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I sat in the dark drawer for what seemed like hours. Time had taken on a whole new meaning to me in my current state. Things like taking a short walk or spending a little time alone felt meaningless. Everything seemed to take forever and be a massive undertaking. It was only one reason why I felt extremely scared about being small. Even if those girls hadn't caught me in the shower, it would've only been a matter of time before I found myself realizing how short sighted and foolish this was. At my size, everything was devastating to me, the slightest movement or shaking felt like it could kill me, and things as simple as breathing or a summer breeze felt like summer gusts. Even though Natalie's drawer was of decent size, it appeared absolutely cavernous to me, as if it expanded forever. This was both relieving and depressing.

Relieving because I didn't feel as if I was secluded in a tiny box, but depressing because the entire space I occupied was probably no more than a few square feet, and here I was, perfectly contained. Just then, I felt a jostling as the drawer shook open. I fell on my side with a thud.

"Ow! Hey!" I said, almost trying to laugh it off, but feeling more scared than ever, "You know that couldve hurt me"

As my eyes adjusted to the light of being exposed from the dark, I shuddered to realize that who I was speaking to wasn't Natalie at all. This was a much different kind of laugh that resonated around me, and not one that I was used to hearing.

"Well, aren't you darling?" I heard the giant girl say, lowering 3 of her massive fingers down to my level. In a futile attempt to escape, I began to run but I was easily snared by her waiting digits. I quivered uselessly in her hand as she tightened her grip on me, appearing as if it took no effort to do so. Conversely, I was liable to break my spine if I even TRIED to inflict harm on her massive hand and break free.

The michievious girl (who was no doubt Natalie's sister Alex) shoved me into her cotton pajama pants and ruffled through the remainder of the drawer. She chuckled to herself as she kept walking, making only one mistake in her attempted theft. She had neglected to close the dresser drawer. Natalie was oblivious to the whole thing, however, because Alex made it out of the room scot-free. Not only that, but Alex was able to secure me into another room, right down the hall.

This room was a bit smaller and cluttered with even more knick-knacks than Natalie's room. Almost as if she forgot about me, she left me in her snug right pocket as she placed some of the things she had taken from her sisters room on a dresser. Finally, she stopped moving, just long enough for me to get nervous. What was she contemplating next.

"So... little one?" Alex chuckled, trying to keep her voice down. "How do you know my sister?"

Alex swiftly yanked me out of her pocket and placed me on her cold palm. The hand was still slightly damp and smelled of Loreal.

"Hope you don't mind, I just showered..." she chuckled, "so my hands are a little wet!"

I tried to remain calm in front of her (although I wasn't sure why!) but instead slipped on the silky finish of her hand.

"Aw..." she said, containing her laughter briefly, "Did you want to take a shower too?"

I nervously nodded my head no, practically begging her.

"Calm down, little thing" she laughed, her eyes slanting down in my direction so that the focus was squarely on me, "I know you couldn't ACTUALLY take a shower... you'd probably drown to death. In fact, I imagine you can't very well do anything..."

I stared at her blankly, unsure of what to say next.

"Yep, just what I thought" she said, "well it's a good thing you're in MY care. You know why?"

I shook my head nervously, as she continued to carry me towards her bed.

"Because my foolish sister Natalie? She doesn't know how to take care of SHIT!" she chuckled, then lowered herself onto the bed, keeping me secure in her right hand. "She killed our pet lizard when we were 4, and she always let our dogs run away... but don't worry... I'll never let YOU run away"

I quaked in fear as she said that, tempted to speak, but everytime I tried, the words got caught in my throat, causing me to only stutter and make half squeaks, to Alex's delight.

"Aw, is the little guy trying to speak?" Alex asked, her booming voice intimidating me as I remained cradled in her hand. "C'mon... what would you like to say to me? You'll have to speak up!"

I didn't particularly care for her patronizing tone and the way she talked to me as if I was a preschooler, but I currenlty had no choice. Much as Natalie had threatened to do to me, Alex was treating me as if I were her property and I was more afraid than ever that she wouldn't have the same boundaries.

"I... I... just want to return to normal..." I said, trying to shout as loud as possible but it was useless underneath the weight of her laughter.

"Oh... you want to be normal? Well there's a little problem with that" Alex said, again pointing out the obvious, "you're way too tiny to do that! Normal people are like my height or even Natalie's height, but you? You're a little nothing!"

"Pl-Please stop!" I shouted.

"Oh? Did I hurt the widdle guy's feelings?" Alex said, playfully frowning. She placed me down on her bed, leaving me uncertain as I looked up, seeing only her thighs as she bent over for a second, rummaging for something on the floor.

"Wh-What are you doing?" I mumbled, although my words were uselessly absorbed into her comforter. She came back with a plastic ruler. Oh no, she couldn't be serious...

"I'm not trying to be mean, little guy" Alex said, barely able to hold back her laughter. "But you ARE really tiny..."

My face grew flush red as she lowered the small ruler down to my level. I started to run but she blocked me with her other hand, which formed a mountain of flesh I couldn't overcome. She used her slightly curled hand to push me closer to the ruler.

"C'mon, you, stand up" she said, threatening to poke me with her massive finger. She had the ruler standing upright now, right behind me. "I don't want you to think I'm some kind of meanie! I'm just telling you the truth... see?"

She placed me against the ruler and chuckled.

"You're only 4 inches tall, little bug" Alex said, "I'm only telling you the truth when I say you're little... maybe you're not NOTHING but you're certainly close... just a little tiny bug... oop"

Alex let the plastic ruler collapse on me and I screamed out in pain. The object was moveable but awkward as hell, as I felt like I was shoving a christmas tree off of my normal sized torso. But now, nothing was normal, and I was at the mercy of Natalie's sister who giggled at pretty much everything I did.

"So, how do you know Natalie?" she chuckled, not picking me up but leaning down to hear me better.

"I...I... don't know. We just go to school together..." I stuttered, unknowingly sneaking a glimpse at Alex's massive cleavage.

"Oh?" she said, noticing my face go flush red, "You like what you see?"

"Huh? N-No... I... It was an accident..." I stuttered, feeling more nervous than ever. I hadn't meant to look but her copious bosoms took up most of my view when she leaned down to see me.

"Oh? C'mon, little one, it's nothing to be ashamed of..." Alex laughed, now plucking me off of her bed as if I were a crumb. I continued to scream and wail in fear. She kept her hand still and flattened it out, letting me sit atop it, level with her neck, as she tilted her hand in such a way that I'd have no choice but to tumble into her cleavage. I tried to resist it, because I wasn't sure what to expect, but in some strange way I was beginning to think thats what she wanted.

"Alex-- please" I gasped, trying to fight her overwhelming power.

"Aw, cmon... don't you wanna be more comfy?" she chuckled, watching me tumble into her shirt and held back by her firm breasts. She chuckled as I squirmed between them, feeling completely dominated by them. "See? You fit perfect in there"

My eyes were going in all different directions as I felt disoriented sitting inside her top. Part of me wanting to try heading downwards and maybe escape across her smooth abdomen, or try to pull myself out, but either scenario presented their own risks.

"Natalie was a fool to lose you" Alex laughed gleefully, squeezing her breasts together, "I'll have so much more fun with you!"

"No please --" I mumbled, being mashed repeatedly into her soft flesh, her breasts trampling me as if I were a speck. I felt myself slipping a bit, but not enough to get free. "P-P-Please..."

"Mmmm" I heard her bellow. "Maybe you're not completely useless after all"

She stripped off her pajama top and undid her bra, letting me fall onto her thigh. I looked up at her with fear.

"Oh calm down, little guy" she laughed, "this'll be fun for you too... if you don't fight..."

"Alex, please..." I said, trying to back away as her shadow cast on me took up the entire bed.

"Shhh" she laughed, seizing me in her hands. She used one hand to hold my back while her other hand plucked at my tiny body, each finger making contact with me as I tried to fight her off. "Ooh you're a feisty one!"

"PLEASE STOP!" I screamed, feeling her 2 forefingers press themselves hard into my crotch. It hurt and almost aroused me but the fear of being killed was keeping my mind in a state of shock.

"Relax..." she said, her voice slowing to a whisper. "You're probably going to die anyway... you might as well enjoy it"

My heart sank as she said those words... probably going to die?! I didn't have much time to think about it as she brought me to her mouth, smiling with a look of lust.

"I am so fucking horny right now" Alex laughed, "and you're the perfect size to satisfy me"

With little more than minimal protest from me, Alex set me down with one of her long arms and then used both of her hands to undo her pajamas entirely, now nearly naked in front of me. She wouldn't let me get too far from her either, easily snatching me off the bed with each useless escape attempt.

"Isn't this funny?" Alex laughed, watching my nearly paralyzed form in her hand, "I usually take Natalie's boyfriends anyway and now I'm taking you too, even though you're so small!"

"I'm not Natalie's boyfriend" I said.

"You're not?" Alex said, "Oh... well, whatever. You'll still feel good inside of me"

She shrugged and brought her hands down closer to her crotch, pausing only to lower her silk satin panties.

"Please don't do this to me!" I screamed, but it was useless. My world became a blur as she plunged me into her vagina, gently pressing me against the flesh, yanking back and forth at first, as if this were foreplay. I had tried opening my mouth to talk but it proved to be even worse than Id imagine. A thick, frothy saltiness filled my mouth if I even tried and with each stroke, I became more and more slick and conducive to her pleasure.

"Oh yeah, don't stop!" she moaned, as if I had any choice in the manner.

As the giant girls vaginal cavity pulsed around me, I thought only about the words Natalie said and felt terrible if I were to ever make it out of this alive. She was right... guys did treat women like property at times, but this was ridiculous. As Alex continued to shove me into her clit and moan with ecstacy, using me as a human dildo, I thought to myself ... does this mean I'm not a virgin anymore?
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