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We then took to bed, where we. . .distracted each other from our mutual unease, in the age-old fashion long-practiced by other men and women, in similar situations.

To elaborate further, however, would be unchivalrous. Suffice it to say that we were unaware that we had fallen asleep, in each other's arms, until we were rudely awakened by the clanging of brass cymbals! Whereupon, Skogul was compelled to leave the bed, reclothe herself, and follow the Korybantes from the room.

Only then did I likewise leave bed, and begin to prepare for the duel.

What did seem like an hour later, I entered a sand-floored arena. Flanking me, to left and right, were semi-circular galleries filled to over-flowing with Ovaria's female acolytes and their male servants. While against the far back wall, directly opposite the gates that did now close behind me, was a royal-style viewing box. Occupying it were Skogul (seated to Ovaria's left); a clean-shaven, fair-haired man of noble bearing (presumably Holgar Gudfredsen, who was seated to Ovaria's right); and, in the center, the fertile Melissae-queen, herself.

From a tunnel, beneath the viewing box, did emerge my opponent. Like myself, he was clad in a sleeveless chain-mail shirt; the leather equivalent of a Gaelic kilt; protective knee-high boots; and a bowl-shaped helmet with screen-like visor. But, where I was once again armed with my trustworthy falchion and spiked buckler, he was armed with a trident in his left hand. While dangling from his right was a net that he did swing in a slow circle. Much like an English knight might twirl a morningstar!*

When Laphrianides was fully within the arena, a wrought-iron portcullis descended behind him. Closing off any retreat into the square mouth of the tunnel. And, it was at this point that Ovaria did proclaim:

"All present know the terms of this duel from the grist-mill of rumour. So, we shall brook no more delay. Let the game begin!"

Then, did we advance toward each other, until we had reached a point of equidistance between us. Whereupon, we did slowly commence to encircle one another. With Laphrianides still twirling the net, while leveling his trident level with my chest.

Then, with a most loud battlecry, he did charge at me. And, I countered. Upon getting within range of me, he did lash out with the net. As if seeking to entangle my left ankle within its mesh!

This, however, was merely a feint intended to make me dodge to my right. So, that the calf of my left leg would be momentarily exposed to the tines of his trident. I did see through this, however, and deflect those tines with my falchion. Following which, I aimed the spike upon my buckler towards his visor!

Laphrianides leapt backward, however. Covering his retreat with a right-to-left lash of his net towards the left side of my face. I did instinctively duck beneath this.

And, in the process, I did expose the left side of my throat to the trident! Yet, as before, I did deflect the tines away. Though, this time, with a left-to-right motion of my buckler.

All of this, to the sounds of blood-thirsty exultation from the galleries and the viewing box. While my opponent and I did momentarily retreat back to the point of equidistance, so that we might regather ourselves.

Chapter End Notes:
*Morningstar: traditional name for the mace-and-chain combo seen in so many vintage medieval-era swashbuckler films. As opposed to the teenage Southern Californian designation of "that nunchaku thingie with the spiked ball on the end of it."
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