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     ----- Chapter 13 -----

      Things at work changed dramatically. The women who worked at St. Acre were growing freakishly tall. Full timers like Elaine and Jodi seemed to be gaining the most height. Regular part time aides and subs weren’t growing quite as much, if at all. It was very peculiar, but I knew it was an important clue to the mystery. The more time a woman spent at the library, the more height she accrued.

      Shari was still on vacation, and was scheduled to come back in a few days. Elaine was now in charge, and the atmosphere around work was a lot more relaxed and open. People were more open to talking and being friendly, and there was no drop in productivity. I took advantage of the time Shari was away to investigate.

      I reexamined the upper administration door. There were no clues, and the steel bulwark of the door could not be penetrated without a key card. A day or two of scavenging around the workroom also failed to turn up any leads. The only place I had left to check was Shari’s office, but it was locked. I was beginning to get a frustrated at my situation.

      As luck would have it, later that day I was approached by Elaine, who needed me to do a special task.

      “Hey Hank, could you be a dear and get something for me?” she asked, her womanly boobs swaying.

      I dropped what I was doing and turned to face her. “Yeah, what did you need Elaine?”

      Elaine had grown just as much as Jodi had. The extra mass on her frame had meant that her incredible bust had increased as well. At nearly seven foot she was having difficulty finding proper work clothes. At the moment she was wearing a super tight T-shirt, and her breasts struggled to be freed against the weak fabric. Her shirt was stretched so much that part of her stomach was peeking out, making it look almost like a belly shirt. Her hair was back in a cute ponytail, and she was wearing shorts and sandals. I had never seen Elaine dressed so casually.

      She dug around in her pocket before producing her keys.

      “Here, take this key and open Shari’s office.  There should be a red folder in her desk drawer, be sure to grab it for me.” Elaine jingled them in front of me, her big fingers pinching the key.

      “Sure thing Elaine, I’ll have it right away.” I took the keys from her.

      Elaine tousled my hair. “Thanks sweetie.”

      Now was my chance to scope out that office. I made a point of making a low profile on the way to the door. When I got the end of the hallway I ensured that no one would see me enter Ms. Beauchene’s office. That would buy me a good amount of time to do some real spying and espionage.

      Satisfied that I was undetected, I slipped the key into the lock and quickly darted into the room. I shut it quietly behind me, and a small bit of mischievous excitement pooled in my stomach. I was not allowed in here, and now I’d gained entry like some kind of spy. As I began to shuffle through her desk, I couldn’t help but think of the Mission Impossible theme.

      I found the folder I actually needed to get right away, but a quick once over in the office revealed nothing. I wasn’t convinced of any innocence however. I just needed more time.

      I was pulling open drawers when I heard the lock on the door jiggle. The door opened before I could react, and my heart jumped into my chest. I had been caught.

      I turned, and what I witnessed next caused my mind to seize up. Shari Beauchene ducked through the seven foot doorframe of her office and emerged on the other side, obviously displeased. Clearly, during her vacation she had shot up about a foot.

      The woman was huge. It wasn’t even really correct to call her a mere “woman” anymore, she was more like a juggernaut, a giantess. She shut the door behind her, effectively shielding us from the other employees in the workroom. I was going to get it now. I gulped in anxious anticipation. I wanted nothing more than to be gone from that room.

      Shari was wearing a tight white T-shirt and mens sweatpants that were so small they looked like capris. I estimated her new height to be at least eight and half feet tall. I was sure it was a world record.

      As I examined her body, I noticed that the rest of her proportions had filled out accordingly. Her womanly hips had increased with her girth, spreading over two feet wide. Her massive jugs hung from her chest, heavy and unsupported by a bra. It was likely she was having extreme difficulty finding clothes that fit her voluptuously gigantic body.

      I shrunk away in fear as she approached me, her intimidating hulking mass moving extremely close before she spoke.

      “What are you doing in here,” she stated, calm and composed. It was unnerving as hell.

      I couldn’t muster an answer. Her icy demeanor sent chills down my spine, despite the fact that she was so close I could feel her body warmth. Compared to her, I barely came up past her stomach. If I were to stare straight ahead I would be eye level with her belly button.

      Shari sensed that I was so afraid that I couldn’t speak.

      “You were snooping around in my office. I could fire you for this.”

      I gulped and nodded.

      “That’s not going to happen though Hank, you want to know why?”

      She paused, totally in control of the situation, a sly look on her face. Words were still a jumbled mess to me, there was no way I could form a coherent sentence with this much anxiety and adrenaline pumping through me.

      “I’ll tell you why. Let me outline the situation here. I also know that you are dating a coworker, Jodi Pearson I believe. Now, in all actuality I should fire both of you, just for that. But I’m a compassionate woman Hank. I wouldn’t want to do that you, and besides, I need both of you here, working.”

      “So you and I won’t say anything about this, on one condition.”

      She waited for me to regain control, and in a minute I was able to clear my mind and respond.

      “W-w-what’s th-that?” my voice squeaked. I didn’t think I wanted to hear this.

      Her huge hand cupped my head, gently stroking me. “As you can well see, I’ve been doing a lot of growing. This makes a woman very uncomfortable. I need someone to make me… less uncomfortable.”

      The amount of terror she projected was awe inspiring. She turned and walked over to her desk, expanded the adjustments on her seat and sat down. Behind the desk I heard her flip off her shoes.

      “Sit down Hank, let’s have a little discussion.” I did as I was told, pulling a chair up to her desk.

      Suddenly she lifted her bare white feet onto the desk, planting them right in front of me. So big… They were as long as my femur, six inches wide, with smooth soles and red painted toenails. They smelled oddly of lilac, and Shari leaned back in her chair as she spoke, wiggling her toes in the fresh air.

      “Here’s what I’m going to propose to you Hank. You rub my feet, and won’t fire you or your girlfriend. I’m going to ask you to do other little tasks around here for me as well. You’re going to be in charge of making sure my stress level stays low.”

      She was blackmailing me! And she’d done a damn good job. I could quit, but I couldn’t get Jodi fired. A foot massage would be a small price to pay, but it destroyed my dignity. I couldn’t believe this was happening. What would Jodi want me to do? I couldn’t make up my mind. All I knew was I needed to protect her, to keep her safe from this vile woman.

      I took some time to narrow down my options, to consider all possibilities. Shari merely waited patiently. She knew I needed to cave in to her, to give in to her demands. I was trapped, and the only way to save Jodi’s career was to basically agree to be a slave.

      I reached out my hand, carefully and apprehensively. I knew as soon as I touched those massive feet I would be sold into slavery, a tool for Shari’s use. It was what she wanted, how she’d planned it. If she wasn’t so physically large, or so high on the chain of command this would have been different. Everything had worked in her favor to take advantage of me, and she had decided that it would be ok to violate me.

      My hand fell upon her humongous toes, and she smiled wickedly. She had done it.

      “Good boy Hank. I knew you’d come around,” she leaned back triumphantly, enjoying my gentle touch.

      I grabbed her right sole with both hands, slowly working my thumbs in between the balls of her foot. A strange mix of humiliation, guilt, and erotic sensation washed over me. I way, I knew deep down I had wanted to touch those beautiful feet, to work my hands over the velvety contours of her foot, to wrap my puny fingers around that big toe, to compare it’s shear mass to any part of myself and wonder what would happen if that foot were to step on me. The giantess Shari probably weighed around 600 pounds. As I rubbed and caressed her heel I felt a erotic tingling in the stem of my penis, and in no time I’d popped the most guilty boner I’d ever had.

      I thought of Jodi. What would she say? By massaging Shari’s feet I almost felt like I was cheating on her. But it wasn’t like I had a real choice in the matter. I felt like crying, I didn’t want to disappoint my wonderful girlfriend. I loved her, and because of that there was no way I was going to let her know about this. If it just never got out, Jodi would never know.

       I moved to the left sole as humility washed over me, flooding my emotions. I felt a single hot tear roll down my face, and I rubbed it away quickly with my sleeve. Shari had her eyes closed; enjoying the treatment she was receiving. I couldn’t give her the satisfaction of knowing the torment she was causing me, the emotional instability that I was now struggling with. Even I had more guts than that.

       I continued to massage for a good 15 minutes, listening to Shari’s directions carefully. She guided me as she went, teaching me what she liked and didn’t like. She liked to have her toes touched, for me to work my puny fingers in between her massive toes, which she playfully gnashed and wiggled in delight. My suffering was delicious to her.

      When I was done, she commented on how good it was, patting me on the head like a dog. She towered above me, her frame dominating my view. I was emotionally broken by this point, sullen and defeated. She sent me back into the workroom, and threatened to fire me if I told anyone about what had just happened.

      I sighed and went back to work, lethargic and unmotivated. It was going to be a long day.

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