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Author's Chapter Notes:

We finally get to see the more sadistic side of Noelle.  We also get to see the inside of Noelle.  Can you say vore?  I sure can.

August 11, 2011

I hesitate to write today, the recent events that have transpired, I am not proud of, and should my journals ever be found and published, I would likely deny my authorship.  

Noelle has made a sharp transition since my last journal.  We spent several days in, what felt like, a normal relationship, or as close to one as I felt like I could be.  We shared all three meals a day together, woke up together, and went to bed together.  She took me to work and kept me at her desk.  I didn’t know what she did, I just knew that she was a powerful woman, and didn’t answer to many people.  She kept me in her purse until we got to her office, where she locked the door, claiming that she had meetings and other things that could not be disturbed, when all the while, she just wanted to allow me to sit at the desk with her, without fear that someone would walk in and discover me. 

I must say, those were some of the best days of my life.  We didn’t have sex, I was on my own for that, but the foreplay, the kissing, the stripping me of my clothes, the removal of her own, it was all better than any I’d had before my current predicament, and I appreciated her for understanding my needs.  In turn, she had several partners that would satisfy her needs, and I would be left to my own devices, usually in the living room or kitchen.  Once, they had fallen asleep after the sex, and I spent the night trying to climb out of the sink.

It wasn’t until one day when Noelle returned home from work that things had changed again.  I hadn’t gone with her, because she would be in a meeting all day long, and it would mean spending the day in her purse, which neither of us wanted.  The day went by rather slowly, I watched TV for most of it, she’d left the TV on for me, and it stayed on the same channel all day, it was more effort than it was worth to use the TV remote. 

I knew something was wrong when she came in, dropped her purse at the door, kicked off her shoes, and unbuttoned her blouse before even getting to her room.  Without so much as acknowledging me, she turned the television off, and tossed the remote back on the coffee table, nearly knocking me off with it.  She’d been in bad moods before, and I knew when not to ask questions, and steer clear of her wrath.  Unfortunately, Noelle had other plans.

She’d stepped off into the bedroom, finally, to change clothes and put on her slippers, and after returning, she made it very clear they she wanted my attention.

“Ryan, you little dick, get the fuck out here.” 

Oh damn.

“Right now, you piece of shit, before I shove you up my ass where you deserve to be!”
“I’m right here, Noelle, I…”  No chance to finish my sentence.  No sooner had I spoke, did she turn and walk over to the table, staring down at me.
“When the hell did I give you permission to address me by my first name?  I own you, you fucktard, why would you disrespect me like that?  I could end you, right now, without a second thought.  You should be bowing down to me.”

My mistake, here, was not taking every word she said literally.  It was a mistake I only made once.

“I just thought we were getting closer, like maybe we were…to…gether?”  My words slowing down as my confidence decreased.  Her emotions flared hotter then, hotter than I’d ever seen.

“Closer?!  You want to be CLOSER?!  Come here, you.”  As if I could run away, that same soft, warm hand that had cradled me into a kiss only nights ago, swiftly and harshly tore me from where I stood, and up to her face, directly in front of her mouth, again, But this time, was different.  “Is this close enough, Ryan?  If you got any closer, you’d be my dinner.  How would you like that, to be my dinner?  Do you want to see what happens to my dinner when it gets in my mouth?” 

As if her forceful talking wasn’t already enough to scare the shit out of me, she took it a step forward, and her mouth opened wide, as wide as I’d ever seen it.  I had nothing to say, I could only whimper while she switched from holding me in her fist, to dangling me above her open mouth.  I felt her breath, warm and oppressive, bombarding my body.  I almost didn’t look down, but when I did I felt a distinct wetness in my crotch.

Below, a wide, pink, salivating chasm of death.  Her rows of teeth, pristine and white, stood like ivory gates, contrasting the darkness that was her throat.  Her uvula dangled in the back, nearly as large as I was, bouncing happily to and fro.  Saliva stretched from one place to another, she was obviously hungry, there was enough saliva that it pooled under her tongue, which lay flat and dormant, ready to snap into action at a moment’s notice. 

“Oh god, please, Noelle, don’t eat me!”  Mistake number two.
Her mouth snapped tight scale inches from my feet, and I was staring into her bright green eyes again.

“I AM God to you!  And did you just really call me by my first name again?  You’re fucking finished, Ryan, have fun being dinner.”  There was no cuteness in her voice.  No hint of kidding around.

“No!”  I screamed, but there was no reply, Noelle’s lips greeted me again, and her mouth shot wide open.  Without a second of hesitation, that tongue slithered out under my dangling form, and she dropped me.  I fell unceremoniously into her mouth, rolling back to the deep chasm of her throat.  I loved Noelle, I worshipped her, but I wasn’t about to be digested.

My fingers dug deep into the flesh of her tongue, before she’d even gotten the chance to close her mouth.  Since there are no fingernail clippers made for men an inch tall, my fingernails had long since grown, and did considerably more damage to that slimy, pink, sensual muscle than either of us expected.  Strike three, I’m out.

“OUCH!”  That alone, was loud enough to cause me to cover my ears, and remove my fingers from the tongue.  “You know, I wasn’t really going to swallow you, I was only going to scare you, until you really just fucked up.” 

Noelle’s mouth closed a final time, and her tongue went into action. 

If the humidity, moisture, and darkness weren’t enough alone, now I had her tongue to contend with as well, and it was not taking it easy.  No sooner had the mouth closed, would that tongue slam me into the smooth, sticky roof of her mouth, immediately knocking the wind out of me.  But it did stop there.  It kept pushing harder and harder into me; I thought she was trying to crush me right then and there.  For a second, it let go, and I hung there, stuck to the roof of her mouth for a moment, before freefalling back into her tongue, my face buried in her taste buds, before the tongue repeated the process. 

I couldn't help but notice, though, while she played with me like her favorite piece of candy, that she was moving, as in, walking.  The thoughts were fleeting though, and after a moment, I felt her jaws widen, just enough for the tongue to thrust me between her teeth.  Was she going to chew me to death? 

No, the jaws clamped tight again, and I found myself stuck between her teeth, and the inner lining of her cheek.  I was so small, however, that my body only slightly made a bump in the contour of her face.  This was the only moment of serenity that I had, since Noelle had arrived home.  In the next few seconds though, I received my answer to my questions about her walking somewhere.

The artificial light of the kitchen flooded Noelle’s mouth as she parted her lips, but only slightly.  I tumbled from her teeth and back onto her tongue, momentarily getting another look around that dark cave.  I didn’t dare look behind me; I might as well be staring into the pits of hell.  Squinting my eyes as I stood on hands and knees to peer from between her teeth, a cold chill went down my spine.  A can of beer was raised from to her face, and as it reached her lips, everything went dark again.  I was being swallowed hole, in a swig of beer.

I never quite realized how much a ‘swig’ was, until Noelle, tilted that can up enough to allow the acidic liquid to float into her mouth.  My first thought was to grab a hold of the can and allow myself to be rescued by it when she pulled it away from her lips, but that first torrent of Amstel Light immediately discouraged such thoughts.  I was washed back towards her throat again, but persisted, and found the current, once again, digging my nails into her tongue enough to keep traction. 

Noelle must have felt this, because I felt her chin tilt up even higher.  She was no longer casually sipping on the beer, but intended to chug it until I was washed down.  I screamed for the first time since arriving here, more out of anger than fear.  Behind me, I could hear the sounds of heavy swallowing; the alcohol churning down her esophagus, that exaggerated ‘gulping’ sound that had never been as loud as it was

Unfortunately, Noelle’s tongue tired of me hanging on like a bucking bronco, and slammed me against her palette once again, jarring me enough to fall into the river of beer  rapidly careening down her throat.  The current swept me up, and I was helpless, watching that uvula bounce away with every chug the goddess made.    Things only got darker and warmer, apart from the ice cold chill of the beer, until I couldn’t make out a thing.  I remember tumbling over the precipice of her throat in complete darkness, desperately clawing at the walls of her esophagus when I could, anything to punish her for sending me to my doom.

 I fell possibly ten seconds, before getting lodged in the narrowing walls of the esophagus, where peristalsis came into play.  The process of being pushed through the digestive tube wasn’t as bad as expected, but I did find that was the only the left in the esophagus.  The beer kept freefalling until it reached the stomach, but I had to be pushed, like the food I was.  At one point, her heart beat was loud enough that I thought I had wound up inside the heart itself, but it passed.

Finally, I found myself freefalling again, and landed with inside Noelle’s stomach.  Being the slim girl she was, it felt like being in a large room, though I couldn’t tell you what it looked like.  There is no light in Noelle's stomach. I could hear the sound of me splashing echoing lightly against the walls, I knew I wasn’t terribly far from there, no more than fifty feet, at the most. 

As wonderful as Noelle was, I found that the inside of her stomach was rather boring.  I couldn’t see anything, and I could hardly hear anything but the sounds of Noelle’s body continuing about its business.  There was no interruption of the order, just because I was present.  It’s humbling.  Eventually, something that felt like a landmass bumped into me.  Some sort of remnants of her previous meal, before me, was still deteriorating in the stomach slowly.  Since it still had some sense of shape, it couldn’t have been here long, so I climbed aboard. 

Just in time to, Noelle was on the move again.  The rhythmic movement of her walking was similar to that of when I was in her purse, only much more fluid, and less violent.  She had swallowed me, and was now going on about her business.  Or so I thought.

Seconds later, her stomach lurched, and I heard the distinct sound of Noelle’s body rejecting the contents of her belly.  Namely, me. 

It took a few tries, but each time, I had told hold tight to whatever food it was that I floated on, her stomach contents seeming to swirl more and more with each time.  By the fourth time, the stomach lurched hard enough that I, as well as the floating food, were sent back into the esophagus. 

Thank.  God.

I was only given a brief glance at the inside of her mouth again, before I landed back in a pool of vomit, in the bathroom sink.  It seemed Noelle noticed me immediately, and switched from the sink to the toilet to finish vomiting.  With the sink stopper in, Noelle stormed out of the room and returned later, wiping her mouth with a paper towel, and sipping on a glass of, I assumed, water.  I’d managed to swim through the mostly liquid vomit, consisting mostly of beer, and Oreos.  Must have been what I was floating on.  Now, at least, I knew what that goldfish on Jackass felt like.

“You’re fucking lucky.”  Noelle finally said in a tattered, raspy voice.  “Next time, you’re staying there.  You got me?”  I quickly nodded, whimpering.  “I’m your owner, now.  Your master.  And now my throat hurts like hell from throwing up all that alcohol, and your annoying ass scratching.  You’re gonna make it up to me, two-fold.”  I nodded again, vigorously.  I was as winded as she was.  “For now, get out of the sink and clean yourself up.  I’ll be back later, you piece of shit.”  And with that, she turned to the door and headed out, flushing the toilet in the process.

  As I watched her leave the room, I sighed.  It felt like I had been in her stomach for hours, but in reality, it was less than two minutes.  But she kept me alive, and was giving me a second chance.  I don’t know why, but all I know is that I owe her my life, now.  She’s everything to me.



Chapter End Notes:

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