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Nothing happened for a dozen months, and then some giant snakes
(Who enjoyed the power of human speech) created belly aches
For themselves, by trying to teach the giant children to rebel.
But the children loved their peaceful world, and so the serpents fell.

They resented all their failures in the mind games they had played,
And retreated out to plot more evil in the Jungle Jade.
Deep within it, they then came across the lost Fermenti Pool
Where they drank, until its fluids made them more than merely cool.

The Fermenti liquids turned them into dragons coloured gold,
With new power to mind control the children, seizing evil hold
Of the kingdom’s future giant adults, thus to overthrow
Nonvor’s monarchy, with such an awful horror to bestow.

So the Serpents (turned to Golden Dragons) went back to possess
All the children’s minds. It took the Queen a little while to guess
(From behaviour of the children) that each one had lost their mind
To a dragon. She recalled a means of help that they could find.

It was something left behind by her late husband (once the king)
In the Cheroo-Solom city, where the Spirit of White Wing
Would watch over it, until the time when Dragons (once exiled
As the Snakes) would need defeat. For this was groomed the Omni-Child.

They could now identify the fact that White-Wing’s role had links
To the warnings of the Dan-Yell scroll, and what the Dragons’ drinks
Would produce in their abilities. Ambloome and Lester went
Off to Cheroo-Solom City, on the mission they were sent.

Then the White-Wing Spirit introduced them to his protégé,
Who (with just a touch of his hand) could send Dragons on their way,
Out of children’s minds. He said, “You only needed to request,
And admit you couldn’t do it on your own. You’ve passed my test.”

Though both Lester and his giant wife now each had amulets,
They were not required, since Omni-Child had quite amazing sets
Of astounding powers. He used them to return the ones (who’d sought
Him) to Nonvor’s central kingdom, where the fastest fight was fought.

Omni-Child then made the Dragons leave the children safe and free,
And commanded them to leave the planet. All of them did flee
What began (with warning prophecy of dangerous events)
Now could end with keeping post-script scrolls with positive intents.

So a scribe named Revill Aytajon would write it down and seal
(In containers) all the records, which would later on reveal.
Then he buried those containers on a nearby unnamed isle;
And he covered all the earth above with moss, which grew a while.

He would pat the moss each month, to mark the spot, and told his heirs
To continue this until the day they dug up those old wares.
It was named the Isle of Flatmoss. Ambloome never got to see
Such advanced accounts, when traveling over time (in “Ambloome III”).

On the earth, a secret cult, which did (for centuries) conceal
Its existence from the populations, took the chance to steal
From the people far more openly, when they decreed the time
Had arrived, for them to seize the world with far more overt crime.
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