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Author's Chapter Notes:
THE BAHAMAS (MAY 20, 2009)
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After Meriwether had signed off, I snuck behind the nearest trash can and went into "dormancy mode." The term that NASA had used for the auto-hypnotic version of sleep we (the other astronaut-candidates and I) would endure, as part of our training for Project: Silenus. And, in that altered state of consciousness I had the strangest dream.

I dreamt I was in a big circus wagon. The kind that doubles as a business office for the Old School traveling shows. And, suddenly, I found myself being lifted into the air! When I stopped, I found myself looking into a mirror. My reflection, there, showed me that I had been bound (from shoulder to ankle, in green ribbon) and gagged (with a yellow sticker). It also showed me being ogled by three of the most beautiful character actresses I had ever seen in the movies.

Valeria Golino, from BIG TOP PEEWEE; Susie Plakson, from BINGO; and Kristina Wayborn, from OCTOPUSSY. Except they were all going by their character names from those movies!

"What do you think, Ginger?" asked the latter (wearing her black sequined ringmistress outfit).

"How cute!" cooed Susie (as Ginger): "You've tied him up the same color as my costume! Thanks, Magda."

Kristina (as Magda) shrugged: "Considering you're the one who's going to be training him, like you do your toy poodles, I thought it only appropriate."

"But, what if-ah he proves stubborn?" inquired Valeria (wearing a strapless, silver lame' leotard).

Magda shrugged: "Then, we'll just put him down your cleavage, Gina! That way, you can use him as a living pencil test. To see if he stays in there while you're fifty feet off the ground, rehearsing triple somersaults."

Naturally, I went frantic when I heard this. Shaking my head, and squirming like a worm on a fish hook, while shouting "mmmph-mmmph-mmmph" in denial.

They all laughed, as Magda put me down on her office desk. Propping me up against the base of a lamp. While all three leaned down a little further, to show off the low-cut necklines of their costumes.

"Be our little circus slave, and we'll untie you," they chanted in unison: "We'll even let you ride in our cleavages for free! Please, say you'll do that. Please-please-please-please-PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE?"

I struggled for all I was worth. Shaking my head, vehemently, and trying to break free of my bonds like I was Superman, no longer having to pretend to be Clark Kent.

"Please, Major Minor. WAKE UP!!!!!"

I snapped out of the trance, and looked around me. Initially amnesiac as to where I was. Then, it came flooding back to me. So, I looked at my wristwatch. One of many shrunken, via Solution 62, and awarded to graduates of "Kleinmann University."

It was nine o'clock in the morning. I had been asleep for nearly twelve hours! Yet, like most dreamers, I felt like I had only just closed my eyes, ten seconds earlier. Then, I remembered the "voice" that had awakened me. So, very cautiously, I re-entered "communication mode."

"Maj. Minor 2 Marco Polo," I cyber-telepathically broadcast: "Maj. Minor 2 Marco Polo. Do U copy? Over?"

A minute later, I finally got a reply.

"Trophy Girl 2 Major Minor. About time, dude! We've been texting U all night. Where R U?"

I e-mailed directions to the Miscellaneous Props Room, and the nearby trash can. Then, I asked if she or Marco Polo had found Gladys, yet.

"Negative," she replied: "MP and I R pretending 2 be newlyweds. So, we've got the top floor penthouse. MP went down 2 the 14th floor, pretending 2 be lost while going 2 get a bottle of champagne 4 our wedding night. But, the Gulliver Suite had a pair of guards out front. And, judging by their stance, he thinks their ex-Spetsnaz. No way 2 subdue them w/o losing element of surprise."

"Fine," I countered: "Then, just collect me, and we can have a council of war in the penthouse."

"Will do. Trophy Girl; over and out."

No sooner had I signed off and re-awakened, however, than trouble started looking for me, once again. Because, at that precise moment, a bevy of chorus girls-- in black leotards and tap shoes--started walking by the trash can. Evidently headed for the stage for rehearsal. And, one of them chose that particular second to deviate from her course.

In order to throw some chewing gum into the trash can!

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