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MAY 19, 2009 (9:18 P.M./EST)


For what seemed like an eternity, Gladys and Juliet Merlinova just looked at each other. And, via the "spy-specs" Gladys was wearing, I was getting quite a glimpse of the Russian magicienne, myself. She looked just like the cardboard cut-out of herself in the hotel's lobby. Only more buxom. A difference that was high-lighted by her tuxedo jacket being a half-size too small for her.

And, I had to admit: on her, it looked good!

But, I came back to Earth when Gladys started stammering out a reply.

"M-M-Mi pardon, senorita. N-N-No comprendo. Yo hablo ingles, mui poco!"

This caused Merlinova to laugh.

"You spoke very fluent English, earlier this afternoon, my dear. And, I wish to have a longer talk with you...after my show."

At which point, Merlinova reached inside the left-hand lining of her tuxedo jacket. And, I suddenly got a bad feeling about that.

"Gladys! Duck!"

At the same time as I was "shouting" this warning (cyber-telepathically), I was assuming a skydiver's free-fall position. So I could more hurriedly evacuate Gladys' cleavage!

Unfortunately, Gladys lunged forward. Clearly thinking that Merlinov was going for a gun! As a result, both of her hands wrapped around the magicienne's right wrist. With the intention of both spoiling her aim and wrestling the gun to the floor. It wasn't a gun, though. It was a handful of powder that Merlinova blew right into Gladys' face!

It soon became obvious what that powder was: freeze-dried Solution 62. I had learned about it, in one of my re-orientation classes at "Kleinmann University." The one covering M.A.C.H.O.'s Cold War history as the Miniscule Operations Command.

And, as I ran out from beneath the cuff of Gladys' right trouser leg (she had dressed all in black for the breaking-and-entering), I saw her begin to shrink! And, I considered it a mixed blessing that Merlinova only had eyes for that, as I ran for the nearest appropriately-sized hiding place.

Okada Takeo wasn't so lucky. Gladys had instinctively dropped him in her lunge for Merlinova. And, now, the two of them--Takeo and Gladys--were both the same size.

Whereupon, Merlinova laughed and whipped out a virtual bouquet of handkerchiefs in which she ensnared the both of them. Employing one of those springy squat/thrust moves that Cossack dancers are so famous for. She then stuffed them down her cleavage, before running off to "miraculously" reappear on stage for the grand finale'.

The only thing I could do, at this point, was contact M.A.C.H.O. Headquarters and see if they could send me any back up.

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The old man was blindfolded and deep in meditation. Moreover, he looked to be a hundred years-old, at least! Yet, he heard her coming, never-the-less.


"Hai, Jonin-sama.

The kunoichi reverently bowed as she replied.

"I have an assignment for you, my child. In the American city of Los Angeles. And, it involves a woman named...Hana Nozama."

"Hai, Jonin-sama!"

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