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Jane Lindquist stood fifty seven feet tall.  She was now the biggest giant on the planet.  Elisabeth and Tomas were now sixteen feet and three inches long, the same size as Jane’s other set of twins who happen to be five years of age.  Jane hated her new size as she stayed hidden in the hangar she shared with her husband.  Sven was so small to Jane despite the fact that he was one of the bigger giants.

“I hate this,” she tells Sven as she sewed herself some new clothes out of pieces of her older clothes.  Jane wore a makeshift bra and skirt as she sat on the floor of the hangar.  The furnishings and fixtures that were built to size were now small to the giantess.

“Jordan and Jess hate that Thomas and Elisabeth are now bigger than them.  I have the feeling that even Robby is afraid of me,” Jane confides in her husband.

“Janie, nobody is afraid of you.  We love you,” Sven said as he brought Jane shakes.  “It was only a matter of time.”

“Look at me Sven,” Jane began to sob.

“I am and I see the woman I love and the next phase in our evolution.  If it makes you feel any better Janie, my own clothes are starting to get small on me,” Sven said, trying to soothe his wife.

“But you are growing slow like the others,” Jane said.  Jane was always used of being protected and now she is the one strong enough to do the protecting.  Even the newborn twins were stronger than Jordan and Jessica.  Jane felt like a freak, even among her own kind.

“Now I know how you felt Janie,” Sven said as Jane put down her sewing.  Sven went to his wife.  Jane pulled him in with her long strong arms.  Sven sat on her lap while Jane stroked his thick golden hair.

“Now I know how you felt like too but I much rather have you holding me,” Jane said as she hugged her husband.  “I wish there was a way to make you grow faster,” Jane said and Sven laughed while Jane smiled.

“Sixty-six feet can’t come too soon for you, can it my goddess?” Sven said playfully.

“I want my big man back,” Jane said as she held her husband.  Sven kissed her cheek and took in the scent of his wife.


Keith Black was a hurried father these days despite the fact he was back living in his old hangar on the Gaea Campus.  Between rumble room practice and feeding his son’s appetite, Keith barely had time for his other two kids.  Baby Ethan is now the size of a five year old titan child measuring at seventeen feet even.  Ethan is also very intelligent and sensitive despite his new size.  Kyle and Amber took notice of this as well as the human children’s nanny.

“He’s huge dad,” Kyle tells Keith.  “Why is he so big?”

“The giants are evolving again.  Ethan is the new size,” Keith tells his son.  Keith decided that he was going to be honest with his kids.  Today was also the day his two children are going to see Steven James about going through with the red form.  Titan XL10 was a new test formula that was getting administered to the children.  The formula stimulated the new protein causing all the giants to evolve again.  Amber accepted Ethan and that he wasn’t the cause of Kathleen’s death.  Keith also knew that with the new formula, his children will be growing bigger than the first titans.  Keith had to be prepared to have two children with the potential to be much bigger than even him.

“Is that why we are going to see Steven James?  Are you going to ask Amber and me to become giants?”

“Only if you want to,” Keith answered his boy’s question.  “I am not going to force you or your sister.  It is all your decision.”

“Are you going grow again?” Kyle asked his father who gave him a smile.

“I have been.  All the giants have been,” Keith answered.

“Will we be big like Ethan?” Keith heard another small voice.  It was Amber.  She had been listening in on Keith conversation with her brother.

“Yes sweetheart, you will be,” Keith said, hiding his broken heart.  “You may even get bigger than me.”

Keith also knew that the new Titan formula stimulated constant growth.  His kids will grow into their new size in a matter of days instead of months.  They will become ten times the size of their current heights which meant that his five year old daughter will be much taller and even stronger than him.  Kyle and Amber will also be the first children to get the Titan XL10 shot.

“Is it scary growing big?” Amber asked Keith.

“At first it is but when you get used to being big it isn’t so bad,” Keith said.  He didn’t tell Kyle and Amber that as your body grew so did your mind and you can do extraordinary things. 

“Will I be happy?” Amber asked and Keith smiled.

“I am happy sweetheart.  Being a giant isn’t so bad,” Keith tells her as he picked her up in the palm of his hand.  Amber hugged his thumb.  This would be one of the last moments Keith could be able to hold his kids this way.


Steven James and Robin McAllister stood in the living room of Keith Black’s hangar.  Steven explained the risk to Keith and asked Kyle and Amber if this is what they truly wanted and both agreed.  Keith and the Gaea workers stocked his shelves full of the newly formulated shakes that the children have to drink.  The steel drums and thick plastic containers were much larger than the ones Keith currently drank from.  Even Ethan’s formula came in bigger containers.  Some of the other giants even worked on changing the scale of Keith’s hangar along with the Lindquist hangar. 

The large screen mounted to the wall reported the latest changes.  A tsunami hit the California coast while small earthquakes were getting reported on a daily basis.  Photos from NASA had been released of the slow expanding earth.  The humans scrabbled to find the answers the giants already knew.  The earth and mostly everything on it was growing.  Reports of large birds and other creatures were being reported as well.  The humans thought it was from radiation according to news reports.  They were even trying to get a few giants for study but couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary.  The giants waited all this out as planned.  A group of giant haters were starting splinter groups and warmongering but the Gaea giants refused to give in.  They waited for the humans to make the first move.

“This will only hurt a bit,” Robin McAllister tells Amber who was the first to get the Titan XL10 formula.  Amber cringed as the needle poked through her skin.  Robin told the girl it was a super vitamin.  It only took a minute for the sensation to start flowing through Amber’s small body.  Robin handed her the shake that she gulped down.  Kyle made Robin wait so he can see his sister grow.

“How does it feel?” Kyle asked his sister as her body seemed to slowly swell before his eyes.

“Like that feeling you get when your foot’s asleep.  I’m so hungry,” Amber responded.

“Keep drinking shakes,” Steve kindly tells the girl and she does as he says.

Kyle let an hour pass when he realized that his little sister was now looking down at him.  Everything about her was bigger.  Kyle couldn’t believe his eyes and Amber let out a playful giggle as the hem of her dress kept rising.

“I can’t let my little brother and sister be bigger than me,” Kyle proclaimed as Robin readied another syringe.   Kyle watched his growing sister while Robin stuck the second syringe into the seven year old.  Kyle didn’t realize Robin did this until the sensations began and the hunger gnawed away at his stomach.

“I’ll be back later to give them an IV,” Robin tells Keith.  “It is needed while they sleep.  It should take about three days for them to grow to their full size.”

“It’s only temporary Keith.  You’ll be big enough to take care of them before long,” Steve said as Keith notice the usually small  was now taller than him.  “It’s just taking us older giants a little longer to get there.”  Steve patted Keith on the shoulder and left Keith to be with his kids.

Amber playfully enjoyed throwing her new size around.  She stood a head taller than her brother as they both ran around the house.  Keith sighed in relief as did Kristy who had quietly watched the children get the injection.  Kristy King knew that her work was done at the Black’s hangar but she never expected that she would be dating a giant with three little ones.  Keith made it clear that he wanted Kristy to stay despite the fact he didn’t need her services as a live in nanny anymore.  Keith never expected to fall in love again.  Let alone to a woman who has yet to evolve and won’t for another eight years.

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