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The ride was surprisingly not terrible since her sandwich kept me from going anywhere as the rest of the bag's contents shifted slightly with each bump in the road and I lay safely embedded by her sandwich. Finally, things came to a halt and I heard her snap her bike lock shut before the bag lifted off of me. As the bag lifted away I was hoping she would already be in mid-turn and not notice me but instead her brown eyes locked directly on me, and her voice carried down to me in a whisper, “What the fuck is that?”

Before I could even right myself her thin fingers grasped me and carried me up into the air. She held me tightly before her face, and I watched as her eyes ran over my body before she finally asked, “Were you always that small? Or did you used to be big like me?” I gulped, I couldn't remember the last time a giantess asked me a question and expected a reply. The giantess held me there for a few minutes as I tried to find my voice, finding my mouth dry and my lungs unable to take in breath. While I tried to speak, I kept having flashes before my eye of Stacey holding a burning cigarette over me or planting her foot on top of me as a punishment for speaking. “Well I'm not going to leave you here, little guy. So I guess you're coming with me.” She stuffed me into the same shirt pocket of her phone and walked into a building.

I don't know why but I suddenly felt very comfortable in her pocket, like it was where I was supposed to be. Maybe escaping wasn't such a good idea, I started to wonder, after all I had no idea who this girl was or what she would do whereas at the gamma phi house I was always dealing with known entities. Or at least I had been until Stacey handed me off to Megan, and Megan had stuffed me deep inside of her. I shuddered, realizing that I didn't want to relive a situation like that, no matter how big my crush on Megan had been back when I was normal-sized.

The giantess kept me in her pocket for a while. I didn't know what she was doing but she was fiddling with a bunch of stuff for at least an hour before I felt her body shift into a sitting position and suddenly her slender fingers came in and pulled me out. The giantess set me down on to a huge field of wax paper, and not far away I could see a big sandwich roll. She plucked up half of it in her hands, and I watched as she carried the packed sandwich to her mouth then took a massive bite of it. I watched as she casually chewed it and then her eyes slowly turned down toward me. “So what are you? Are you just a little man?” I took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to explain it. “And what's with those scars?” Her voice boomed out again, as she took another bite of her sandwich, her pinky finger extended and ran over the branding on my chest.

I finally found my voice as I spoke, “They're a branding.”

The giantess blinked before lowering her head toward me so she could hear me better. I repeated what I had said, and she just stared at me, “Who branded you?”

I gulped, before saying, “My master.”

“Your master?” The giantess asked, confusion evident over her face, “Why do you have a master?”

“I'm her slave,” I found myself saying for the first time ever. As the words left my mouth I felt tears beginning to stream down my cheeks, and my legs collapsed as I fell to my knees once more shouting, “I'm a slave!”

“Holy shit,” The giantess whispered as she placed her hand on my back, and began to gently pet me, “It's ok, little guy. I won't make you a slave, ok? You're free now.” I merely found myself nodding as she continued to pet me while making soothing noises. Finally I was able to pull myself together and the giantess extended a grape to me, “Here you go, little guy.”

I took the grape, not even realizing till that moment how hungry I was. I plunged my fist into it, yanking out bits of grape meat that I then shoved into my face. It was amazing, I thought, as I just shoved the grape bits into my mouth. I had not had fruit or anything else but a sort of strange gruel that the sorority girls gave me in nearly a year. Just to suddenly have a taste in my mouth again was mind-blowing. As I sat there eating, the giantess just watched me.

There was suddenly a knock at the door, and I turned my head as it burst open, bringing another giantess into the room. This girl was shorter than the giantess in front of me, with long locks of dark black hair, her skin was as pale as the moon and she was wearing a white dress and denim jacket. I heard the click-boom of high heeled shoes as she stepped in and closed the door behind her. “Heeey! How you doing?” Her voice was probably sweet and high, but at my size the sweetness was magnified but clashed with the booming god-like quality of her voice.

“Susannah,” The giantess said, the importance clear in her voice, “You are not going to believe this.”

“What, Loren? Did you discover some crazy science thing?” Susannah responded giggling as she walked over toward where Loren was sitting in front of me. The giantess came over and gave Loren a big hug before kissing her on the cheek, and turning to look down at me. Susannah's blue eyes bulged out when they saw me, I could tell immediately it was a look of recognition. “Where did you find that?” She asked, her tone becoming instantly serious.

“He was in my bike basket,” Loren explained as her hand once more came down and gave me a careful pet, “I think he's really messed up. He says he was a slave.”

Susannah only nodded, not quite looking at Loren, her eyes locked on me. Slowly her hand drifted down and she brushed Loren's hand away, allowing her to get a better look at me. Those ice-blue eyes immediately locked on to the three greek letters that scarred my chest: Gamma Phi Beta. “He's a gamma phi slave,” Susannah said matter of factly.

“What?” Loren asked, turning to her friend, “Gamma Phi? Like that sorority?”

“Yeah,” Susannah said absently, “So remember how freshman year, I was in Phi Mu?”

Loren laughed, “Yeah that was ridiculous.”

“So,” Susannah explained slowly, “The sororities on campus shrink men and keep them as slaves.”

“What?” Loren said looking back down at me, and then at Susannah.

“Yeah,” Susannah explained, “I was learning how to do it when I realized that I really didn't want to be in a sorority.” She then paused before asking, “Do you remember that party last year, at the Fem House?”

Loren looked at her, “You mean the one that everyone said was really disappointing because they had lost something?”

Susannah nodded, “Annie and Katie had shrunk a dude, I still don't know how they learned about it. Apparently though they got a hold of some guy and someone stole him during the party.”

Loren just shook her head, and I just gulped as I stared up at the two giantesses speaking as if I weren't present. What was more frightening to me though was that apparently people outside of the sororities were learning to shrink people, how far would this insanity go? Loren finally asked as she gestured to me, “How can they just do this to people?”

“Sorority girls are kind of crazy,” Susannah offered as a weak excuse, “I don't know. It's kind of...” She shrugged as she explained, “It's kind of awesome.”

“What?” Loren asked.

Susannah looked obviously uncomfortable as she said, “It's just sort of cool to be in complete control over a slave. They do what you tell them, when you tell them. If they don't, they expect to be punished.” Susannah gestured to me, and said, “This one would probably do anything you asked of him, just because of habit.”

“So?” Loren asked as she stared down at me, “He used to be our size! He is a human being.” Susannah frowned as Loren then said to her, “You said you were learning how to shrink people, can you unshrink them?”

Susannah shook her head, “Not really.” She then frowned as she explained, “Loren, even if I could, I wouldn't. They go crazy over their slaves. If they had caught him trying to escape they would've killed him right there. Now they're going to search for him, and if they find out that you're keeping him from them they'll shrink you down too.”

“That's insane!” Loren replied.

“That's what the brands are for, so that you know whose slave it is and you can return them,” Susannah explained as her hand went forward and tried to grab me.

Loren stopped her and said, “I'm not sending him back to be a slave.”

Susannah sighed and stepped back, “Fine, Loren. But don't be surprised when they come for you, and shrink you down too.”

Susannah then stormed off and Loren frowned before turning to me, “Don't worry little guy, I won't let that happen to you again.” Loren then passed me another grape as she returned to her lab work. I sat there, trying to enjoy the grape while I wondered if my small taste of freedom could really ever last.


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