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Robin McAllister took on the job of being Tommy’s temporary nanny after Steven James; advocate to the giants approached her with his dilemma.  The so called ‘growth virus’ started accelerating around the world.   Everyone at Gaea House knew the truth, there was no virus.  It was all in the DNA.  No one knew that better than Steven James.  A man that was once an awkward near-sighted white coat with a gangly and ginger appearance now changed into a dark red headed Adonis.  Despite his new appearance the old Steve still lingered in personality and shyness.

Robin lays in her bed one night after all was quiet in the large spacious converted airplane hangar.  She reads her e-book while reflecting on the day’s events.  Steve coming home to tell his son that his mother won’t be around for a while.  It broke her heart.  The whole situation was pretty heartbreaking.  Steve was always one of the kindest people Robin had worked with, even before the change.  He talked about Tommy and Melinda like they were the only people in the world.

Robin found Melinda to be a bit of an odd one.  Her appearance was nothing like Steve’s.  She had a bold style and way about her.  She dressed in part rockabilly and part housewife.  A creative and artsy creature that reflected her choice of profession.

Robin heard a sound, the sound of bones cracking loudly. Poor Steve, he’s gotten so big that even his bones are growing loud.  I hope it ends soon.  Robin thought to herself.  The she heard Steve moan in his sleep, “It has to Robin,” he moaned loudly.  Robin shook her head.  Even his telepathy won’t rest.


Steve woke up the next morning; everything seemed even smaller than it did the day before.  He bends over and looks in the bathroom mirror.  He still looked like twenty-five year old Steven James only much bigger.  His growth spurt hit hard last night.  He went to do his morning shave. He then went to his sparse kitchen area and grabbed a couple of drum of strawberry shakes from the warehouse shelves and put them on the reinforced kitchen table.   Robin worked in a small kitchen area, making Tommy his breakfast.  The area used to be a break area for the workers at the hangar and there was a large glass window that Steve looked in and smiled at his son.  “Daddy!  You got bigger,” Tommy shouted.  It was the same comment every morning.   Steve just shrugged it off; it was only his innocent little boy.

Steve went to sit in the chair that was barely tall enough to accommodate his long, long legs.  Much longer than the day before.  He sighed when he heard the chair creak under his weight.  He stood up and moved the chair away.  He put his breakfast on the floor and sat Indian style.  Steve wondered how tall he stood today.


Steve went to his appointment that morning.  Thankfully he could still fit through the door which meant he could still get in his office which happened to be in the same building.

“Steve, today you’re twenty-nine feet and two inches,” Ally told him.  Allison Hayes now stood to Steve’s mid-thigh.  Even she wasn’t much of a giantess to Steve.

“Just make me twenty-nine even.  Those two inches don’t make much of a difference anymore,” Steve brooded.  Ally caught his sour mood.  Steve was depressed.  She worried about her friend.  “Ten more inches and I’m rubbing the tops of the doorways in here.”

“Hey, you need to smile.  You’ve got that son of yours to think about.  Have you seen your wife yet today?”

“No, but you’re right about Tommy.”

“We were in for a shock this morning.  She’s evolving differently.  I can’t explain it, other than that it’s slow and unusual.  In fact, Vin only wants to keep her for another day,” Ally said.

“What do you mean, Ally?”

“She didn’t turn into a large toddler like the rest of us.  In fact, she is growing very slowly.  It’s weird, but it’s been a week and she’s only five-eight.”

“She still looks like herself and she’s growing very slowly?”

“Yes, but her blood is like ours and her I.Q. tests have slightly improved.  Vin thinks it might be because she’s pregnant.  She’s the first pregnant case on record.  None of the other Gaea Houses reported any women coming in that were pregnant before evolving,” Ally said.

“Nothing has changed other than that?”

“Well, she is thinning out even though she gains weight,” Ally answered.

With that said, Steve left Ally’s office and to the patient area.  He saw the newcomer, Andrea Jenkins.  A forty-four year old woman who had been beaten by her husband for the last five years.  He was a worthless drunk, but Andrea weathered it out.  The day she became ill, the beatings were so bad that it alerted the neighbors.  The police found her ill with the so-called virus and transported her straight to Gaea House.  Steve took her case without question when Vin had told him about it.  Today Andrea is now ten evolving years old and stands ten feet tall.  The tables would be turned if her husband saw her now, but Andrea is past all the abuse.  She legally divorced him the day she was hauled away and has been happy since.  She smiles up at Steve as he passes her in the hall.

“Boy, you really spurted up last night, Mr. James.  You here to see the wife?” she asked the passing giant.

“Yes Andrea and how are you doing?”

“Great, they measured me at ten two this morning, so things are looking up thank to you, Mr. James,” Andrea answered.  Steve enthralled her like he did all the other giants at Gaea House.  Andrea went about her way.

Steve stood outside the door of Melinda’s suite.  I hope I don’t upset Steve, but it’s best for Tommy’s sake.  I wonder what’s going to happen if I go to term in the middle of changing.  Oh God, I hope the baby is okay?  Melinda’s thoughts flooded Steve’s mind.  Then he reached out to her with his own thoughts to see if she can receive them now.

Whatever happens, we’ll make it.  We still have a wonderful son that misses you so much. He’ll be happy when I tell him you’ll be home tomorrow.  Don’t be alarmed when I come in, I’ve grown quite a bit since you last saw me.  I’ll be alright, but it would be nice if this was it.  Steve sent out to her.  This is a good test to her new abilities.

Steve opened the door and looked down at the woman that barely to come halfway up to his knee.  Melinda looked almost the same but Steve didn’t.  Steve looked even more powerfully built to fit his new larger size.  Melinda couldn’t believe the sight of him.  Still wearing the usual scrub like clothing he wore while he was growing and not like the normal outfits the others have started wearing.  Steve was now roughly the size of a three story building.

“Miss me,” Steve said in his quietest voice.

“You know I do,” Melinda answered.

Melinda had on scrubs since none of her clothing was brought.  She looked almost the same as she did when Ally first admitted her.  The height wasn’t noticeable to Steve but her face was.  It seemed thinner and not as full as it once was.  Even her hair looked a little neater and her visible ink looked faded.  Only small changes.

“I can still wear my shoes even though they do feel a little snug,” Melinda tells Steve.  Vin wants to study me.  He seems to think that he might be able to come up with a solution for the kids.”

Vin and Steve have discussed several times over the problem with the children not evolving.  The older generation can’t always be there to take care of them and to find a responsible twenty something is like finding a needle in a haystack.  The only solution is to trick their DNA somehow into evolving.  It’s a risky move, but needs to be done.

“What about our baby?” Steve asks.

“Too soon to tell.  Vin hopes that’s the reason I’m evolving so slowly is so the baby can grow with me.  My appetite seems endless and my blood is the same as yours now.  I hope Vin is right,” Melinda said, straining to look up at her husband.  Steve then offered his hand to her.  Melinda sat comfortably upon his one hand.  Steve was very careful as he brought her up to his view.  Melinda felt like Fay Wray in King Kong.

“Tommy will be a little disappointed that you’re not going to be big, but I like this better.  We’ll just tell him that you had a false alarm.  There is no need to turn his whole world around.  It’s bad enough that he’s the size of a mouse to me,” Steve said with sad eyes.

“He’ll figure it out, honey.  Tommy is a smart boy.  He’ll notice and he’ll be upset, especially if the baby evolves too,” Melinda said.  She looked as though she was ready to cry. 


Steve went to his office shortly after visiting Melinda.  He turned on his voice activated computer.  Everything in the office was programmed to his voice.  He looked over the latest Gaea House files. Vin only allowed a handful of giants to meet him.  Steve was Gaea House’s biggest secret, at least until he finished growing.  The thoughts of others in the complex filled his mind.  Steve was getting a headache.  It was hard sometimes for him to concentrate.  As he has always done in this situation, Steve concentrated on Tommy.  Tommy’s childlike thoughts always soothed the giant.

“I would like to go through any new files, Goliath,” he tells the computer with a screen as big as a Jumbo Tron.

“As you wish, Mr. James,” the computer’s electronic voice answered.

Three new cases popped up on the screen.  Steve needed to find someone to fill Melinda’s room since she was going home tomorrow.  He found one in the form of a poor farmer named, Aaron Smith.  A thirty-three year old man who recently came down with the so-called virus.  He has five kids and has been married ten years to his wife, Sally.  It started last week so the man is still living in the house, but his farm has been suffering from his absence.  The perfect candidate for Gaea House.  Steve called Honeywell to set up the arrangements.


The following day Steve went in for his checkup.  He is still twenty-nine feet and two inches.  This made him happy.  He decided to take the day off from his advocate duties so that he could spend a day with Tommy and Melinda.

Melinda looked even more beautiful than she did the day before.  She hadn’t grown any, but the changes in her were something to behold.

“Look honey,” Melinda said as she flexed her arm.  “This is better than that personal trainer you got me and I didn’t even have to lift a figure.”  Steve laughed as he walked Melinda home.

Tommy attacked Melinda the moment Steve put her back down on the ground.  Melinda lifted Tommy up without any restrain like she usually had.  Tommy didn’t see the difference in his mother, he was just grateful to have her back, but Robin did.  Robin was a tall woman of six foot.  She noticed that Melinda appeared taller in her tennis shoes.  She also noticed that Melinda seemed a bit thinner but nothing too alarming.  Robin then took her leave so that she may spend the day with her grandkids.  Steve was so happy to have his little family back together again.

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