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Author's Chapter Notes:

Story Notes:            Supercar joins the scene, along with Secret Service


Meanwhile, in order to carry out the other part of their attack, the Mysterons killed and duplicated the man with the best resources to attack Lady Penelope … namely Masterspy. With Mysteron knowledge of Lady Penelope’s location, the fake Masterspy attacked her mansion before she or Parker could even get near FAB1.

“Milady, look!” said Parker, suddenly, pointing out the window.

Approaching the estate was a man in a flying car!

“Even FAB1 can’t do that,” said Penelope, “It looks as though Virgil and Alan won’t make it in time to help us.”

To their pleasant surprise, Mike Mercury dived at the Mysteronized Masterspy with Supercar and soon cornered him with help from Parker.


“You’ll never beat us, earth men!” said Mysteron Masterspy, and simply disappeared.

“I’d been trailing him for hours. He’s my number one concern,” said Mercury, “But I never knew he could do that.”

“I don’t think that was the man you know,” said Lady Penelope Creighton Ward, “I think it’s time that the world’s best organisations pooled their resources. I’m going to suggest it to Jeff Tracy.”

Like Titan, the real Masterspy would be no more threat to Mike Mercury.



One positive thing came out of the recent increased level of Mysteron threat and action. International Rescue had, in the events already detailed, created positive working relationships with several of earth’s intelligence organisations. WASP, WIN, Mike Mercury and Spectrum had all worked with International Rescue. Jeff Tracy spoke to Colonel White and suggested it would be wise to get all of the known sympathetic organisations to pool their resources to find a way to stop the Mysteron attacks once and for all.

“Well there are only two other teams that should be let in on our alliance,” said Colonel White, “The British Intelligence Secret Headquarters Operation Priest. I’ll get in contact with the B.I.S.H.O.P. and Steve Zodiac and then invite representatives from each organisation to be flown to Cloudbase for strategy talks.”



Father Stanley Unwin only doubled as a secret agent on special assignments for B.I.S.H.O.P. for the rest of the time, he was the Senior Minister and regular preacher at a beautiful English country church, which had lasted for centuries, when many other buildings had given way to modern architecture and urban expansion. Right now, he was finishing a sermon for his attentive congregation.


“So in conclusion, can I say that God is calling everyone to turn to Jesus and repent. All have sinned and fall short of God’s expectations to be deserving of eternal life. God’s son Jesus lived a perfect life on earth and paid the price for those sins on the cross. When he raised himself from death, he went to prepare the kingdom of eternal life in heaven for all those who accept him as their Lord and Saviour. All you need to do is invite him into your hearts. Look around us in the world. There are frequent freak weather conditions, natural disasters, crime on the rise, the boundaries of marriage ignored and disrespected to so many people’s pain, murders in the news all the time, terrorist attacks and so on. These are the signs of the end as prophecied in the Bible. The Devil knows that his time is short, after 6000 years of rebelling against God since he was kicked out of heaven for starting a war against his creator. He has been taking it out on God’s people ever since, but he knows the world is soon facing the end of time and the return of Jesus to judge all and save his people. So if you’d like to become one of his people, stand with me now and invite Jesus into your life.”


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