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      ----- Chapter 11 -----

      Jodi couldn’t believe what I was saying. She turned and examined herself in the mirror.

      “No way. I can’t be growing.”

      “You seem taller.”

      As she continued to check herself out I ran and got the tape measure and scale. A quick measurement at the doorframe proved she was 6’6”- two inches taller than when we’d met.

      Jodi was convinced it was a mistake, but I assured her it was only her disbelief talking. I produced the scale and she weighed herself.

      “215,” she murmured, “I’ve gained 15 pounds since we started dating.”

      I didn’t know what to say, so I just held her. This was unbelievable. I just wanted my girlfriend to be ok.

      “I… this can’t be happening. How am I growing? I’m 34!” The panic in her voice was growing.

      “Come sit on the couch.” I said as I guided her to the living room where she sat down in shock. My woman was distressed, and there was nothing I could do. All I wanted was to fix this for her, but there wasn’t anything anyone could do or say about it. All I could do was listen and try to offer support.

      “Now that I think about it, all my clothes have been getting tight. My shoes are starting to not fit again. I was just thinking maybe they were shrinking in the wash or I was retaining water or something. This is terrible! I’m going to have to buy a whole new wardrobe!”

      I knew it was pretty hard for her to find clothes that fit at her size, and now it was only going to be more difficult.

      She clasped the sides of her head in shock and realization, “What if I’m not done! What if I keep growing, Hank!” She turned to me, her eyes wide with fear.

      “You’ll stop, I’m sure of it. We’ll see a doctor tomorrow, I’m sure this is explainable.” I was grasping at straws. Being that I wasn’t a medical professional, I had no idea what was going on.

      “Oh Hank!” She grasped me and buried her face in my chest, distressed. My hulking girlfriend wrapped her arms around me and squeezed. Fuck she was big!

      “It’s ok Jodi. We’ll get this all worked out, I promise.” I ran my fingers through her thick dirty blonde hair, trying my best to comfort her.

      She was breathing heavily, like she was trying to fight back tears. After a few moments she seemed to get a hold of herself. She sat up and wiped her eyes.

      “You know, you’re probably right. I’m sure I’ll stop. We’ll see the doctor.”

      “Yeah, I’ll go with you.” I nodded in agreement.

      “A few extra inches never killed anyone…” Her voice trailed off, as she was lost in thought.

      “You’ll be ok Jodi! There are a good number of women out there who are taller than you are, and they deal with it just fine.”

      My supportive words fell on deaf ears. Jodi turned to me with a sly grin.

      I locked eyes with her for a moment, trying to discern what she was thinking about. I had a feeling that it was dirty.

      “Well… this isn’t all bad.” Jodi said to herself, so softly that it was almost a whisper.

      “J-Jodi?” she wasn’t acting like herself. I was beginning to get a bit worried. My woman had a primal look in her eyes that was a bit disconcerting. I felt like a piece of meat in front of a cougar.

      “Come here.”

      I scooted next to her on the couch, and she grasped me and kissed me hard before carrying me off to the bedroom like a cavewoman. I was in for a rough night.


      The next day we went to the doctor. On the way we discussed the possibility that Jodi may be having another latent growth spurt, and how that would affect our lives. Essentially, we came to the conclusion the only real negative was that Jodi was going to need to get some new clothes, which she didn’t see as a negative anyway because she loved clothes shopping.

      Surprisingly, by this point I was actually more concerned than Jodi was. And when I say more concerned, I mean that I was the only one still concerned. Jodi was on Cloud 9, enjoying the fact that she was growing taller. She knew full well that it secretly turned both of us on. As far as she was concerned, she could afford a few more inches over me. I simply allowed her to enjoy herself while she could, because I was afraid that she might have some serious medical condition. The thought terrified me.

      The visit to the doctor provided very little in the way of answers, but it did put my mind at ease. The doctor said it was simply a case of a super rare growth spurt, brought on by her pituitary gland reactivating later in life. Genetically, it was a possible occurrence, but actual cases happening this late in life were extremely rare. Regardless, it was no cause of concern, and the doctor assured us that Jodi’s growth would stop soon. I couldn’t help but notice that Jodi seemed a bit disappointed when she heard that part. I was just glad to know that she was ok.

      The next couple of weeks went by rather normally. At work, I was tormented by Shari and at home I was ravished by Jodi. In between this I spent some time talking to my friend Elaine, who was convinced Jodi and I were perfect for each other. I told her to hold her horses for a bit, because I wasn’t ready to settle down just yet. In reality, I wasn’t sure I could even continue working at St. Acre with Shari acting the way she was. If Shari were to find out that Jodi and I were dating, much less married, I was sure she could legally do something to get me transferred or fired. At this point I couldn’t afford that.

      I could tell Shari knew something was up, which partly explained why she went out of her way to keep Jodi and I separate. However, the director always took it too far. As more time went on at work, the more and more I discovered I was working with Shari all day. She had gradually arranged things so that my daily tasks coincided with hers. Sometimes this meant we worked side by side on the same job, but mostly it meant I ran around doing menial tasks for her while she ordered me about. As shy as I was, I never confronted her about it. Just in one day alone, I fetched her coffee seventeen times. Who drinks 17 cups of coffee in a day? I was definitely getting sick of being her slave, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it. And Shari Beauchene knew it.

      I made a point of not telling Jodi the extent of my frustration. I didn’t need to burden her with problems that couldn’t be solved. Additionally, Jodi knew that Shari was very “hands on” when it came to working with me, so I wasn’t hiding anything. She didn’t need to know that Shari had been touching me more frequently. Honestly, I had noticed that Jodi had a streak of possessiveness in her, just a hint of jealousy. And Jodi could be confrontational. For the sake of her job, I didn’t want to provoke that, so I decided there was truly no use in telling her.

      And on another note, Jodi was delighted with her sudden growth. I could tell it made her feel powerful and sexy, and I won’t deny that she looked the part. My desire for her burned, but I would never say how I felt. I was afraid she might think I only loved her for her height, which wasn’t true. She wasn’t an object- she was a person, and moreover she was my girlfriend. I respected her greatly.

      After three weeks we weighed and measured her again, discovering that her growth hadn’t stopped. She was now 6’7” and 230 pounds, which meant she was more than a foot taller than me and at least 100 pounds heavier. To her, this was an accomplishment she could lord over me every chance she got. She never hesitated to bring up that she had 100 pounds on me, and used it in conversation to get her way. It was incredibly sexy, but I was wondering when she would stop growing, for the sake of her health.

      So a good month passed after that doctor’s visit before anything of any consequence happened. At work one day Elaine and I were sorting returns, when Shari walked by, a cup of coffee in her hand. I didn’t see her, as I was stooped over picking up a stack of books.

      Shari walked up beside me and grabbed the back of my neck, rather forcefully. She shoved the coffee cup into my hands.

      “Fill this. You haven’t been doing that,” she ordered in her deadpan tone.

      Glowering at my mistreatment, I accepted the cup, which looked comically small in her giant hands. Her fingers wrapped all the way around the cup to touch her thumb on the other side. I noticed she had beautiful hands, with freshly polished red nails. Shari always painted her nails a classic red.

      Apparently I wasn’t moving fast enough.

      “Go!” Shari swatted me on the butt. I stumbled a bit before trotting off to the coffee pot, shocked. I felt a bit violated by her touch. It was the first time she had touched me there, and I wasn’t sure if that counted as harassment or not. I was pretty sure it did.

      Yeah, it definitely did. What was I going to do about it? What could I do? I could try to go over Shari’s head and report it to administration. But administration was basically non-existent; the entire time I’d worked at St. Acre I’d never seen someone who worked up in those offices, and besides, I didn’t have a key card anyways.

      I began to feel my situation was a bit hopeless. I decided not to say anything.

      With my head down, sullen and defeated, I returned a full coffee cup to Shari, who was berating Elaine. As I handed it to her Ms. Beauchene snatched the cup out of my hands and shot me an angry glance before marching off through towards the front desk.

      I turned and watched her as she walked through the doorframe. She was a terrifyingly large woman. Her massive body filled the doorframe, and her head nearly grazed the top. Shari had really changed since I’d been hired. She was regularly angry and frustrated, and her wardrobe had gone from professional to semi casual. Today she was wearing a simple T-shirt, blue jeans, and flats. In a moment of empathy, I thought perhaps the pressure of her job was stressing her out.

      I tried my best to picture what she was like when I first met her. She had been standing in that same doorframe, smiling down at me with her hand extended. She was wearing a suit and heels, and her demeanor had been cold…wait.

      She had been standing in that same doorframe.

      She was wearing heels. Her head nearly touched the top.

      Now she was in the exact same spot, wearing flats.

      And her head nearly touched the top.

     Elaine watched me with concern as the color visibly drained from my face.

Chapter End Notes:

Oooh cliffhanger!

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