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"Sleep?" Liza pouted.

"Yes, I'm tired and we'll need our energy" Alicia commented pulling her feet out of the water.

"We're not exactly racing there" Liza argued.

"It's a lot of walking. You stay up if you want, but we are all getting up early"

Liza rolled her eyes, "Fine, be boring"

Alicia sighed and pulled Snow closer to her before laying down on her side. Liza flopped on her back, clearly bored. They sat there in silence, Alicia slowly falling asleep. Mike tried to fall asleep but once again sleep eluded him. He stared up at the sky, wondering if any of those stars was home. Though Vincent had said that he was convinced that they were in some other sort of universe completely. His mind wandered deeper and deeper, a strange thought crossed his mind. A thought that disturbed him enough to rise him to his feet. He walked over to the water and splashed his face.

"Bad dream?" Liza's voice called.

Mike looked over his shoulder, seeing Liza propped up on her elbow, her green eyes almost seeming to glow in the moonlight, "I was never asleep"

She sighed, "Same here" She paused a moment, "Want to talk?"

"Uh, alright"

"Well come here. I don't bite" She said, keeping her voice low.

Mike approached a little nervously, after all he did happen to know that there was at least one tiny person in her belly at the moment. He cringed a bit as Liza lifted him and rolled onto her other side, facing away from Alicia. "Don't want to wake sleeping beauty over there"

"I see"

"You seemed shaken up, if you don't mind me prying?"

"Oh" Mike said, the strange thought reemerging, "Its kind of strange, I'm not sure you'd understand"

"Oh I'm smarter than Alicia makes me out to be" Liza said with a smile.

"I didn't mean it like that, I mean I'm not so sure I understand it either"

Liza's tail curled around Mike, making him feel rather uneasy, "Mhmm? Go on?"

"Well, whether you believe it or not I did come from another planet. And I have heard a few ideas of exactly how it happened, and where we are but I can't comprehend something like that"

"Sure, I believe you. And yeah, that sort of thing is for the higher beings to understand. Which is why we're going on this journey is it not?"

"I guess. But that's not what was disturbing me" Mike looked up at her, unsure of how to say this, "I mean the last thing I remember was smoke, and then the boat tearing apart around me. This means that either the boat exploded or I got sucked into another dimension. To be honest the first makes a whole lot more sense when I think about it"

Liza scrunched her lips as she thought it over, "So, what are you saying?" She asked not quite following his train of thought.

"I'm saying" He sighed, "I'm saying that I have this strange feeling that this isn't real"


"Yeah I mean maybe I'm going crazy. But I just can't shake this feeling that I'm...I'm dead and this is just some sort of strange hallucination or afterlife or something"

Liza smiled down at him, "Thats an odd thought"

"Tell me about it"

Mike squirmed a bit as the nimble tip of Lizas tail wrapped around him, "Well" She said raising him up in the air, "If you are dead, then you certainly are in no danger of dying again right?"

"Uh" Mike stammered, he didn't like where this was going.

Liza grinned, "So you have no reason to be afraid if I happen to do this" She said opening her mouth, the dim white moonlight illuminating her maw.

"Wai-" Mike piped up but found himself watching her lips pass over his head. She set him down on her tongue, he looked around wide eyed. He had been in a similar situation earlier, but it was short lived and violent, "Uh, I get you're point"

Liza closed her mouth, poking him gently with the tip of her tongue.

"Hey uh, could you let me out, I get it"

Liza giggled and opened up. Gently lifting the shaking man off her tongue, "See, you were afraid!"

"Kind of a bold way to prove a point" Mike muttered, though he had only just pushed the idea to the back of his mind.

"I'm a bold girl"

"But uh, thanks for not eating me"

"It crossed my mind, you're rather tasty"


Liza rolled her eyes, "I'm only kidding, I wouldn't think to eat you of all people"

"Like me that much already?" Mike said with a grin.

Liza giggled, "You're growing on me. But its not me I'm worried about" She said looking over her shoulder.

"Oh right, you promised"

"No, not that" Liza's face turned rather serious, "Lets just say if you hurt her, I might actually think about going through with it next time you're in there"

Mike looked up a bit confused, "Hurt her?"

"Why do you think she wanted you to come along? Clearly you aren't much more than a little extra weight to carry and another mouth to feed, though a small one" Mike sat quietly, wondering if there was any truth to Lizas suspicions, "Alright listen, I know my friend well. And what I saw was her being very protective of you only after not even two days of knowing you. And when she carries you she can hardly take her eyes off you"

"She does?"

Liza nodded, "Try to catch her next time, she's not going to make any moves on her own" Liza's eyes turned a little misty, "I know I missed my chance"

Mike nodded, knowing what she was referring to, "Well maybe once we get back from all this I can introduce you to some guys. As long as you keep your no eat policy"

"Yeah I don't know about that. You are a very rare breed of human, you kind of remind me of Rick actually"

Mike laughed, "I have about zero knowledge of jungle survival"

"Maybe not, but you're brave"

"I don't know about that either"

Liza shrugged, "Well look. First you were the first human to have approached Alicia since well, since she was the size of a regular human. Second you are sitting here right now talking to me. That makes you braver than literally every human I've known except for one"

"Its a nice thought"

"But um, I sort of wanted to ask..." Liza suddenly seemed a little nervous, her cheeks reddening slightly.

"What?" Mike asked, confused.

"Well" She took a deep breath, "Well I wanted to know if you might want to um" She looked away, "Well you see its something that I always wanted to do with Rick, but I don't want to hurt Alicia but, would you want to um. Sleep with me?" She bit her lip nervously as Mike took in what she said.

"I-I don't know what to say I-"

"Oh sorry, I shouldn't have asked, it was foolish of me"

"No, no its not that. I mean if it helps you find closure, I mean you're a very pretty girl I was just a bit taken aback by it is all"

Liza smiled, "But maybe don't tell Alicia, she might get the wrong idea"

"If there is anything even there" Mike sort of muttered.

Liza just rolled her eyes. She cupped Mike to her chest and slowly spread out, laying down on her side. She brought her hands under her chin and gently dipped her head downwards. Mike looked around a little overcome by the beauty that surrounded him. He leaned up against her neck, causing her to moan softly, finding it a bit easier to fall asleep.


Mike awoke again to a rather rude awakening, "Rise and shine sleepy head!" She laughed. His eyes shot open to see Lizas laughing face fall away from him. Before he realized what she did he splashed into the river. Mike gasped as he finally came back to the surface.

"Oh how nice of you" Alicia muttered rubbing her eyes.

Mike pulled himself up onto the bank, dripping wet. He looked up to Liza and then over to Alicia.

Liza leaned down, "Don't worry she didn't see anything, not that theres anything to hide" She whispered, "Thank you, though" She added, "Well you said we had to be up early" She called over to Alicia.

Alicia just rolled her eyes, "Well at least now he will be nice and wet for the journey" Alicia kneeled down and splashed some water to her face, smiling down at Mike.

Mike returned the smile, then looked over towards the giant wolf pup who was now laying in the middle of the river, "Looks like I wont be the only one"

"Oh Snow!" Alicia sighed, "Do you have to get soaking wet every chance you get?"

"Aww don't listen to that mean lady" Liza cooed slithering over to the excited wolf, "You swim when ever you-" She was interrupted as Snow rose to her feet and shook a fresh coat of water in all directions.

Mike laughed, "Thats karma for ya'"

"Kar-wuh?" Liza asked shaking the water off her hands.

"Never mind"


Their treck continued down the canyon for three days without much of a change in scenery. Finally the canyon did open up, though the scene was rather bleek. The red canyon walls gave way to red hills made of flat stone. It reminded Mike a lot of pictures he had seen of the west, or maybe more like Mars. Then in the middle of the fourth day Mike saw something strange tangled in a bush upstream as they stopped to take a drink. Mike ran up the hard rock surface towards the metal slate. Could it be?

"Mike?" Alicia asked watching him bound up the bank.

Mike ignored her for now, reaching the bush he pulled the white object, fingers grasping a familiar smooth surface. He turned it over in his hands, eyes wide with anticipation. Blue painted words across its surface read, "Juli" the end was cut off, but he knew what it was.

"Juli?" Liza asked, "What is that?"

"Juliet" Mike said, his voice rising a bit in excitement.

"Juliet" Liza repeated.

"It was my mothers name...this is a piece of my boat"
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