuring that they would need to be taken care of first, to avoid getting poisoned. As the flies darted forward, Hitoshi and Sei ran forward, dodging out of the way and attacking the spiders, Tarou preparing a Quake spell at the same time.

Their first attack managed to get through, sending two of the spiders flying off. However, as they were recovering, all four flies had doubled-back and slashed against their backs. They fell to the ground, only to have the Dinobug coming towards them and bashing at them with it's tail. The three of them let out another attack, getting all of these insects away from them, as they got up, strained from even a single round of this fight. Hitoshi was the first to make the situation apparent, no way to possibly win a fight with this many enemies at once.

“T-there's so many of them!” he called out, not sure he could take a long battle like this. They were used to fighting 2 or 3 insects at once, not 6-8. This was too much for them. Sei, grabbing onto an arm, agreed with him. “We'd best mosey out of here. We need to find another way around!” The idea was on the thought of running instead of fighting, though Tarou realized that wasn't an option. He knew that they would just pursue them until they either fought or were taken out. “You do realized that they'll just chase us, right?”

Looking to the side, they realized that the flies had flown out of a hole in the 'floor' of the area. Hitoshi knew that, even were they to stay, they'd be fighting a never-ending battle. “This is bad...there could be dozens more down there, just waiting to spring out!” They were panting, backing up, getting ready to run, Tarou expressing his own realization of their plight. “Insects are conditioned for hunting. We will never be able to outrun them.” They all took deep breaths. Not willing to just run and get killed, Sei clenched tighter onto his weapon. “Well, then I'm gonna go down, swinging! Let us get this done!”

Their situation was grim, but they would stand and fight. Even if they would be fighting until their last breath was taken by a bunch of insects, that's what they would do. However, they wouldn't do it alone. From far beyond this huge mass of insects came a strange voice, as if a savior, a God of War coming down from the Gates of Valhalla to come and aid them in this fight. “It looks like you guys could use a hand. Catch!” From beyond the insects came a large, husky man, whom was tossing something across to them. As they caught it, a magical bout of energy came out and restored their strength.

This stranger was a shrunken person, like them. As soon as they caught wind of their newfound strength, and with the insects distracted by everything going on, Tarou called over to him. “Who might you be?” This guy didn't waste any time, though. Jumping past the horde, he joined them. He looked like a very buff man, almost as if he were some sort of Brawler. He had long, husky hair all over his face and looked quite a bit older than they were. He then spoke to them. “There will be plenty of time for introductions later. Right now, I reckon it's about time to get rid of this little infestation.” As he was speaking, they saw two more spiders crawling out of the hole, replacing the two they'd wiped out earlier. Realizing they didn't have any time to waste, Hitoshi nodded and charged forward. “Let's do this!”

Before Hitoshi had a chance to get close to the bugs, the strange man had called him to stop. He turned to look to see what was going on, but before he could, the buffed-out man had jumped into the air. His fist was glowing something magnificent and cried out. “JIGOKU RAIJIN!” Hitoshi ducked on the ground as several beams of light flew out of his hand, creating several waves of pure energy. Tarou and Sei had always flinched and hit the ground as they heard several explosions from the other side of the area, tied with several ear-shattering screams. As they looked back over, they were amazed to see that every single insect over there, savor the Dinobug, was gone.

As soon as they were gone, the man jumped at the Dinobug and delivered a well-focused punch, knocking the sucker out of the air and onto the ground, completely stunned. The three were completely shocked at this, but took this opportunity to do what they could. Having built up enough strength inside of them, they all released their most powerful strikes. Sei jumps and slashed at the wings with a Silhouette Strike, completely severing them and keeping it from flying away. Hitoshi hit it with an Oni Rush, furthering it's stun and jumping out of the way as Tarou launched a Catastrophe spell towards it.

The smoke soon cleared, realizing the monster, still intact. However, the newcomer launched himself at it, slamming his entire body into it, sending it flying into one of the 'walls' of this place, completely finishing it off. As the trio stood and watched this last action, Sei nearly freaked out. “Holy...This guy is loaded up to his eyebrows in strength!” Hitoshi, getting a smile on his face to know they were alright, agreed with him. “You can say that again, Sei!”

The man looked proud as he closed his eyes, finally saying something else to them. Having to fend off all manner of carnivorous beasts, not to mention gigantic feet, for twelve years can do that for you, I suppose.” Tarou was shocked at hearing about this new discovery. Not only had Masako been at it for a long time, but over a decade! “You've been this size for twelve years?!” Hitoshi was amazed as well, but went straight for his thank-yous. “It goes without saying that you've got our gratitude for helping us, but...just who are you? How did you end up like us? Don't tell me-...”

The man opened his eyes and looked at the three people he'd just saved. “My name is Izoku., I became this way by very much the same means that I am certain you did.” Sei was starting to get second-thoughts about all of this. Masako having been doing this for 12 years? Was that even possible? “You mean Masako? How? Judging by her appearance, she would have been a little kid that long ago.”

The man understood their curiosity, but he seemed more interested in other matters. “There is much I need to explain. However, right now there are other issues you need to be concerned about.” He then began to lead them towards the exit when he started questioning who they were. “What are you names, and why are you out here, in the woods?” Hitoshi, the leader of the group, felt it was as good a time as any to explain their situation. “I'm Hitoshi, and this is Sei and Tarou. We were investigating what the shrine was up to. To make a long story short, we found out what they were up to the hard way.”

The man lost his prideful look and started to grin towards them. “You know, that sounds very much like my own story. It was a long time ago...” He sighed as he went on. “...but my two companions were not so fortunate to survive as long as I have.” He was revisiting a bad memory of a couple good friends, whom didn't make it quite as far as he had. It was a tough life, being tiny. Tarou stepped forward. “I am very sorry for your loss, Izoku...”

As he said this, the story continued. “I was a student at the academy, following instructions from our principal. My mission led me to Old Man Houjo, whom told me to steer clear of the Seiryuu Shrine. Unfortunately, we did not listen. The three of us weren't afraid of any shrine maidens or some eccentric witchy girl. However, Masako was precisely the same then as she is today. Her appearance has not changed one bit.” This confused the three of them even more. How could Masako look exactly the same twelve years ago? Just what was she? Sei was the first to pose this question. “What the hell is she? An alien or something?”

“Alien, divine, immortal, I am not sure” replied Izoku. “However, she is not an ordinary human being. Shortly before I arrived here...she made that very clear. We have a problem.” The man lowered his head as he began to speak of the problem at hand...

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