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     She carried me on her breast to the grocery store. People saw her, silhouetted against the skyline and ran. She laughed, tormenting them with her feet as she stomped through the neighborhood, her merciless feet crushing cars as she went.

      I felt so small against her, tiny and weak with fatigue. Her warm bosom heaved in and out as she breathed, her steps thundering below. I thought about the destruction she was causing, simply from her mass. She must have weighed several tons, and she used that weight to her advantage as she kicked down houses and garages and crushed random things under her feet.

      I looked down to watch her bare foot crush half of a little Nissan car.  Her silver toes smooshed its hood to the dirt like she was crushing a pop can. Laughing, she flipped the car across the street with her foot before continuing on her destructive rampage. I wondered how long it was going to take the National Guard to be involved. I hoped it was soon.

      I didn’t want to look at it anymore. I turned to her face her warm inviting breast. In my weakened state, I noticed her rock solid nipple. It jutted several inches out from her areola, swollen and turgid. To me, it was close to the size of a softball. I squirmed over to it, wrapping my hands around its mass to gain a hold. Her rough areola rubbed against my frail body.

      As I grasped the massive nipple, an inviting feeling overcame me. Something primal inside me was unlocked. It just looked so warm, so hard and stiff. Her round breast flesh was cushy and soft, liquid-like and full. My mouth watered involuntarily. Weakly, I put my lips to her nipple, trying my best to suckle.

      I made contact and latched on. Her entire boob jiggled as she walked, and I sucked for all I was worth. The logical part of me was lamenting that this was ridiculous, yet my animalistic instincts dominated my actions. I sucked on her salty boob flesh as she tore open the roof of the grocery store.

      She stepped inside the supermarket, her massive feet crushing displays and knocking over piles of canned food. She forgot about me as she shoveled her face, grabbing food from wherever she could find it. People ran screaming as she devoured everything in sight.

      I got nowhere with her breasts, as she obviously wasn’t lactating. My logical mind was kicking me for even thinking it was possible. I relaxed my grip on her nipple and flopped weakly into her hand.

      She continued eating, oblivious to everything else around her. Her stomach rumbled, like an earthquake, demanding that she feed. She set me down next to her feet to grab more.

      I knew she was preoccupied. Peering over my shoulder, I saw her back was turned. I would never get this chance again. My body burned with pain, my muscles screamed in agony, and my stomach raged with hunger. I was suffering from lack of sleep and was emotionally damaged from being raped. I was in a bad way, easily the worst I’d ever been. I was beyond the point of running away. I was helpless.

      Fuck that. Fuck that straight to hell. There was no way I was going to let this bitch get what she wanted. Fuck that.

      Reciting “Fuck that” in my mind over and over like a mantra, I channeled a reserve of energy I didn’t even know I had. It was beyond survival mode. My higher mental functions shut down as my primal brain took over. Obsessed with surviving, and fuelled by my military experience, my body ramped up and I took off.

      I darted across the grocery store and out into the parking lot. I looked over my shoulder one time, to confirm my captor was still preoccupied with eating. She was, her womanly form towering above the store. I kicked it into gear and with a spartan attitude I ran. I was not to be fucked with. Not by this bitch.

      I was thankful for my Ranger training, and for my ability to retain my endurance. I ran for several miles, stark ass naked. I was headed for Valhalla, although my mind didn’t fully register that it was my destination. As far as I was concerned, I was merely running away.

      I peeled into their parking lot, still under a basic fight or flight reflex. I wasn’t functioning like a human level anymore. I located a warehouse and burst through the door.

      “I need to speak to someone.” I said to the receptionist, in a hollow, droning voice.

      “Uh… right this way?”

      She led me inside the warehouse, where I encountered Dr. Yoshida. He was sitting, busily working at a computer station. The receptionist tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

       He turned around. “What the fuck? Who is this?”

       “Bronson, Jack J. Sergeant. 15-474-303” I recited instinctually, from a memory of long ago.

      “Jack? What the hell happened to you?” The doctor glared over his glasses.

      “There’s a giantess downtown, an effect of the stimulant. It is my duty to inform you that she intends to rampage through town. I believe a great many civilians are in danger.” I broke into a cold sweat as the miles I’d put on caught up with me. My legs started to jellify, but I felt myself starting to regain control of my own mental functions.

      He was troubled by the news. “I’ll let the military know.” He got up and headed over to a phone, but stopped next to the receptionist. “Get him some clothes please.”

      “SIR!” I bellowed. I wasn’t finished talking.

      “Yes?” the dejected doctor turned to me.

      “Where is Evelyn?” I asked.

      “She’s in the next warehouse. We’re running some tests on her now. She’s grown a lot Bronson. I’m not sure we’re going to be able to contain her anymore, but regardless we’re close to the cure.”

      The receptionist came back with a pair of shorts. I threw them on, and I turned abruptly heading to the next warehouse. I needed to see her.

      I burst through the door to the warehouse. Scientists were running everywhere, frantically conducting their tests.  Evelyn was sitting in the middle of the room. She was nearly 30 feet tall, and I could tell she was deeply troubled. She looked so beautiful, despite being hooked up to various machines.

      “JACK!” she hollered as she saw me. Ripping various off the various sensors that held her down, she scooped me up into her arm, enveloping me in a warm embrace. She was wearing what seemed like large bed sheets for clothes, and she cupped me close to her bosom. She tore open the door to the warehouse and carried me off into the parking lot, her footsteps sending rumbling shockwaves through the ground.

      Examining me, she could tell I was in rough shape. “What happen to you, Jack? You’ve been gone for days! Where have you been, I was worried sick about you!” Her huge face filled my view, her green eyes filled with concern.

      “I was captured by my ex.” I responded. I told her everything, how she’d seduced me at school, touched me at the mailbox, and how I’d been resistant to her advances. I told my girlfriend how stupid I’d been when I went over to investigate, how I’d been captured and beaten, and how I’d been subjected to torment beyond imagination. I spared her the finer details of exactly what Roxanne did to me.

      “I’m sorry Evy. I’m sorry about everything. This is all my fault.” All those people that were suffering or dying would have been fine if I’d just swallowed my pride and told Valhalla about Roxanne from the get go. 

      Lightheaded, I began to black out. I collapsed forward onto her supple breast as my body began to involuntarily shut down. Physical torture, malnutrition, and my marathon sprint were catching up to me. It was a check my body couldn’t cash.

      “Jack? JACK!” She bumped me with her immense finger. “Stay with me honey. Don’t leave me.”

      “Oh, what do I do?” she fretted, setting me on the ground, her face gripped with indecision. I looked up at her giant form lording over me, dominant and strong. Thinking quickly, Evelyn pulled off her blanket-top, exposing her womanly breasts. They bobbed gently as she moved, round and big and full. Her nipples were swollen considerably, jutting far out from her areolas. As she leaned over me, they got larger and larger.

      Hunger overcame me, and I knew what to do. Her softball like nipple dangled in front of me, her busty chest filling my entire view.

      “Come on Jack.” Evelyn begged.

      My body responded without me really registering what was happening. I reached up and accepted her tit, pulling it down to me. Evelyn’s sensitive nipples lowered gently, pressing into my face and filling my mouth. I closed my eyes and sucked on her skin. I felt like dying.

      I opened my eyes again to see her red nails on her fingers, gently working her breast with her fingertips. She moaned softly and scooped me up with her other hand, cupping me to her breast. As she sat up the milk started to flow, dribbling out of her nipple and into my mouth.

      It was sweet, warm and nourishing. Evelyn moaned again, louder, and she relaxed backward, propping herself up on a nearby hill. She huffed excitedly, closing her eyes and allowing the milk to flow.

      I drank slowly, little by little. I could only ingest so much at a time. At this size her boobs held far more milk than I needed, and Evelyn needed to concentrate so that she didn’t drown me with her stream. She relaxed, allowing the let down feeling of breastfeeding to take her. She hummed softly, and caressed my back with her huge fingers.

      It was the first food I’d had in days, and as the warm fluid filled my stomach it made me want to fall asleep. Nothing could describe how blissful it all was, to finally be reunited with her, to feel her loving caress, to feel my body become energized after days of starvation.

      She fed me carefully, making sure it was working. She smiled down at me, content that I was at ease, enjoying the ‘rightness’ of it all. She switched me to the other breast, and after several minutes I couldn’t take in any more.

      “No more?” She asked when I rejected her nipple. “Oh, that’s too bad.”

     She laid me on the ground next to her and rolled over onto her side, observing me. I rubbed my full stomach as her life giving milk energized me, bringing me back from starvation.

      “That was good right?” she asked, seeking approval.


      “You scared me. What happened to you Jack? Really?”

      “You don’t really want to know Evelyn.”

      She touched my chest with one finger. “You can tell me. It’s ok. I think I know already, but I need to be sure.”

      “She raped me, Evelyn. She took me in her hands and she raped me. Repeatedly.” I confessed, hollowly. It felt like my humanity had been stripped of me.

      Evelyn was quiet for several minutes. I peered up at her enormous face. She had a tight lipped look of shock, then sadness, and finally anger. A sneer crossed her face, and I could feel the rage welling up inside of my giantess girlfriend.

      She stood to her full 30 foot height, clenching her fists and dominating the skyline. I had never seen her so angry, and I was afraid. She didn’t seem like she was even in control of herself anymore.

      “STAY HERE.” she ordered.

      “Evelyn!” I piped as I grabbed her foot, “where are you going?”

      “I love you Jack. That’s all you need to know. Now promise me you’ll stay put. I’ll be back later.”

      I watched in awe as she turned to walk away, her hands clenched. The sound of her footsteps thundered through the countryside as she left. I stayed until she was out of sight, then I bolted for the research warehouses. I couldn’t just let her go and do this!


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