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I watched sympathetically as the dirty blonde girl breathed heavily, her eyes barely making contact with me on her dresser. I sighed and let myself drift to the front of the dresser. I sit on the edge, and let my feet dangle off, as if I'm sitting atop a mountain. Finally, I bring myself to look at Natalie's face, being reminded of how much bigger she was than me at the present time.

"Look, Natalie, maybe it's none of my business" I said, trying to come up with anything to break the silence. As if she didn't hear me, (and she may well not have), she began to speak herself.

"Well, Bobby, my sister Alex is just... ugh!" she said, her words tinged with confusion and fear. Was she really worried about her younger sister? I wasn't able to even see her in the chaotic aftermath of their encounter, but I couldn't imagine Natalie had anything to worry about. "She's so lucky... she's such a lucky bitch"

"Lucky how?" I asked.

Natalie began to stand up slowly, her lumbering form towering into the heavens. It was almost as if I wasn't present in the room at all as she went off in a rant, only occasionally looking in my direction. Even though she didn't stray far from the dresser near her bed, I felt like she was miles away as she circled the area. 

"She's got a perfect body, the guys all love her, she gets along with all my friends too and tries to make me look like a dork! I was finally starting to feel BETTER about myself and ever since she started high school, things have gotten even worse... again!"

"Wh-What do you mean, again?" I sputtered, trying to follow Natalie's words. She walked back towards me and knelt in front of the dresser. As I got a closer view of her face, I could see more clearly the red splotches from where she cried and her eyes which were still overcome with emotion. 

"I used to be so shy, Bobby, you don't even know" Natalie said, almost ashamed as she lay her head downward. 

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was hell... I have..." she said, choking up slightly, "anxiety problems... and... I don't know, I don't like to talk about it. Never have"

"You never seemed that way to me" I admitted.

"Tsk, well of course not" Natalie said, trying to resume her usual smile. "I've always tried to play it off, I never let anyone see inside me... but Alex... ever since she was old enough to talk, has always thought its funny to embarass me, or worse, steal my boyfriends"

"That is pretty ridiculous" I said, "I always just thought there was a code between brothers and sisters that they wouldn't do shit like that"

"You'd think, right?" Natalie said, with a half-hearted shrug, "but nope... and she gets away with it too... because she's so fucking gorgeous"

"Calm down, Natalie..." I said, "You're gorgeous too?"

"psh..." Natalie said, a sheepish smile overtaking her as her face started to flush red. "You don't really think that..."

She drew back from me a bit, almost as if she were scared, but that'd be preposterous considering my current size. After a few more seconds, she moved slowly closer to the dresser, her face getting closer to observe my body. She pulled a single hand towards me, pointing at me with her long index finger. I was momentarily afraid she was going to poke me with it, but she was merely pointing.

"You're probably just saying that because you're afraid of me" Natalie said, "You're just trying to flatter me... and it's not going to work"

"No, that's not true... I-I mean yes, I am kind of afraid" I admitted, eliciting a small gasp from Natalie, "but that's not it at all, I swear"

"Yeah sure" Natalie said, giving me a skeptical look. At this point, I couldn't tell if she was going to be smiling or angry next, which made me ever more nervous as she opened her palm up wide, like a butterfly, showing no concern for me as she threw her fingers around me like a net. 

"N-Nat?" I asked, scared as I was being muffled by her hand, "Wh-What are you doing?"

She had closed her hands on me, moving her fingers slightly as if she knew how I'd position myself. She allowed my body enough room to squirm between them, but not much more. In short time, she had wrapped my entire body into her hands, each finger gently pressing on me to make sure I didn't fall. She stood up now and gazed at me with that same look. Her eyes were slanted down at me with skepticism. 

"All you guys are the same" she scoffed, "At least if Alex DID take Jeff from me, she'd almost be doing me a favor.. he was such a jerk... and YOU'RE not much better"

"Wh-What? Me?!" I squeaked, "What'd I do?"

"Uh geez, let's see, you SHRUNK YOURSELF to spy on some girls showering, you pervert!" she said, her spit temporarily showering me. "I felt bad for you at first but you know what? You got what you deserved! You try spying on women like they're ANIMALS? Like they're just something for you to see..."

"N-Nat,please..." I shuddered.

"Shut up!" she yelled. "Here's how it's going to go... all you guys want to treat women like they're your PROPERTY, but guess what? We're not, and there's usually not much we can do about it, but this time... you ARE my property..."

"Wh-What?" I gasped.

"Yeah, that's right!" she said, panting as if she were out of breath, looking at my body as if she were a crazed lioness. "You're not a person anymore, Bobby, you're my property! You like that? You like being treated like garbage?"

I remained speechless in her trembling hand, feeling her grip restrict my body. In the moments that followed my eyes quickly scanned over her room, noticing all the posters she had of boy bands and other male personalities. She fancied boys as much as anyone I knew fancied women. The problem here was, I was essentially a physical representation of her fantasy... to own a man. 

"Now I suppose you're going to tell me you're a nice guy, right?" Natalie said, "They all do... they all make mistakes and tell me how nice they are, and how they meant well, and they'll change, and they'll respect me, but it's not going to work this time, Bobby, and do you know why it's not going to work?"

I nervously shook my head. 

"Because you were scum to me right off the bat" she snarled, her words digging into me almost as deeply as her fingertips around my waist. "You showed your true colors right away, sneaking into a girls locker room to get off! Psh, at least you were honest, but that doesn't change anything!"

My heart was racing as my body felt overheated. I couldn't believe how quickly things had changed and my emotions suddenly seemed irrelevant. I now only felt primal fear, as if my being was in danger. The worst part is, my subconscious agreed with a lot of what she said. I had been a jerk for what I had done... but did that mean I deserved death?

After a few heated moments of her staring at me like a wolf, she suddenly broke down. She knelt to the floor, keeping me in her hands, but her grip loosened quickly. I fell pathetically into her other hand as she seemed to be losing control of her own body. 

"Oh Bobby!" she said, weeping bitterly as she held my laying body in her palm, "I'm so sorry!"

I looked up at her face, confused, "Sorry...? For what?"

"For what I just did... oh my gosh... did I hurt you?" Natalie asked.

"N-No...I'm okay" I said, although I did feel some stiffness in my neck. 

"Ok good... I'm so sorry, don't you EVER let me treat you that way again" Natalie said, sounding huffy. She almost made it sound like I had a choice. "Do you promise?"

"Huh?" I stuttered, unable to understand the nature of her question.

"Promise you won't let me treat you that way again" Natalie said, in a somber tone, "promise me that you won't let me treat you like a toy, or a piece of meat... that makes me as disgusting as a perverted man... no offense"

"I-I...I can't do that" I said

"Why not?" Natalie cried.

"Because I'm ... I'm guilty... of everything you said, and furthermore, I'm only 3 inches tall... I can't control anything you do... nor would I want to" I said, almost crying myself. 

Natalie continued to just weep, the tears flowing freely and dripping near my body. Some of them would get lost in her wavy, frizzy hair, getting caught between the millions of strands and dripping in differing patterns to the floor. 

"Pl-Please don't cry" I said. "I'm sorry this happened, I really am... I... I don't know what else to say"

Still, her crying continued. 

"Please Natalie... I'm really sorry... I think... I think you're a beautiful person and..." I started, noticing her momentarily stop her crying. I was afraid she may turn on me again, so i stopped speaking. 

"Yes, Bobby?" she said, in almost a whisper, "you think I'm beautiful and...?"

"...and... I mean that in every way, not just your looks" I continued, sighing with relief, "I think you're a really decent person with great qualities and I'm sorry that you've dealt with anxiety... I have too... why do you think I'm always so shy? Why do you think I've never had a girlfriend? Probably for the same reason I have to resort to stupid shit like shrinking myself to see some girls... I mean, c'mon... if anyone's pathetic here, it's me..."

I began to feel myself spiral into a similar depressing cycle. I had momentarily forgotten that I was supposed to be cheering Natalie up. Luckily, my words had gotten through to the giant girl.

"Oh Bobby, you're so sweet" she sighed, "Thank you so much, but don't feel so down on yourself.... you're just a little small, but you'll make a wonderful boyfriend someday..."

"You think so?" I asked, not sure whether to be flattered or concerned that she hadn't mentioned returning me to normal.

"Of course..." she said, and got up with me cradled in her hand, smiling contently as if nothing ever happened. "Now look, I'll be right back. I just gotta get changed and fix my hair... I dont want you seeing me like this... I probably look hideous"

"N-No you're fine..." I said, as she slowly lowered me onto her dresser.

"You're just being nice, but it's fine" Natalie said, "look, I can't have anyone seeing you or anything, so I need you to stay in here"

She slid out a drawer in front of me which was mostly empty. I looked up at her with fear.

"N-Natalie, please no... it looks really uncomfortable in there" I said.

"I'm sorry, Bobby" Natalie said, with a shrug, "but you really don't have any choice... I'll be back in a few, ok?"

Natalie nonchalantly swept her hand behind and lowered me into the drawer, sliding it shut. I was left in thick darkness and silence. Geez... what had I gotten myself into? 


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