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James was starting to sober up. From his perch on Jasmine's right breast, he was looking out at possibly the most beautiful view a man could have after half a bottle of tequila, short of a sunrise. He was just soaking it all up. Her bronzed body stretched out for miles below him, a landscape of its own, all skin, heat and scented body wash. Jasmine's legs were parted, her fingers dipping between her thighs while she cupped her left breast and moaned. She was leaning against the headboard of the bed, lying on the towel that had covered up her amazing body before. James was overwhelmed with options, but he decided that rubbing his body against her erect nipple was a good start. Just a head taller than the protrusion, it was probably the only part of her body smaller than he was.

"I'm getting myself ready for you lover boy, you'd best start climbing down or I'll put you in myself," she boomed from just above him.

"You dont need to tell me twice," James said as he released her nipple and slid down into the massive chasm created by her cleavage. As he touched down in the tight space between her breasts, the heat increased tenfold and so did her scent. It was so very intoxicating, he'd become drunk on her just standing there. Deep below him, a muffled thudding could be heard, he was right above her heart. The ground beneath him pulsed rhythmically with each beat, and rose whenever she breathed in.

"Amazing," he thought as he continued his trek south. As he walked down the middle of her flat, soft belly, he was struck with wonder at how vast it was. From the heights of her breasts, it seemed like a large field, but now that he was in the middle of it, it seemed to stretch on for miles. And the heat of her skin only compounded the feeling he had, like he was walking in the middle of a desert.

"It's going to take me awhile hot stuff, my legs aren't as long as they used to be," he said to her. Suddenly, a shadow came upon him, like a hawk catching prey, and he was being lifted high into the air. Clasped between Jasmine's long red nails, each as long as he was tall, he flew over her bodyscape before being dropped unceremoniously into her bellybutton.

"Hey! How am I supposed to get out of here?" he asked her while laughing at the odd feeling of being stuck in a hole normally so shallow. It was dark inside her navel, but strangely comfortable. The heat was intense though, and like everywhere else, the scent of sunflower body wash seemed to dominate his sense of smell. Raising his hands, he realised he would have to jump high to catch the edge and pull himself out.

Just as he was about to jump, a loud rumbling filled the silence of the pit he was in. It was coming from deep within her, the noise of a subterannean workings he never wanted to know up close. Her belly shook slightly, throwing him off balance and knocking him to the ground. Jasmine didn't seem to notice though.

"What's taking you so long? I'm dying to know what you feel like inside," she whined. Judging by the temperature rising beneath him, he knew she was definitely getting more and more turned on.

"Uhm well, your tummy keeps shaking so I cant get out of here," he replied, "gimme a few."

Hoisting himself up and using his hands pressed against the walls of flesh around him, he kept himself stable, and with a solid bounce and a jump he managed to grab on to the edge and pull himself back into the fresh air.

Breathing deep from the cool air, he ran down the shallow ridge of her belly, following the strong scent of her sex till he reached her pubic mound, a barely noticeable hump right before the 100 foot drop to the bed below. Though she was well trimmed from what he noticed earlier, right now walking around her her mound was like walking through a savannah filled with tall grass. The black blades were pointed straight towards her pussy, though he could not see her nether lips from his position.

"Mmm well, I have to say I never thought I'd get so close to you Jaz, this is a whole new level for me," James said as he surveyed the canyon between her thighs.

"Thats what you said an hour ago, now get moving lover boy, or I'll knock you over the edge and trap you between my lips," Jasmine replied with a soft chuckle that sent tremors running through the ground beneath James' feet.

"When you put it that way..." James said as he walked to the right edge of her mound.

Catching on to a few rope like strands of hair, James cautiously dropped over the side and into a whole new world. The smell emanating from her lips was a heady mix of musk and sweat, salty and pungent yet sweet with the smell of sunflowers. This was so much more than going down on her, he was actually going into her. How many others had taken such a sacred journey?

Her clitoris was throbbing constantly to his right, a bulge of soft pink flesh bigger than he was. Thankfully his mission didn't include stimulating her pleasure. Jasmine was taking care of that on her own, her tree-trunk sized digits pressing and playing around the bulb. He could not guess if she knew how close she had come to rubbing him directly into her softest skin, as her fingers skirted freely around him. Perhaps she could actually feel him rappeling down the side of her lip. In any case, she was about to feel him like she had never felt him before.

He was sweating profusely in the heat of her sex as he gingerly placed a foot in the crack of her vaginal opening. Her labia was slippery from all the sweat and juices and he could barely keep his foot there and slipped, she was dripping wet with anticipation. This was going to be so much harder than he thought. Still holding on tight to a few hairs, he swung himself directly into her slick orifice. The smell was all pervading now, and he could feel the wetness of her body even through the suit. Or maybe that was his own sweat, still, everything just felt hot, wet and stuffy. Pulling on the breathing mask he walked in.
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