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Author's Chapter Notes:

The trio get used to their bad situation as they fight their way away from the Shrine...

This was a bad situation for the three of them. Actually, it was a bad situation for not only them, but the dozens of people whom had been presumably wandering around the campus for the past several years. Being able to survive at this miniscule height would be no easy task, for anyone. Anything could come along and provide a very huge threat. Not only are people titanic in comparison, but everything else is as well. The three of them had just realized that even something as small and harmless as a house fly could bring a sizable fight to them.

No matter how they looked at it, they were faced with a seemingly impossible task. They were the size of ants, and they had to get back to campus. From where they began, they simply moved across a stretch of grass and climbed up onto a large, concrete walkway. In doing so, they'd opened themselves to being attacked by a house fly, of all things. The battle had worn them out a little bit, but they had to realize that things were going to be like this, from now on. They would have to fight through small, tiny animals as if they were huge monsters, just to get back to campus. They had a lot of ground to cover, and not much time.

Thankfully for them, not one of the Mikos was outside. The last thing they needed right now was having to avoid many pair of colossal feet, each capable of creating a massive earthquake from beneath them. Hitoshi shivered at the thought of how much power they had obtained for themselves. To think that all Masako needed to do was take a single step and she could end their lives. It was unimaginable. She was hard to fight against before, but now, they'd have a hard time trying to fight off something as minuscule as her pinky toe. Trying to get rid of the thoughts, the three of them got up and started running down the path. They didn't need to be haunted by this right now, that a simple pink toe could come down on them and smash them out of existence.

The path was far from smooth, at their height. There were rough bumps all around them on the ground, making the journey across it very rough and rigid. However, as they'd looked, they'd seen little to no insects or animals on the path. The path was their best bet until they reached the forest. Even if the grass wasn't full of bugs, it wouldn't be any easier to move across. If anything, it would be harder. With their new experience with the fly, they were constantly on their guard as they traveled down the path, making sure to watch out for anything and everything that could make a threat for them.

As they made their way down this path, it wasn't completely void of incident. They had to think and implement a lot of strategy as they were approached by a few more flies, in various locations, as well as a huge snail. Their battles were far from easy, but after fighting a few of them, they realized that they were manageable. More manageable than they had thought earlier, at least. They still had plenty of supplies left. If all of the battles from here to the academy were like this, they could definitely manage to get over there. It would be at an incredibly slow pace, but they would be able to get there.

After about 25 minutes of running, they'd covered a lot of distance, finally getting to the edge of the concrete path. Ahead of them was nothing but the same grass that was nearly head-level for them, all the way to the Academy. The path was pretty clear. They could see the mountainous trees that towered above them. One path was to the East, left from their perspective, and was a dead end. The other path, which they began to run down, led West, back towards the Cross-Roads, where they could go to Genbu Mountain, the Shrine, the Beach, or Suzuka Academy.

The grass slowed down their progress, as did the heightened number of insects in the area, they progressed their way through the area, making their way to the point where they were surrounded on two sides by mountain-like trees. They stared all of them up and down as they used the 'mountains' in the area as clues to where they needed to turn, and from the memory of traveling through, and they were amazed at how much the environment had changed. It was still the same environment they had remembered from before, but everything was different. Even the wildlife was different. There was, oddly, no trace of the monsters they'd seen in these areas before. Or, maybe they were just hiding, not willing to come out and attack some tiny ant-sized people, if they even knew they were there.

They fought dozens upon dozens of battles in the next hour, wearing down on their strength, forcing them to finally stop and take a rest. When they had done so, they came to an enormous, dead tree. Looking at it, they judged on how far they'd gone. The dead tree was the same one they'd seen before, hiding a path into the forest. As they took their moment of reprieve, they realized that they were well on their way back, probably almost halfway between the Shrine and the Academy. They had been moving for quite some time, but the showing of progress brightened them up.

The tree didn't prove to be very comfortable for them, but it was better than nothing. It's not like they could sit against blades of grass as well as something bigger and more solid. They were as comfortable as they were going to get as they stayed there for about 20 minutes, taking a well-needed rest. There were no Healing “Lights” there, like there had been at the Shrine, but they would take what they could get. After their rest was over, they got back on their mission, taking another hour to make their way across a few more immense corners of the area, making it to what they thought was that intersection from earlier.

They were pretty sure they were at the right place from four horizon-sized paths, one in each of four directions. They came up to what looked like a shaved tree trunk. Looking up, they saw that it was the sign from before, that directed people to the various locations. They looked at the paths, knowing where they had to go next. There was only a 'little' more bit of adventuring before they would finally be back at the Academy, where they could attempt to do whatever it was that they thought they could do about all of this...

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