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"Amy felt big and invulnerable, wild and untameable. Nothing could match her, nothing could compete with her, she looked at the toy city sprawled out before her and felt contempt for it. It was a toy for her amusement. And she played rough with her toys."

--Scott Grildrig, Amy Zonn: Beauty Treatment

"I needed to find Sarah, and I had found her. Unfortunately, she had also found me, and I trembled in fear. After all, she stood over four hundred feet tall, and could do with me what she wanted."

--Change for a Twenty-Two

"What a wonderful world it is that has girls in it!"

--Lazarus Long

Sarah Kensington
League Headquarters
New York City

The little man tried his best.

I had set him on my stomach, and told him to stimulate me. And he had run to my clit and did his best to make me happy.

He made me horny. But that's not the same thing.

About twenty minutes later, I was dressed again, and the little man sat on my nightstand. He told me of his homeland, of his wife, Belinda. He told me of a land where women ruled men, and it sounded nice.

And he showed me his scars from the times he had been beaten to be corrected, and his world didn't seem as nice anymore.

I was pondering all of this when Mia came into the room.

"Sarah," she said, grimly, "the time has come."

"For what?" I asked.

She didn't respond at first, then said, "D.X. Machina has rejoined the Cadre, and they are preparing to attack us. We need you to protect the League."


Mia smiled. "You're an Adept--you have powers beyond any of the rest of us. You will have to make a stand against them. Come on, there isn't much time."

I left the tiny man on my nightstand and followed Mia.

* * *

Scott Chelgren
The Roosevelt Hotel
Mid-town Manhattan

We were on the move.

There were ten of us: myself, D.X., Anonymous, Kelly, and Teri; The Chairman, Szalinsky, Kopec, and Spielberg. And of course, Ms. Ceres, our ally-cum-enemy. We were joined by about a dozen others as we entered the hotel lobby--the main complement of the Cadre's shock troops.

We began the walk back towards the League's headquarters. D.X. looked at me, and I gazed back at him. I knew I was going to have to fight, and fight hard--I was the only Adept on our side.

A few blocks away, we heard it. Screaming. People running in terror. We turned a corner, and saw people running away from the epicenter--the headquarters of the League.

She rose up over it beautifully, staring down over the streets of New York like the Goddess she was. She paid no attention to the fleeing people, and instead looked at our advancing regiment.

"YOU SHOULD LEAVE, CADRE," said Sarah, in a booming voice that was all too familiar. "WE WILL DESTROY YOU."

"Sarah!" I shouted, hoping she'd hear me above the din. "Sarah, you don't have to do this!"

But she didn't hear me. We continued advancing, until she took a great step forward. "I WARNED YOU," she said, and with a mighty blow of her foot, she shook the world.

I fell to the ground, my mind racing. "Attack her!" cried D.X. "You have to beat her, or she'll kill us all!"

I rose, and summoning all my strength, I sprinted towards her.

She was achingly beautiful. A goddess, standing astride Times Square like the ruler of the world she could become. She was the angel of Death and the God-Mother of the world rolled into one. I ran toward her bare foot, and grabbed on.

* * *

D.X. Machina

I was experiencing deja vu.

I had been here before--fighting a friend who would destroy the world. This time it was Sarah.

Scott was on her--he would fight her, I knew.

The rest of us had a different battle to fight.

"All right!" I called. "Squad one! Form a line right here and prepare to attack! Work with a/r spells--they won't be expecting them. Hold it...hold it...now!"

Our shock troops ran forward to meet the onrushing League troops. Reality itself bended and warped as age reduction spells met shrinking spells met morphing spells. More than a few of our soldiers were shrunk, and crushed under the feet of young girls who had moments earlier been women; more than a few women were reduced to infants.

Our line was sagging. Soon, the League's heavy hitters would move through the line and attack.

I looked toward Sarah, and saw Scott approaching her knee.

She reached down, and brushed him off, sending him falling towards the ground.

* * *

Scott Chelgren

I quickly adjusted as I fell, knowing full well that, at six feet tall, I couldn't count on the nigh-vulnerability of being tiny. Smaller 1:10000 I thought, and quickly I vanished into the microscopic world, buoyed aloft by air currents. I reached a hard surface, and reversed the spell. I had drifted all the way up to Sarah's waist. I grabbed the band of her jeans, and continued climbing.

* * *

Sarah Kensington

I felt the man on my leg, and brushed him off. Fool. How dare he try to climb me. What did he think he was going to accomplish? I looked down to watch him splatter on the ground, but he was gone.


I started to move forward into the fight. I had been ordered to hang back and wait for things to develop, but I couldn't watch my comrades dying. I started toward the battle....

And suddenly, I was not there.

I hadn't expected this, and it took me a moment to realize what had happened. I was in my dorm room in Minneapolis, normal sized. I looked around, trying to regain my bearings. I was a giantess....

Wasn't I? I felt motion on my stomach. The climber was still with me. I grabbed him, and started to fling him away.

* * *


Sarah vanished.

It startled everyone. Had she shrunk? What the deuce was going on?

We didn't have time to ponder though, as the League was upon us. Leah Jackson was squaring off against Koschkei, while I had my hands full with Britney Spears. D.X., meanwhile, was circling Mia Hamm, his eyes filled with a simmering rage.

This was it, the final battle.

* * *

Sarah Kensington

I went to toss the man away, but something stopped me.

I held up, and decided to look upon the person I was condemning to death. Then, I could return to New York, and resume my battle.

I opened my hand, and gazed down on the interloper.

After a moment, I said, "Whoever you are, you would be well-advised to drop this charade. Scott Chelgren is dead, and if you thought I would somehow melt or change at the sight of an impostor, you were sorely mistaken."

The man squeaked, "Sarah, I am Scott, and I'm not dead. Look at me! I am..."

I brought my hands together quickly, but he had disappeared. Instead, he was standing, full-sized, in front of me. "Sarah, for God's sake, I'm not dead! Come on, we have to stop this battle before it's too late!"

"LIAR!" I screamed, and lashed out at him with every ounce of strength I had.

* * *

Scott Chelgren

"He who fights and runs away/Lives to fight another day."

The couplet rang in my head as Sarah cut loose with every ounce of her power. She didn't believe me--and I had no idea how to prove myself. I knew I couldn't parry fast enough...and I knew Sarah had homicidal intentions. So I did the only thing I could do. I took her best shot, and tried to absorb the damage.

She had hit me with a simple shrinking spell, one which would reduce me to a manageable size. This told me immediately that the League had not really given her a formal training, which was fortunate--her brute strength was greater than mine, and if she had training, I would be no match for her.

As it was....

I arrested the spell as I crossed the one millimeter threshhold. I grasped the bond of energy between us, and in my mind, I tugged the string through dimension. We were going places.

* * *

Sarah Kensington

I was in a bar.

It was lunch time. And I was sitting on top of an enormous hamburger.

I was no more than a quarter of an inch tall.

A giant woman reached down for the burger, oblivious to my existence. I quickly grasped for the presence of the one who had done this, and to my surprise, found him grasping for me.

Suddenly, we were off of the hamburger, sitting at a table, full-sized, in the bar.

"I don't want to hurt you, Sarah, but I can't let you go back to New York. Will you please listen to me?"

I reached out, and pushed him into another place.

* * *

Scott Chelgren

I materialized inside a vagina. Quickly, I was covered in a bloody, disgusting discharge.

This was clearly a heavy day.

I coughed and sputtered. "Nice one, Sarah," I said, reminding myself never to offer to explore her during her period (not that she had ever let me). "But it's going to take more than that." We shifted again.

* * *

Sarah Kensington

He was strong, that's for sure. He had more fight than I expected.

I was on a treadmill at a gym. An enormous woman was starting to step on for her workout. I started to parry, and realized that he had simply deposited me here. He wasn't holding me.

A part of my mind was glowing white hot. It was screaming at the part of me that was controlling me.

It couldn't be.

I saw them kill him.

"YOU WON'T TRICK ME!" I said, and with that, I deposited us in at a Dairy Queen, with him in the middle of a chili cheese dog. He was going to be masticated by an enormous, overweight woman with a bit of stubble. I started to bind the spell...and realized he wasn't fighting back.

"I won't fight you anymore Sarah," he said. "D.X. had to kill his love. And that may have been the right thing. But I can't kill you, Sarah. I love you too much. If I have to choose between killing you and allowing you to rule over humanity--well, try to rule well. I will always, always love you."

The woman was getting closer to him. Another bite would do it.

She opened her mouth, and started to bite down. Victory was mine.


You wouldn't hurt me, even if you were seven feet tall....

And the scales fell from my eyes and lo, I could see.

"Scott! Hang on, I've got you!"

* * *

Scott Chelgren

I could feel the hot, putrid breath of the woman as she prepared to end my life. And suddenly, the breath turned sweet, and cool.

I looked up, and saw that I stood in the palm of the hand of my love.

She was crying. "OH, SCOTT, I SCREWED UP SO BADLY...."

"Sarah, nothing's irretrevably broken. We can fix this."


"Sarah, have you never watched The Princess Bride?"

She smiled, a beautiful, radiant smile. "DO YOU THINK...DO YOU THINK TWO ADEPTS, WORKING TOGETHER...."

"Yes," I said. "Let's get back to New York."

* * *

D.X. Machina

Sarah reappeared at our darkest moment.

None of the command group had died--yet. But there was no question how the battle was going. The League had eliminated our shock troops, and it was all we could do to stave off the inevitable. And then Sarah reappeared, two hundred feet tall, and I knew the end had come.

"SURRENDER," boomed Sarah.

"Never!" I cried.


And before she got her answer, she was upon them--her hands raised, her eyes closed, power coursing out of her at an impossible rate. Not even an adept wielded that kind of power....

And then I saw Scott, standing proudly on her shoulder, his own eyes closed, his own hands raised. They were working together.

The League fell. One by one, their forces shrank, all the way down to six inches tall.

Sarah walked toward the battle scene. She was her normal height, as was her boyfriend. "I'm sorry," she said, as she walked toward her former compatriots.

We started to gather the League together, when Scott suddenly blinked.

"Where's Leah Jackson?"

We turned, and saw her entering League headquarters.

The battle wasn't over quite yet. geovisit(); <img src="http://visit.webhosting.yahoo.com/visit.gif?us1140525837" alt="setstats" border="0" width="1" height="1"> 1

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