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Ben looked up at the girls sitting around the table. There was Kacie, a fourteen year old cute looking brunette, and four friends, one were blonde, two brunette, all of these looking cute, and a red headed fat girl. All looked a similar age to Kacie. The five were starting to eat.

Ben felt one of the brunettes lifting a slice of him. He felt himself rising into the air. He was now looking into the open maw of this cute girl. Then he felt himself whooshing through the air and thrust into her mouth. She bit into him. He had heard of the penalties, but he could not believe that he was now being masticated in the mouth of a fourteen year old girl. Another girl, the blonde, took a slice, and he was being munched on, crushed beneath her teeth and salivated on before he knew it. Then it seemed Kacie herself was getting peckish, and before he knew it, the birthday girl was eating him. Chew, mash, salivate. Chew, mash salivate. Then, he felt the piece of himself in the first girl's mouth being pushed back with her toungue and then she unhesitatingly swallowed with a sudden muscular movement. He was dissappearing. Becoming nothing. Food for a bunch of teenage girls. That was all. The other brunette was now biting him. He was being eaten.
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